

当前位置: 首页 >  教师主页 >  王少鹏 >  个人简历






个人简历 人才培养 科学研究 教研成果


2009.9 - 2013.1 北京大学,理学博士(生态学)

2010.9 - 2011.9 美国普林斯顿大学,访问学生

2007.9 - 2009.7 北京大学,硕士研究生(统计学)

2003.9 - 2007.7 北京大学,理学学士 (统计学)


2015.2 – 今; 北京大学,博雅特聘教授

2014.2 – 2025.1; 北京大学,长聘副教授

2017.10 – 2024.1; 北京大学,预聘制助理教授(研究员)

2015.10 – 2017.9; 德国整合生物多样性研究中心(iDiv),博士后

2013.4 – 2015.9; 法国国家科学院(CNRS),博士后






2023 -  present

National Science Reviews, Editorial board

2022 - present

Ecological Monographs, Editorial board

2018 - present

Ecology Letters, Editorial board



American Naturalist, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Global Change Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Science, Science Advances, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, Theoretical Ecology, etc.


- 理论生态学(本研合上),秋季学期

- 生态统计方法(研究生),春季学期


欢迎对理论生态学感兴趣的本科生、研究生和博士后加入研究组 (scholar.pku.edu.cn/spwang)。


基于理论生态学方法,结合室内外控制实验和数据整合分析,研究生物多样性维持机制、生物多样性与生态系统功能(Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning, BEF)、多样性-稳定性关系等。近期工作致力于将BEF理论拓展至区域尺度和多营养级群落,并利用全球时空数据做验证。详见:http://scholar.pku.edu.cn/spwang/research-0










2020- 2024






国家重点研发计划课题 (2022YFF0802103)

Liang M, Yang Q, Chase JM, Isbell F, Loreau M, Schmid B, Seabloom EW, Tilman D, Wang S*. (2025). Unifying spatial scaling laws of biodiversity and ecosystem stability. Science 387, eadl2373.

Zhou L, Luo M, Hong P, Leroux S, Chen F, Wang S*. (2025). Energy transfer efficiency rather than productivity determines the strength of aquatic trophic cascades. Ecology. 106: e4482

Wang S*, Hong P, Adler PB, Allan E, Hautier Y, Schmid B, Spaak JW, Feng Y. (2024). Towards mechanistic integration of the causes and consequences of biodiversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39, 689–700.

Nie S, Zheng J, Luo M, Loreau M, Gravel D, Wang S*. (2023). Will a Large Complex System be Productive? Ecology Letters. 26, 1325-1335

Hong P#, Li Z#, Yang Q, Deng W, Xu Y, Tobias J, Wang S*. (2023) Functional traits and environment jointly determine the spatial scaling of population stability in North American birds. Ecology 104, e3973. #co-first authors

Li J#, Luo M#, Wang S*, Gauzens B, Hirt M, Rosenbaum B, Brose U. (2023). A size-constrained feeding-niche model distinguishes predation patterns between aquatic and terrestrial food webs. Ecology Letters 26, 76–86. #co-first authors

Zhou L, Wang S*. (2023). The bright side of ecological stressors. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38, 568–578

Hong P, Schmid B, De Laender F, Eisenhauer N, Zhang X, Chen H, Craven D, De Boeck H, Hautier Y, Petchey O, Reich P, Striebel M, Thakur M, Wang S*. (2022). Biodiversity promotes ecosystem functioning despite environmental change. Ecology Letters 25, 555–569

Liang M, Baiser B, Hallett LM, Hautier Y, Jiang L, Loreau M, Record S, Sokol ER, Zarnetske PL, Wang S*. (2022). Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 1669–1675. Springer Nature 2022 Research Highlights

Luo M, Wang S*, Saavedra S, Ebert D, Altermatt F. (2022). Multispecies coexistence in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2201503119. Faculty Opinions Recommended

Yang Q, Hong P, Jiang L, Luo M, Wang S*. (2022). Dispersal increases spatial synchrony of populations but has weak effects on population variability: a meta-analysis. The American Naturalist 200, 544–555.

Zhang B, Chen H, Deng M, Li J, González AL, Wang S*. (2022). High dimensionality of stoichiometric niches in soil fauna. Ecology 103(4), e3741

王少鹏*, 罗明宇, 冯彦皓, 储诚进, 张大勇. (2022). 生物多样性理论最新进展. 生物多样性 30, 22410.

Liang M, Liang C, Hautier Y, Wilcox K, Wang S*. (2021). Grazing-induced biodiversity loss impairs grassland ecosystem stability at multiple scales. Ecology Letters, 24, 2054–2064. Featured on the Cover

Wang S*, Brose U, van Nouhuys S, Holt R, Loreau M. (2021). Metapopulation capacity determines food chain length in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2102733118

Wang S*, Isbell F, Deng W, Hong P, Dee L, Thompson P, Loreau M. (2021). How complementarity and selection affect the relationship between ecosystem functioning and stability. Ecology 102, e03347

Wang S*, Loreau M, de Mazancourt C, Isbell F, Beierkuhnlein C, Connolly J, Deutschman D, Doležal J, Eisenhauer N, Hector A, Jentsch A, Kreyling J, Lanta V, Lepš J, Polley W, Reich P, van Ruijven J, Schmid B, Tilman D, Wilsey B, Craven D. (2021). Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony. Ecology 102, e03332

李周园,叶小洲,王少鹏*. (2021). 生态系统稳定性及其与生物多样性的关系. 植物生态学报 45, 1127–1139.

王少鹏* (2020). 食物网结构与功能:理论模型与进展. 生物多样性 28, 1391–1404

张大勇*, 王少鹏*. (2020). 二十一世纪的理论生态学. 生物多样性 28, 1301–1303

Wang S#, Altermatt F#*. (2019). Metapopulations revisited: the area-dependence of dispersal matters. Ecology 100, e02792. *co-first authors

Wang S*, Brose U, Gravel D. (2019) Intraguild predation enhances biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in complex food webs. Ecology 100, e02616

Wang S*, Lamy T, Hallett L, Loreau M. (2019). Stability and synchrony across ecological hierarchies in heterogeneous metacommunities: linking theory to data. Ecography 42, 1200–1211

Wang S*, Brose U. (2018). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs: the vertical diversity hypothesis. Ecology Letters 21, 9–20.

Wang S*. (2018). Simplicity from complex interactions. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2, 1201-1202

Wang S*, Loreau M, Arnoldi JF, Fang J, Rahman K, Tao S, de Mazancourt C. (2017). An Invariability-Area Relationship sheds new light on the spatial scaling of ecological stability. Nature Communications 8, 15211. Research Highlight by TULIP Labex

Wang S*, Loreau M. (2016) Biodiversity and ecosystem stability across scales in metacommunities. Ecology Letters 19, 510–518. Faculty of 1000 Recommended

Wang S*, Loreau M. (2014). Ecosystem stability in space: α, β and γ variability. Ecology Letters 17, 891–901. Faculty of 1000 Recommended (Exceptional)

Wang S#, Chen A#, Fang J, Pacala SW. (2013). Why abundant tropical tree species are phylogenetically old? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 16039–16043. #co-first authors.

Wang S*, Chen A, Fang J, Pacala SW. (2013). Speciation rates decline through time in individual-based models of speciation and extinction. The American Naturalist 182(3), E83–E93.

Wang S, Tang Z, Qiao X, Shen Z, Wang X, Zheng C, Fang J. (2012). The influence of species pools and local processes on the community structure: a test case with woody plant communities in China's mountains. Ecography 35(12), 1168–1175.

Wang S, Wang Z, Piao S, Fang J. (2010). Regional differences in the timing of recent air warming during the past four decades in China. Chinese Science Bulletin 55(19): 1968−1973

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