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Email:zhangzb@pku.edu.cn; zhangzb@urban.pku.edu.cn
2010.11-2011.8 在美国明尼苏达大学做访问学者 2009.8- 今 北京大学城市与环境学院副教授 2007.7-2009.7 北京大学城市与环境学院讲师 2005.9-10月日本大阪大学作短期学习访问 2005.7-2007.6 北京大学环境学院环境科学与工程专业博士后
北京大学优秀班主任,2018 .
环境生物学(本), 讲课和实验 , 北京大学 , 春季学期
环境毒理学(本), 讲课和实验 , 北京大学 , 春季学期
环境污染与人体健康(本), 讲课 , 北京大学 , 秋季学期
环境生物化学与分子毒理学(研), 讲课 , 北京大学 , 春季学期
2014 级硕士研究生,郭记龙,出国深造
2015 级硕士研究生,余彤,出国深造
1. 国家自然科学基金(20607002) 雌激素相关受体介导的环境内分泌干扰物质的信号通道研究 2007(结题).负责
2. 国家自然科学基金(20877003) 雌激素相关受体介导的环境内分泌干扰物质的信号通道研究 2009-2011.负责
3. 国家自然科学基金(20837003) 环境中PPCPs 的迁移转化、生态健康风险及控制原理 2009-2012.专题负责4. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目(40632009) 辽东湾中内分泌干扰物质的风险评价 2007-2009.参加
5. 国家科技部“973”计划项目(2007CB407304) 京津渤区域复合污染过程、生态毒理效应及控制修复原理 2007-2011.参加
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21377007),抗雌激素活性含芴化合物的鱼类繁殖发育毒性及毒理机制研究,2014.1-2017.12.负责
7. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目(41330637):富营养化水体中新型内分泌干扰物质的污染特征和复合生态毒理效应;执行时间:2014-2018。参加
8. 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(2016YFE0117800);2016.12-2019.12.参加
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21777003),尼伯金酯诱发小鼠卵巢囊肿的毒理学研究,2018.01-2021.12.负责
10. 国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFF0211202);化学品内分泌干扰活性高通量及高内涵快速筛查与确证技术研究,2017.07 -2020.12.负责
Zhang, Zhaobin; Hu, Ying; Guo, Jilong; Yu, Tong; Sun, Libei; Xiao, Xuan; et al., Fluorene-9-bisphenol is anti-oestrogenic and may cause adverse pregnancy outcomes in mice. Nature Communications. 8(14585):1-13; 2017.(highlighted,该文被Natureasia、Newscientist等国内外数百家媒体专题报道)
Libei Sun, Tong Yu, Jilong Guo, Zhaobin Zhang, Ying Hu, Xuan Xiao, Yingli Sun, Han Xiao, Junyu Li, Desheng Zhu, Linlin Sai & Jun Li; 2016. The estrogenicity of methylparaben and ethylparaben at doses close to the acceptable daily intake in immature Sprague-Dawley rats. Scientific Reports. 6(25173):1-9.
http://pku.cuepa.cn/show_more.php?tkey=&bkey=&doc_id=2201108;http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2017/3/370840.shtm;http://health.people.com.cn/n1/2017/0301/c14739-29114941.html ...
Yuyin Zhou, Mo Chen, Fanrong Zhao, Di Mu, Zhaobin Zhang, Jianying Hu, 2015. Ubiquitous Occurrence of Chlorinated Byproducts of Bisphenol A and Nonylphenol in Bleached Food Contacting Papers and Their Implications for Human Exposure. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49: 7218-7226.
Hong Zhang, Zhaobin Zhang, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi, Yi Wan, Youhei Hiromori, Hisamistu Nagase, Jianying Hu, 2015. Structure-Dependent Activity of Phthalate Esters and Phthalate Monoesters Binding to Human Constitutive Androstane Receptor. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 28(6): 1196-1204.
Fujun Ma, Zhaobin Zhang, Jialiong Jiang, and Jianying Hu. 2015. Chromium (VI) potentiates the DNA adducts (O-6-methylguanine) formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in rat: Implication on carcinogenic risk. CHEMOSPHERE. 139: 256-259.
Adam T. Zarth, Guang Cheng, Zhaobin Zhang, Mingyao Wang, Peter W. Villalta, Silvia Balbo, Stephen S. Hecht, 2014. Analysis of the benzene oxide-DNA adduct 7-phenylguanine by liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionization-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry-parallel reaction monitoring: Application to DNA from exposed mice and humans. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 215: 40-45.
Zhaobin Zhang, Libei Sun, Ying Hu, Jian Jiao, Jianying Hu, 2013. Inverse antagonist activities of parabens on human oestrogen-related receptor γ(ERRγ): In vitro and in silico studies. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 270:16–22.
Ying Hu, Zhaobin Zhang, Libei Sun, Jian Jiao, Desheng Zhu, Jun Li, Mingwen Qi, 2013. The estrogenic effects of benzylparaben at low doses based on uterotrophic assay in SD rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 53:69–74.
Zhang ZB, Jia CX, Hu Y, Sun LB, Jiao J, Li RB, Zhao L, Zhu DS, Li J, Tian YL, Bai HC, Hu JY, 2012. The estrogenic potential of salicylate esters and their possible risks in foods and cosmetics. Toxicology Letters. 209: 146-153.
Zhang ZB, Hu Y, Zhao L, Li J, Bai HC, Zhu DS, Hu JY, 2011. Estrogen agonist/antagonist properties of dibenzyl phthalate (DBzP) based on in vitro and in vivo assays. Toxicology Letters. 207: 7– 11.
Huang C, Zhang ZB, Wu SM, Zhao YB, Hu JY. 2010. In vitro and in vivo estrogenic effects of 17α-estadiol in medaka (Oryzias latipes). Chemosphere. 8(5): 608-612.
Hu JY, Zhang ZB, Wei QW, Zhen HJ, Zhao YB, Peng H, Wan Y, Giesy JP, Li LX, Zhang B. 2009. Malformations of the endangered Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, and its causal agent. 6. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106: 9339-9344. (highlighted,该文被Science网络新闻和路透社等上百家国际媒体专题报道)
Zhang ZB, Hu JY, 2008. Effects of p,p `-DDE exposure on gonadal development and gene expression in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 20(3): 347-352.
Zhang ZB, Hu JY, Zhen HJ, Wu XQ, Huang C, 2008. Reproductive inhibition and transgenerational toxicity of triphenyltin on medaka (Oryzias latipes) at environmentally relevant levels. 9. Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (21), 8133-8139. (该文研究结果受到Science网络新闻报道引用)
Zhang ZB, Hu JY. 2007. Development and validation of endogenous reference genes for expression profiling of medaka(Oryzias latipes)exposed EDCs by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Toxicological Sciences, 95: 356-368.
Zhang ZB, Hu JY, An W, Jin F, An LH, Tao S, Chen JS. 2005. Induction of vitellogenin mRNA in juvenile chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray) treated with 17beta-Estradiol and 4-Nonylphenol. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24 (8): 1944-1950.(该文曾被国际毒理化学学会 (SETAC)网站以“全球内分泌干扰物质研究领域的2个发现”为题进行专门介绍).
An LH, Hu JY, Zhang ZB, Yang M. 2006. Quantitative PCR analysis of vitellogenin mRNA in so-iny mullet, Chelon haematocheilus, from Bo Sea, north of China. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 1995-2001.
WanY, Hu JY, An W, Zhang ZB, An LH, Tatsuya Hattori, Mitsuaki Itoh, and Shigeki Masunaga. 2006. Congener-specific tissue distribution and hepatic sequestration of PCDD/Fs in wild herring gulls from Bohai Bay, North China: comparison to coplanar PCBs. Environmental Science & Technology, 40(5): 1462-1468.
Wan Y, Wei QW, Hu JY, Jin XH, Zhang ZB, Zhen H J, Liu J Y. 2007. Levels, tissue distribution, and age-related accumulation of synthetic musk fragrances in Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis): Comparison to organochlorines. Environmental Science & Technology, 41 (2): 424-430.
An LH, Hu J Y, Zhu XY, Deng BS, Zhang ZB, Yang M, 2007. Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) VTG monoclonal antibody: Development and application. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 66 (2): 148-153.
An W, Hu JY, Wan Y, An LH, Zhang ZB. 2006. Deriving Site-Specific?2,2-Bis(chlorophenyl)-1,1- dichloroethylene quality criteria?of water and sediment for protection of common tern populations in Bohai Bay, North China. Environmental Science & Technology, 40 (8): 2511-2516.
贾成霞,张照斌,张清靖,刘盼,朱华,2012. 虹鳟鱼PPARα基因克隆、序列分析及其组织表达分布.中国水产科学.19(4): 707-714.
焦健, 张照斌, 胡建英, 王金水. 2010. hVDR原核表达及其与重金属镉、铅的结合活性. 环境科学. 31(10):2469-2473.
侯彦峰, 张照斌, 胡建英. 2009. 皮质醇影响青鳉鳃内钠钾ATP酶基因表达的研究. 生态毒理学报. 4(2): 212-217.
张照斌, 胡建英, 赛思翔, 赵砚彬, 黄崇. 2008. 青鳉鱼ERRα的克隆、序列分析、组织表达及其对不同EDCs暴露的响应. 环境科学, 29, 3153-3158. (EI收录)
王琪, 黄崇, 张照斌, 胡建英, 张仁陟. 2008. 实时定量RT-PCR方法检测雌二醇诱导原代培养青鳉鱼肝细胞的基因表达. 环境科学学报, 12, 2568-2572.
施嘉琛, 胡建英, 常红, 万祎, 张照斌, 相艳. 2008. 北京温榆河流域耐药大肠杆菌的调查研究. 中国环境科学, 28, 39-42. (EI收录)
赛霖林, 张照斌, 胡建英, 侯彦峰, 赛道建. 2006. 评价内分泌干扰物质壬基酚雌激素活性的方法-定量PCR监测卵黄蛋白原基因表达. 环境科学, 27, 1825-1828. (EI收录)
侯彦峰, 张照斌, 胡建英, 范光丽. 2006. 雌激素诱导下的卵黄蛋白原基因表达与雌雄同体. 中国环境科学, 26, 599-602. (EI收录)
张照斌, 牛翠娟, 朱华, 胡红霞. 2003. 室内饲育西伯利亚鲟的血清性类固醇激素的周年变化. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 39, 519-524.
Zhang ZB, Hu JY. 2004. Oral presentation: Quantification of juvenile chinese sturgeon VTG mRNA levels using real-time RT-PCR after in vivo treatment with E2 and 4-NP, International Symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control, Beijing, China.
Zhang ZB, Hu JY. 2004. Poster presentation: Induction of vitellogenin genes in Juvenile Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray) after in vivo Treatment with EDCs. China-Japan Joint Symposium on Environmental Chemistry, Beijing, China.
Zhang ZB, Hu JY, Hou YF, Sai LL. 2005. Platform oral presentation: Gene expression in gonad of medaka exposed to EDCs and new markers for assessing EDCs. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, USA.
Hu JY, Zhang ZB, Sai LL, Hou YF. 2005. Post presentation: Gene expression in medaka embryo and fry exposed to EDCs and new program for monitoring. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, USA.
Zhang ZB, Hu JY, Zhen HJ, 2008. Platform oral presentation: Inhibition of reproduction and malformation of offspring in medaka by triphenyltin exposure at environmentally relevant levels. 5th SETAC World Congress. Sydney, Australia.
张照斌. 双酚芴及其衍生物在制备防治癌症药物中的应用. 授权日期:2014.02.19. 专利号:201110093462.9.
张照斌、胡建英、安伟. 鱼类单卵或鱼苗的RNA和DNA同步提取及鱼卵和幼鱼的性别鉴定方法. 专利号:ZL 200510011322.7.