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中国地理学会 人口地理专业委员会 副主任
中国地理学会 城市地理专业委员会 委员
中国地理学会 青年工作委员会 委员
中国人口学会 人口迁移流动与城镇化专业委员会 委员
中国行政区划促进会 行政区划与区域治理专业委员会 委员/秘书长
中华建设管理研究会 规划管理学术委员会 委员/副秘书长
2020.10-2025.12. 迁移流动-区域人口均衡分布理论建构和测度研究. 国家社科重大项目子课题 (主持). No.20&ZD173
2020.4-2021.12. 人口流动复杂性对城乡治理的挑战及对策:新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情传播的透视. 北京大学新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控攻关专项课题(主持).
2019.11-2022.12. 村镇社区生态系统空间优化与规划关键技术. 国家重点研发计划项目课题(主持). No.2019YFD110080300
2019.1-2021.12. 我国流动人口的再流动及城镇化空间效应研究. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持). No.41801146
2018.12-2022.12. 县域镇村体系功能结构模式研究. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题(主持). No.2018YFD110080301
2018.7-2021.8. 新型城镇化视角下的人口再流动与城市群空间重构——以珠三角和京津冀为例. 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(主持). No. 18YJC840022
2017.10-2021.12. Internal migration and urbanization in China. 英国研究理事会(RCUK)全球挑战研究基金项目课题(主持). No.ES/P011055/1
2018.1-2018.12. 我国流动人口的流向分布、影响因素及空间效应. 国家卫生计生委研究课题(主持).
2018.1-2020.12. “新市民”的市民化:进程评估、影响因素和应对政策. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(参与) No.41701182
2017.3-2019.2. 北京市人口疏解政策的效应评估与潜力测算. 清华大学中国新型城镇化研究院开放基金课题(联合主持) No.TUSCU-K-17013-01
2016.9-2017.8. 我国人口流动的新趋势及其影响研究. 国家卫生计生委研究课题(主持).
2013.1-2016.12. 转型经济背景下国有企业土地再开发与城市空间重构:基于北京、沈阳和广州的比较研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (参与)No.41271147
2012.7-2013.7. Land Finance, Land Use Efficiency, and Regional Development in Urban China under Market Transition: Evidence from Prefecture-level Cities. 北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心 (主持).
2007-2010. 城乡经济要素配置评价关键技术研究.“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题(参与) No.2006BAJ11B06
2007-2010. 土地节约集约利用区划关键技术研究. “十一五”国家科技支撑计划子课题(参与) No.2006BAJ05A03-01
Liu T. (2020) China's Urban Construction Land Development: State, Market, and Peasantry in Action. Springer.
曹广忠, 王茂军, 刘涛 (2015). 区域城镇化与工业化的空间协同:演化、机理与效应. 北京: 北京大学出版社.
Huang D, Zhu S, Liu T*, Ma P. (2021). Do land ownership types matter in manufacturing firms’ location choice? Using Beijing as a case study. Growth and Change, n/a. https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12579
Huang D, He H, Liu T*. (2021). City size and employment dynamics in China: Evidence from recruitment website data. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 31, 1737-1756. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-021-1920-2
Huang D, Zhu S, Liu T*, Are there differences in the forces driving the conversion of different non-urban lands into urban use? A case study of Beijing. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15839-6
Huang D, Liu T*, Kong F, Guang R. (2021). Employment centers change faster than expected: An integrated identification method and application to Beijing. Cities, 115, 103224:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2021.103224
Chen Y, Liu T*, Ge Y, Xia S, Yuan Y, Li W, Xu H. (2021). Examining social vulnerability to flood of affordable housing communities in Nanjing, China: Building long-term disaster resilience of low-income communities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 71, 102939:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.102939
Liu T, Yang S M, Peng R X, Huang D Q*. (2021). A geographically weighted regression model for health improvement: Insights from the extension of life expectancy in China. Applied Sciences. 11(5):2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11052022
Huang D Q, Lang Y, Liu T*. (2021). The evolving structure of rural construction land in urbanizing China: Case study of Tai'an prefecture. Land. 10(1), 65:1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10010065
Huang D Q, He H, Liu T*. (2021). The spatial distribution and influencing factors of employment multipliers in China’s expanding cities. Applied Sciences. 11(3), 1016. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11031016
Tong X, Yu H, Liu T. (2021) Using weighted entropy to measure the recyclability of municipal solid waste in China: Exploring the geographical disparity for circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127719
Shi Q J, Dorling D, Cao G Z, Liu T*, (2020). Changes in population movement make COVID-19 spread differently from SARS. Social Science & Medicine. 255, 113036. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113036
Liu T, Zhang W Y, Wang Y R, (2020). How does the Chinese government improve connectivity in water governance? International Journal of Water Resources Development. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.201080/07900627.2020.1755955
Shi Q J, Liu T*, (2020). Should internal migrants be held accountable for spreading COVID-19? Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 52(4): 695-697. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X20916764
Liu T, Shi Q J. (2020). Acquiring a Beijing hukou: Who is eligible and who is successful? The China Quarterly, 243: 855-868. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741019001541
Chen Y, Liu T*, Chen R S*, Zhao M K. (2020). Influence of the built environment on community flood resilience: Evidence from Nanjing City, China. Sustainability. 12(6). 2401:1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062401
Liu T, Chen J C, Jin Y A, Xiao W. Spatial dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in China: effects of human mobility and control measures [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(3): 224–240. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodp. 2020.03.03.
Liu T, Huang D Q, Tan X, Kong F H, (2020) Planning consistency and implementation in urbanizing China: Comparing urban and land use plans in suburban Beijing. Land Use Policy, 94, 104498: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104498
Liu T, Wang J J, (2020) Bringing city size in understanding the permanent settlement intention of rural–urban migrants in China. Population, Space and Place. 26. e2295: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2295
Huang D, Chu E, Liu T*. Spatial determinants of land conversion for various urban use: A case study of Beijing. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(12):708. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9120708
Huang D Q, Lang Y, Liu T*. (2020). Evolving population distribution in China’s border regions: Spatial differences, driving forces and policy implications. PLOS ONE, 15(10), e240592: 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240592
Huang D Q, Yang S M, Liu T*. (2020). Life expectancy in Chinese cities: Spatially varied role of socioeconomic development, population structure, and natural conditions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18),6597: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186597
Huang, D, Tan, X, Liu, T*, Chu, E& Kong, F. (2020). Effects of hierarchical city centers on the intensity and direction of urban land expansion: A case study of Beijing. Land, 9(9),312: 1-. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9090312
Liu, H., Chen, Y.D. Liu, T*. and Lin, L. (2019) The River Chief System and River Pollution Control in China: A Case Study of Foshan. Water. 2019, 11(8), 1606. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11081606
Shi Q J, Liu T*. (2019). Glimpsing China’s future urbanization from the geography of a floating population. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 51(4): 817-819. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X19834572
Huang, D., Huang J. and Liu T*. (2019) Delimiting urban growth boundaries using the CLUE-S model with village administrative boundaries. Land Use Policy, 82: 422-435. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.12.028
Jin, W. F., Zhou C. S., Liu T., and Zhang G. J. (2019). Exploring the factors affecting regional land development patterns at different developmental stages: Evidence from 289 Chinese cities. Cities 91: 193-201.
Wang, R. Y., Liu T, and Dang H. (2018). Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts. Regulation & Governance. 12(4): 451-465
Wu, J., Hu Y, Liu T, and He Q. (2018). Value capture in protected areas from the perspective of common-pool resource governance: A case study of Jiuzhai Valley National Park, China. Land Use Policy. 79: 452-462.
Cao G Z, Li K, Wang R M, Liu T*. (2017) Consumption structure of Chinese migrant worker families. China & World Economy. 25(4): 1-21
Chen Y Y, Gu W Y, Liu T*, Yuan L, Zeng M L. (2017) Increasing the use of urban greenways in developing countries: A case study on Wutong Greenway in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (6): 554-571.
Wang R Y, Ng C N, Lenzer J H, Dang H P, Liu T*, Yao S J, (2017) Unpacking water conflicts: a reinterpretation of coordination problems in China’s water-governance system. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 33(4): 553-569.
Shi Q, Liu T, Musterd S, Cao G Z. (2017). How social structure changes in Chinese global cities: Synthesizing globalization, migration and institutional factors in Beijing. Cities. 60, Part A: 156-165.
Qi Y J, Jin F J, Liu T, Jiao J J. (2017) Implementation methods and economic impacts of national node strategies. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 27(3): 348-364.
Liu T, Cao G Z, Yan Y, Wang Y R. (2016) Urban land marketization in China: Central policy, local initiative, and market mechanism. Land Use Policy. 57: 265-276.
Chen Y Y, Liu T, Xie X X, Marušić, B. (2016) What Attracts People to Visit Community Open Spaces? A Case Study of the Overseas Chinese Town Community in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(7): 644.
Chen Y Y, Liu T*, Liu W B. (2016) Increasing the use of large-scale public open spaces: A case study of the North Central Axis Square in Shenzhen, China. Habitat International. 53:66-77
Cao G, Shi Q J, Liu T*. (2016). An integrated model of urban spatial structure: Insights from the distribution of floor area ratio in a Chinese city. Applied Geography 75: 116-126.
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Liu T, Qi Y J, Cao G Z, Liu H. (2015) Spatial patterns, driving forces, and urbanization effects of China’s internal migration: County-level analysis based on the 2000 and 2010 censuses. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 25(2):236-256.
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Cao G Z, Liu T, Liu H, Miao Y B. (2012) Changing spatial and structural patterns of non-agricultural activities in outward-moving Beijing urban fringe. Chinese Geographical Science. 22(6): 718-729.
Liu H, Liu T, Liu L, et al, (2010) Integrated Simulation and Optimization Approach for Studying Urban Transportation-Environment Systems in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 15(2): 99-110.
刘涛, 卓云霞, 王洁晶. (2021) 村庄环境、非农就业与农地流转——基于全国百村农户调查数据的分析. 地域研究与开发. 40(4):141-146.
刘艳军, 汤爽爽, 吴康, 林李月, 黄耿志, 刘涛, 戚伟, 魏冶. (2021). 经济地理学视角下中国人口研究热点与展望. 经济地理. 41(10): 97-105.
卓云霞, 刘涛*, 古维迎. (2021) 多维邻近性与城-城流动人口的流入地选择 ——基于嵌套Logit模型的实证分析. 地理科学. 41(7): 1210-1218.
曹广忠, 陈思创, 刘涛*. (2021) 中国五大城市群人口流入的空间模式及变动趋势. 地理学报. 76(6): 1334-1349.
彭荣熙, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2021) 中国东部沿海地区城市经济韧性的空间差异及其产业结构解释. 地理研究. 40(6): 1732-1748.
刘涛, 彭荣熙, 曹广忠. (2021) 流动人口居留稳定性的群体分异与空间差异. 人文地理. 36(3): 37-46.
刘涛*, 王德政. (2021) 教育水平、工作经验与流动人口就业质量. 人口研究. 45(4): 85-99.
刘涛, 刘嘉杰, 曹广忠. (2021) 中国城市人口户籍迁移的估算及时空特征——新型城镇化的落户政策导向. 地理科学. 41(4):1-9
曹广忠, 刘嘉杰, 刘涛*. (2021) 空气质量对中国人口迁移的影响. 地理研究. 40(1):199-212
刘涛, 陈家醇, 靳永爱, 肖雯. (2020) 人口流动影响下的中国新冠肺炎疫情时空格局与防控效果. 全球变化数据学报. 4(3):224-240
李凯, 王振振, 刘涛*. (2020) 西南连片特困地区乡村旅游的减贫效应分析 ——基于广西235个村庄的调查. 人文地理.35(6):115-121
孙晶, 刘建国, 杨新军, 赵福强, 覃驭楚, 姚莹莹, 王放, 伦飞, 王洁晶, 秦波, 刘涛, 张丛林, 黄宝荣, 程叶青, 石金莲. (2020) 人类世可持续发展背景下的远程耦合框架及其应用. 地理学报.75(11): 2408-2416
刘涛, 卓云霞, 王洁晶. (2020) 邻近性对人口再流动目的地选择的影响——分析框架与实证研究. 地理学报. 75(12): 2716-2729
李婷, 刘涛*, 刘嘉杰, 成天异. (2020) 三代直系家庭分布影响因素的空间分析——基于2015年1%人口抽样调查数据. 人口研究. 2020, 44(6): 18-34.
刘涛, 靳永爱. (2020) 人口流动视角下的中国新冠疫情扩散时空动态——传统数据和大数据的对比研究. 人口研究. 44(5): 44-59.
卓云霞, 刘涛*. (2020) 城市和区域多中心研究进展. 地理科学进展. 39(8): 1385-1396
刘涛, 韦长传, 仝德. (2020) 人力资本、社会支持与流动人口社会融入——以北京市为例. 人口与发展. 26(2): 11-22.
陈轶, 刘涛*, 陈睿山 等. (2020). 南京老旧社区居民洪涝韧性及影响因素——以鼓楼区为例. 地域研究与开发. 39(4): 67-72.
王凯, 李凯, 刘涛. (2020). 中国城市流动人口市民化空间分异与治理效率. 城市规划. 44(6): 22-30.
刘涛, 陈思创, 曹广忠. (2019) 流动人口的居留和落户意愿及其影响因素. 中国人口科学. (3): 80-91.
解永庆, 张婷, 刘涛*. (2019). 创—城—人融合的创新城区规划经验与启示——以匹兹堡上城区为例. 城市发展研究. 26 (2): 16-23.
陈轶, 刘涛*, 李子豪等.(2018) 大城市边缘区居村农民就地城镇化意愿影响因素——以南京江北新区为例. 地域研究与开发. 37(6): 70-75.
刘涛, 卓云霞, 孙婷. (2018) 北京市人口疏解政策的演变与评估:一个“运动式治理”的案例考察. 城市与地方治理研究. 2:1-21
陈义勇, 刘涛, 曹广忠, 殷豪. (2018) 中国农村公共空间的供给和使用——基于百村两千农户的调查. 城市与地方治理研究. 2:88-104
刘涛, 史秋洁, 王雨, 杨宇. (2018) 中国城乡建设占用耕地的时空格局及形成机制. 地理研究. 37(8):1609-1623
吕利丹, 段成荣, 刘涛*, 靳永爱. (2018). 对我国流动人口规模变动的结构分解和讨论. 南方人口. 33(1):20-29
胡兆量, 陈彦光, 刘涛. (2018) 经济地理面貌变化三特征. 经济地理. 38(10):1-4.
李凯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2018) 中国省区城镇化空间格局与驱动力演变. 城市发展研究. 25(6):8-16
刘涛, 周强, 刘作丽, 解永庆, 宋健. (2017) 国际大都市区空间发展规律与空间治理——兼论对北京的启示. 城市发展研究, 24(11): 64-69.
段成荣, 刘涛, 吕利丹. (2017) 当前我国人口流动形势及其影响研究. 山东社会科学. (9):63-69【《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》全文转载】
史秋洁, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2017) 面向规划建设的村庄分类指标体系研究. 人文地理. 32(6): 121-128
李凯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2016) 城市群空间集聚与扩散的特征与机制——以长三角城市群、武汉城市群和成渝城市群为例. 城市规划, 40(2):18-26.
陈义勇, 刘涛 (2016). 社区开放空间吸引力的影响因素探析——基于深圳华侨城社区的调查. 建筑学报, (2): 107-112.
齐元静, 金凤君, 刘涛, 焦静娟 (2016) 国家节点战略的实施路径及其经济效应评价. 地理学报, 71(12): 2103-2118.
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颜燕, 贺灿飞, 刘涛, 满燕云. (2014) 工业用地价格竞争, 集聚经济与企业区位选择——基于中国地级市企业微观数据的经验研究. 城市发展研究. 21 (3): 9-13.
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郜晓雯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2012) 都市区与非都市区城镇用地扩张的驱动力研究——以长三角地区为例. 人文地理. (4):88-93.
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刘涛, 曹广忠. (2010) 城市用地扩张及驱动力研究进展. 地理科学进展. 29(8): 927-934.
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