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Vegetation Dynamics in atime of Global change


为进一步推动学院科研高质量发展,我院推出“城市与环境学院博雅讲坛”系列活动,通过开展系列学术讲座,与同行共同分享学科前沿,交流学科知识、理论与信息,为师生提供一个观点交流、思想碰撞的平台。本期讲坛特邀澳大利亚西悉尼大学霍克斯伯里环境研究所的Belinda Medlyn杰出教授作为主讲人。



The function and distribution of terrestrial vegetation globally has been strongly shaped by climate over millennia. Now that climate change, driven by rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, is well under way, we can expect further major changes in vegetation – but to what extent can we predict what those changes will look like? What do we know, and more importantly, what do we still need to know, to understand how vegetation is likely to respond and shift as global temperatures rise?

In this talk I will present our group’s attempts to understand and predict vegetation change, using Australian vegetation as a case study. I will first summarise some recent experimental research on the effects of global change on vegetation, particularly the effects of CO2 enrichment and intense drought. I’ll then discuss how we are using this research to predict potential future trajectories for vegetation dynamics, and highlight the critical gaps in our knowledge.



