Yanwei Chai

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Yanwei Chai


Research Direction:

Department:Department of Urban and Economic Geography

Tel: 13701160823


Yanwei Chai, Professor and PhD Supervisor at the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University. Serving as the Director of the Research and Planning Center for Smart Cities at the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Executive Director of the Geographical Society of China and Chairman of the Behavioral Geography Committee, Vice Chairman of the Urban Big Data Committee of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies, Member of the Community Construction Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China, Member of the Expert Group for the Planning and Compilation Guidelines of Community Life Circles under the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, Vice Chairman of the Resources and Environment Committee and Committee for participation in state affairs of the Beijing Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association(CNDCA), Special Invitee of the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and Executive Director of the Beijing Geographical Society, among others. Leading academic in the fields of time geography and behavioral geography in China, -has presided over dozens of national scientific research projects, and has published more than 400 academic papers in Chinese and foreign languages.


Ph.D.Human Geography,1994 Hiroshima University, Japan

M.S. Human Geography, 1991 Hiroshima University, Japan

B.S.Geography Science,1984 Northwest Normal University, China

Professional Experience

From September 2006 to present, Professor and PhD Supervisor at the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University.

From June 1996 to September 2006, Associate Professor at the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University.

From April 2002 to March 2003, Visiting Professor in the Department of Geography, College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University, Japan.

From June 1994 to May 1996, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University.

From August 1984 to September 1994, Teaching Assistant in the Department of Geography, Northwest Normal University.

Research Areas and Interests

Urban geography, Behavioral geography, Time geography, Spatio-temporal behavior and planning, Time city planning, Community life circle and smart city.

Awards and Honors

2021, First Prize in the "Geographic Information Science and Technology Progress Award" by the China Association for Geographic Information Industry

2020, Second Prize in the "Geographic Information Science and Technology Progress Award" by the China Association for Geographic Information Industry

2019, Second Prize in the "Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Award"

2019, Outstanding Teacher Award by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

2019, Outstanding Contribution Award in Construction by the Geographical Society of China

2017, Named the "Third National Outstanding Geographical Science and Technology Worker" by the Geographical Society of China

2017, National Outstanding Geography Book Award

2013, Outstanding Class Advisor at Peking University

2011, Advanced Individual in Participatory and Deliberative Governance Award by the Minjian Haidian District

2008, Zhengda Award at Peking University

2008, Awarded the "Wu Chuanjun Outstanding Human Geography Paper Award" by the Geographical Society of China

2005, Outstanding Member of the Minjian Haidian District Committee

2001, Second Prize in the Scientific Progress of Chinese Universities

2000, Outstanding Young Teacher Award in Teaching and Research by the Ministry of Education of Higher Education

1999, "Advanced Individual in Activities" title by the Geographical Society of China

1999, "Fourth National Young Geographical Science and Technology Award" by the Geographical Society of China

Selected Publications

1.Chai YW & Zhang Y. Time Geography [Chinese]. Southeast University Compress. 2022.

2.Chai YW & Ta N. Behavioral Geography [Chinese]. Southeast University Compress. 2022.

3.Zhang WJ & Chai YW. Research on Urban Spatio-temporal Behavior Planning [Chinese]. Southeast University Compress. 2022.

4.Sun DS & Chai YW. Research on Urban Community Life Circle Planning [Chinese]. Southeast University Compress. 2020.

5.Chai YM, Chen ZF, Ta N. Urban Spatio-temporal Behavior Survey Methods [Chinese]. Southeast University Compress. 2020.

6.Chai Y, Zhang Y, Tan Y. The time-geographic approach in research on urban Chinas transition. In Ellegård K. Time Geography in the Global Context. Routledge, 2018: 41-74.

7.Chai, Y., Liu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2015). Space-Time Behavior Research and Application in China. In Kwan. MP, D. Richardson, Wang DG, Zhou CH Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience (pp. 21-38). Springer Netherlands.

8.Doi, H., & Chai, Y. (2015). Urban Restructuring of Beijing City Through Residential Development After the Reform and Open Policy. In R.B. Singh Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega Cities (pp. 273-300). Springer Japan.

9.Chai YW, et al. Spatial Behavior and Behavioral Space [Chinese], Southeast University Press, Nanjing, 2014

10.Chai YW, Zhang C, He HG, Zhang Y, et al., Social Space and Governance in Urban China: The Danwei System from Origins to Reform (Translations into Chinese). Southeast University Press, Nanjing, 2014

11.Chai YW, Cao XS, Long T. Spatial behavior: a geographical perspective (Translations into Chinese). the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2013

12.Kwan M-P, Richardson D, Wang DG, Zhou CH, Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience, Springer, 2014 (Space-Time Behavior Research and Application in China)

13.Singh R.B., Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega, Springer, 2014 (Part II 15:Urban Restructuring of Beijing City Through Residential Development After the Reform and Open Policy)

14.Rasouli S and Timmermans H, Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection and Analysis, IGI-Global, 2014(Chapter 5Space-Time Behavior Survey for Smart Travel Planning in Beijing, China.)

15.Chai YW, et al. Theories and Research Methods of Urban Geography [Chinese], the Science Press, Beijing, 2012

16.Chai YW, Wang D, Zhang WZ. et al. The Geography Review(Volume 3) [Chinese], the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2011

17.Liu WD, Chai YW, Zhou SY. The Geography Review(Volume 2) [Chinese], the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2010

18.Chai YW. Urban space and Consumer Behavior [Chinese], Southeast University Press, Nanjing, 2010

19.Chai YW. Living Space of Chinese Urban Elderly [Chinese], the Science Press, Beijing,2010

20.Liu WD, Chai YW, Zhou SY. The Geography Review(Volume 1) [Chinese], the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2009

21.Chai YW, Qu HL, Ma M. Industry, Space and Management Transition in Development Zones [Chinese], the Science Press, Beijing, 2008

22.Chai YW, Liu ZL, Li ZR, et al. Urban Time-Space Structure of China[Chinese], Peking University Press, Beijing, 2002

23.Chai YW. Urban Space [Chinese], the Science Press, Beijing, 2000

24.Chai YW. China-Japan Urban Structure Comparative Research [Chinese], Peking University Press, Beijing, 1999

25.Gu CL, Chai YW, Cai JM, et al. Urban Geography of China [Chinese], the Commercial Press, Beijing, 1999

26.Chai YW, et al., Spatial behavior: a geographic perspective (Translations into Chinese), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2012.

27.Chai YW, Zhang JQ, Urban Social Geography: An Introduction (Translations into Chinese), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2005.

28.Chai YW, et al., The dictionary of human geography (Translations into Chinese), the Commercial Press, Beijing, 2004