Faculty & Staff
Xiaoqiu Chen

Xiaoqiu Chen
Title:Full Professor
Research Direction:Plant Phenology and Climate Change
Department:Department of Physical Geography and Natural Resources
Self Introduction
Professor Xiaoqiu Chen received his PhD from the Department of Earth Sciences at University of Frankfurt, Germany in 1994. His research interest is plant phenology with an emphasis on simulation and prediction of the temporal and spatial response of plant phenology to climate change. He has been conducting phenological observation of 100 species in Beijing Botanical Garden since 1979. Up to now, he has published more than 90 research articles and 3 phenology books. He is currently the Co-Chair of Phenology Commission, International Society of Biometeorology and the Editorial Advisory Board Member of the International Journal of Biometeorology.
Education and experience
BS 1982, Geography, Department of Geography, Capital Normal University, China
MS 1985, Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Shaanxi Normal University, China
Ph D 1994, Physical Geography, Department of Geosciences,Frankfurt University, Germany
Work Experience
1982.09-1987.12 Assistant Professor, Capital Normal University
1988.01-1990.09 Lecturer, Capital Normal University
1990.10-1991.09 Visiting Scholar, German Central Weather Bureau,Department of Agricultural Meteorology
1991.06-1994.12 Doctor Candidate, Frankfurt University, Germany
1995.01-1995.03 Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
1995.04-1997.03 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
1997.04-1997.07 Lecturer, Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
1997.08-2003.07 Associate Professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
2003.08-present Full Professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
Fund Project
Second prize of Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award: “Achieve interdisciplinary physical geography comprehensive education, set up the world view of earth system science”, 2018.
Distinguished Teacher Award of TANG Li-Xin Fellowship, Peking University, 2015.
Frontrunner 5000 Top Article in Outstanding S&T Journals of China: Spatial and temporal variations of vegetation belts and vegetation cover degrees in Inner Mongolia from 1982 to 2003. Acta Geographica Sinica, 64(1): 84-94, 2009, Authors: CHEN Xiaoqiu, WANG Heng, 2015.
Top Teacher Award of Higher Education Institution of Beijing City, Education Committee of Beijing City, 2009.
National Excellent Course: Physical Geography, Ministry of Education, 2009.
Excellent Text Book of Beijing City: Principles of Physical Geography, Education Committee of Beijing City, 2008.
Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Beijing City: Phenological observation and fundamental phenology in the Beijing area, Review Committee of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Beijing City, Third-class, 1997.
Fund Project
Research Grants:
Process-based simulation and prediction of plant leafing and flowering in China`s subtropics and tropics, 2018-2021, Project Leader
Studies on process-based modeling and prediction of autumnal tree phenology in the temperate zone of northern China. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-2018, Project Leader
Integrative diagnostics, simulation and prediction of the growing season based on plant phenology and satellite data in northern China. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013, Project Leader
Simulation and forecasting in responses of spatiotemporal patterns of plant phenophases and growing seasons to climate change in China. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2009-2011, Project Leader
Yellow River Climate Change Scenario Development study, Inception and Rapid Assessment, European Union, 2009-2010, Project Leader
Simulating and forecasting of the response of vegetation phenology process and seasonal carbon cycle to global climate change in the grassland of Inner Mongolia. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007- 2009, Project Leader
Studies on contents and methods for promoting environmental interpretation and public participation in botanical gardens, Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2007-2009, Project Leader
Spatial and temporal responses of phenological growing season and primary productivity to climate change in the typical steppe of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2004-2006, Project Leader
Establishmentof material flow and its data base in the Beijing area, Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (Major Project), 2001-2004, Sub-Project Leader
Establishing famous brand course project of national education base of sciences: Physical Geography, Ministry of Education, 2000-2001, 2003-2004, Project Leader
Response of Vegetation Systems to Seasonal Abrupt Changes and Interannual Fluctuations of Monsoon Climate, Ministry of Education, 1999-2001, Project Leader
Comparison of the green-wave development between the USA and China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1999-2000, Project Leader on the China side
Response of Plant Phenology and Growing Season to Potential Climate Change in Northern China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1998-2000, Project Leader
Sustainable Environmental Management Strategies in South China: Towards 2000 and Beyond — A Case Study in Shenzhen, European Union, 1997-1999, Project scientific manager
Influences of Climate Change on Plant Phenophases in China, State Education Commission, 1995-1997, Project Leader
Comparison between Western Germany and North China in Influences of Climate Variation on Plant Phenophases and the Growing Season, China Postdoctoral Foundation, 1995-1997, Project Leader
Temporal and spatial similarity of the phenological and climatic variations in West Germany, Friedrich-Naumann Foundation, 1992-1994, Project Leader
The optimum of the phenological observation network in West Germany, German Weather Bureau, 1991-1992, Project Leader
Agricultural ecology in the industrial region of West Germany, German Weather Bureau, 1990- 1991, Project Leader
Studies on phenological observation and fundamental phenology in the Beijing area, Beijing HigherEducationBureau, 1984-1988, 5000 Yuan, Taking charge of directing phenological observation and compiling phenological calendars Principal Member
Undergraduate courses:
Introduction to Physical Geography
Mooc: Introduction to Physical Geography
Graduate courses:
Ecological Phenology
Industrial Ecology
Research Direction
Plant Phenology and Climate Change
Works outcomes
Chen XQ. 2017. Spatiotemporal Processes of Plant Phenology: Simulation and Prediction. Berlin: Springer Nature.
Chen XQ. 2013. Chapter 2: East Asia. Chapter 17: Daily Temperature-Based Temporal and Spatial Modeling of Tree Phenology. In: Schwartz MD (ed.) Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science (2nd Edition). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Chen XQ. 2009. Chapter 2.3.4: Phenological Observation in China. In: Hudson IL & Keatley MR (eds.) Phenological Research. Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer.
Chen XQ. 2003. Chapter 2.1: Phenological Data, Networks, and Research: East Asia. Chapter 4.5: Assessing Phenology at the Biome Level. In: Schwartz MD (ed.) Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Chen XQ. 1994. Untersuchung zur zeitlich-raeumlichen Aehnlichkeit von phaenologischen und klimatologischen Parametern in Westdeutschland und zum Einfluss geooekologischer Faktoren auf die phaenologische Entwicklung im Gebiet des Taunus. Offenbach: Selbstverlag des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (in German).
Yang GD, Chen XQ. 1995. Phenological Calendar and its Applications in the Beijing area. Beijing: Capital Normal University Press (in Chinese).
Representative Articles in English and German:
1. Zhao Y#, Chen XQ*, Kim JS, Williams M. 2022. Effects of temperature and precipitation on litterfall phenology in four evergreen broad-leaved forests of southern China. Biotropica, 2022; 54:739–753。
2. Qian SW#, Chen XQ*, Lang WG#, Schwartz MD. 2021. Examining spring phenological responses to temperature variations during different periods in subtropical and tropical China. International Journal of Climatology, 41(Suppl. 1): E3208–E3218.
3. Zhao Y#, Chen XQ*, Smallman TL, Flack-Prain S, Milodowski DT, Williams M. 2020. Characterizing the Error and Bias of Remotely Sensed LAI Products: An Example for Tropical and Subtropical Evergreen Forests in South China. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 3122.
4. Liang BY#, Chen XQ*, Lang WG#, Liu GH#, Malhi Y, Rifai S. 2020. Examining land surface phenology in the tropical moist forest eco-zone of South America. International Journal of Biometeorology, 64:1911-1922.
5. Jiang MD#, Chen XQ*, Schwartz MD. 2020. Why don’t phenophase dates in the current year affect the same phenophase dates in the following year? International Journal of Biometeorology, 64:1549-1560.
6. An S#, Chen XQ*, Zhang XY, Lang WG#, Ren SL#, Xu L#. 2020. Precipitation and Minimum Temperature are Primary Climatic Controls of Alpine Grassland Autumn Phenology on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Remote Sensing, 12, 431.
7. Lang WG#, Chen XQ*, Liang L, Ren SL#, Qian SW#. 2019. Geographic and Climatic Attributions of Autumn Land Surface Phenology Spatial Patterns in the Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest of China. Remote Sensing, 11, 1546.
8. Lang WG#, Chen XQ*, Qian SW#, Liu GH#, Piao SL. 2019. A new process-based model for predicting autumn phenology: How is leaf senescence controlled by photoperiod and temperature coupling? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,268: 124-135.
9. Liu GH#*, Chen XQ*, Fu YS, Delpierre N. 2019. Modelling leaf coloration dates over temperate China by considering effects of leafy season climate. Ecological Modelling, 394: 34-43.
10. Liu GH#, Chen XQ*, Zhang QH#, Lang WG#, Delpierre N. 2018. Antagonistic effects of growing season and autumn temperatures on the timing of leaf coloration in winter deciduous trees. Global Change Biology, 24: 3537–3545.
11. Ren S#, Chen XQ*, Lang WG#, Schwartz MD. 2018. Climatic controls of the spatial patterns of vegetation phenology in mid-latitude grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123: 2323–2336.
12. An S#, Zhang XY, Chen XQ*, Yan D, Henebry GM. 2018. An Exploration of Terrain Effects on Land Surface Phenology across the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Using Landsat ETM+ and OLI Data. Remote Sensing, 10, 1069.
13. Chen XQ, Zhang WQ#, Ren SL#, Lang WG#, Liang BY#, Liu GH#. 2017. Temporal coherence of phenological and climatic rhythmicity in Beijing. International Journal of Biometeorology, 61: 1733-1748.
14. Ren SL#, Chen XQ*, An S#. 2017.Assessing plant senescence reflectance index-retrieved vegetation phenology and its spatiotemporal response to climate change in the Inner Mongolian Grassland. International Journal of Biometeorology,61: 601–612.
15. Chen XQ, Wang LX#, Inouye D. 2017. Delayed response of spring phenology to global warming in subtropics and tropics. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234, 222-235.
16. Chen XQ, An S#. Inouye D, Schwartz MD. 2015. Temperature and snowfall trigger alpine vegetation green-up on the world’s roof. Global Change Biology, 21(10): 3635-3646.
17. Chen XQ, Tian YH#, Xu L#. 2015 . Temperature and geographic attribution of change in the Taraxacum mongolicum growing season from 1990 to 2009 in eastern China’s temperate zone. International Journal of Biometeorology, 59(10):1437-1452.
18. Luo XZ#, Chen XQ*, Wang LX#, Xu L#, Tian YH#. 2014. Modeling and predicting spring land surface phenology of the deciduous broadleaf forest in northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198-199: 33-41.
19. Chen XQ, Li J#, Xu. L#, Liu L#, Ding D#. 2013. Modeling greenup date of dominant grass species in the Inner Mongolian Grassland using air temperature and precipitation data. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(4): 463-471.
20. Chen XQ, Luo XZ#, Xu L#. 2013. Comparison of spatial patterns of satellite-derived and ground-based phenology for the deciduous broadleaf forest of China. Remote Sensing Letters, 4(6): 532-541.
21. Xu L#, Chen XQ*. 2013. Regional unified model-based leaf unfolding prediction from 1960 to 2009 across northern China. Global Change Biology, 19(4): 1275-1284.
22. Luo XZ#, Chen XQ*, Xu L#, Myneni R, Zhu Z. 2013. Assessing Performance of NDVI and NDVI3g in Monitoring Leaf Unfolding Dates of the Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Northern China. Remote Sensing. 5(2): 845-861.
23. Chen XQ, Xu L#. 2012. Temperature controls on the spatial pattern of tree phenology in China’s temperate zone. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155, 195-202.
24. Chen XQ, Xu L#. 2012. Phenological responses of Ulmus pumila (Siberian Elm) to climate change in the temperate zone of China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 56(4): 695-706.
25. Xu L#, Chen XQ*. 2012. Spatial modeling of the Ulmus pumila growing season in China’s temperate zone. Science China Earth Sciences, 55 (4): 656-664.
26. Chen XQ, Li HM#, Hu B#, Yu R#. 2007. Boden- und satellitengestuetzte Erkennung der phaenologischen Vegetationsperiode in der gemaessigten Klimaregion Ostchinas. Promet, 33(1/2): 46-51.
27. Chen XQ, Hu B#,Yu R#. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation of phenological growing season and climate change impacts in temperate eastern China. Global Change Biology, 11(7): 1118-1130.
28. Chen XQ, Pan WF#. 2002. Relationships among phenological growing season, time-integrated normalized difference vegetation index and climate forcing in the temperate region of eastern China. International Journal of Climatology,22(14): 1781-1792.
29. Schwartz MD, Chen XQ. 2002. Examining the onset of spring in China. Climate Research, 21(2): 157-164.
30. Chen XQ, Xu CX#, Tan ZJ. 2001. An analysis of relationships among plant community phenology and seasonal metrics of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in the northern part of the monsoon region of China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 45 (4): 170-177.
31. Chen XQ, Qiao LJ#. 2001. A preliminary analysis of material input of China. Population and Environment, 23(1): 117-126.
32. Chen XQ, Tan ZJ, Schwartz MD, Xu CX#. 2000. Determining the growing season of land vegetation on the basis of plant phenology and satellite data in Northern China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 44(2): 97-101.
33. Chen XQ. 1995. Phaenologische und klimatologische Raumgliederung Westdeutschlands. Geographische Rundschau, 47(5): 312-317.
Representative Articles in Chinese with English Abstract:
1. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1980) A preliminary study on the phenological season in the Beijing area. Journal of Beijing Teachers College, 1(2): 110-119
2. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1982) Calculation of plant phenophases and interpolation of phenological data I. Journal of Beijing Teachers College 3(1): 75-80
3. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1984) A cluster analysis of attribution of the Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan areas in China natural regionalization. Journal of Beijing Teachers College, 5(1): 99-108
4. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1985) Calculation of plant phenophases and interpolation of phenological data II. Journal of Beijing Teachers College 6(1): 76-84
5. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1985) Correlation and regression analysis between phenological phases of trees. Agricultural Meteorology, 6(1): 49-52
6. Chen XQ, Yang GD (1988) A study on regional forecasting models of tree phenology: A case study in the North China region. Agricultural Meteorology, 9(3): 42-45
7. Chen XQ (1990) A study of phenological seasonal rhythm in the North China region during spring and summer. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 10(1): 69-76
8. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1990) Phenological forecast of flowering dates of Black Locust in the North China region. China Bee-keeping, 17(2): 29-30
9. Yang GD, Chen XQ (1998) On the seasonal rhythm of natural landscape. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 18(3): 233-240
10. Chen XQ, Cao ZP (1999) Frequency distribution pattern of plant phenophases and its application to season determination. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 19(1): 21-27
11. Chen XQ, Qiao LJ (2000). Material flow analysis of Chinese economic-environmental system. Journal of Natural Resources, 15(1): 17-23.
12. Yang GD, Chen XQ (2000) Classification of phenophase combination of woody plants: A case study of cultivated plants in the Beijing Botanical Garden. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 36(2): 39-46
13. Chen XQ (2000) A trend reverse of growing season in Western Germany. Earth Science Frontiers, 7(Suppl.): 189-195
14. Chen XQ, Tan ZJ, Xu CX (2000) Determining the growing season using plant phenology and remote sensed data in Northern China. Earth Science Frontiers, 7(Suppl.): 196
15. Chen XQ (2000) Relationships between growing seasons determined by trees’ phenology and air temperature: the case of the Taunus Mountain area in Central Germany. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 58(6): 726-737
16. Chen XQ, Zhang FC (2001) Spring phenological change in Beijing in the last 50 years and its response to the climatic changes. Agricultural Meteorology, 22(1): 1-5
17. Chen XQ, Zhao TT, Guo YQ, Song SY(2003) Material input and output analysis of Chinese economy system. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 39(4): 538-547
18. Chen XQ, Tan WK, Liu DP, Guo YQ, Pan WF (2003) Spatial and temporal distribution of bare land in the plain areas of Beijing. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 10(3): 18-20, 25
19. Chen XQ, Guo YQ, Cui SP, Wang ZH, Zuo TY (2005) Material-energy metabolism and environmental implications of cement industry in Beijing. Resources Science, 27(5): 40-46
20. Chen XQ, Yu R (2007) Spatial and temporal variations of the vegetation growing season in warm-temperate eastern China during 1982 to 1999. Acta Geographica Sinica, 62(1): 41-51
21. Chen XQ, Hu B, Yu R (2007) Spatial extrapolation of the vegetation growing season in temperate eastern China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 27(1): 65-74
22. Ding D, Chen XQ (2007) Surface validation of the satellite-derived vegetation growing season in China: A case of the temperate steppe area and the warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest area. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 22(3): 382-388
23. Chen XQ, Han JW (2008) Seasonal aspect stages of plant communities and their spatial-temporal variation in temperate eastern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 32(2): 336-346
24. Chen XQ Zhou M, Zheng T, Zhang RJ (2008) Examining seasonal variations of Leymus chinensis photosynthetic rates in the Hulunbeier Grassland: a case study of a grassland meteorological experiment station in Ewenke. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 28(5): 2003-2012
25. Chen XQ, Zheng T (2008) Spatial Patterns of Aboveground Biomass and Their Climatic Attributions in the Typical Steppe of Inner Mongolia. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 28 (3): 369-374
26. Chen XQ (2008) Exploration on innovative teaching system of Physical Geography. Higher Education of Sciences 82(6): 24-27
27. Chen XQ, Wang H (2009) Spatial and temporal variations of vegetation belts and vegetation cover degrees in Inner Mongolia from 1982 to 2003. Acta Geographica Sinica, 64(1): 84-94
28. Chen XQ, Peng JD, Li HM (2009) Seasonal and regional differences of air temperature changes in Inner Mongoulia. Geographical Research, 28(1): 27-35
29. Chen XQ, Wang LH (2009) Progress in remote sensing phenological research. Progress in Geography, 28(1): 33-40
30. Chen XQ, Li J (2009) Relationships between Leymus chinensis phenology and meteorological factors in Inner Mongolia grasslands. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 29(10): 5280-5290
31. Chen XQ, Qi XR, A S, Xu L (2011) Spatiotemporal variation of plant community aspections in the north-subtropical zone of eastern China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31(13): 3559-3568
32. Chen XQ, Du X, Yu YP (2011) Freeze injury analysis of Beijing ornamental plants during winter and spring. Northern Horticulture, 17: 114-116
33. Yu P, Chen XQ (2011) Swedish symbiocity concept and its implementation in urban planning and construction. Building Science, 27(3): 106-110
34. Yu P, Chen XQ, Ren F (2011) International experience of low carbon community construction: a case study of Bo01 “City of Tomorrow” residential demonstration project in Sweden. China Real Estate, 2011(2): 76-80
35. Yu P, Chen XQ, Ma LY (2011) Review on studies of life cycle carbon emission from residential buildings. Building Science, 27(4): 9-12, 35
36. Yu P, Chen XQ (2011) Experience of advancing low carbon community development in Sweden and Denmark. Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection. 2011 (2): 50-53
37. Chen XQ, Liu L, Yu Y (2011) Changing trend of extreme climate events in the Yellow River Basin during 1961-2005. Yellow River, 33(5): 3-5
38. Chen XQ, Yu YP, Li J, Liu L, Liu JF(2012) Wavelet analysis of natural runoff and climatic factors in the Yellow River Basin. Yellow River, 34(1): 1-4, 13
39. Xu L, Chen XQ* (2012) Spatial modeling of the Ulmus pumila growing season in China’s temperate zone. Science China Earth Sciences, 42(1): 545-554
40. Chen XQ, Wang L (2012) Introduction to results of the “Yellow River Climate Change Scenario Development Project-Rapid Assessment”. Express Water Resources and Hydropower Information, 33(1): 62-65
41. Xu L, Chen XQ*, Du X (2013) Simulation and prediction of spatial patterns of Robinia pseudoacacia flowering dates in eastern China’s warm temperate zone. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 33(12): 3584-3593
42. Zhang QH, Wang HY, Xu L, Zheng Z, Yang SX, Chen XQ* (2014) Characteristics of sediments from Huangdong Reservoir in Huizhou, Guangdong Province and their implications on soil erosion during the past 50 years. Geographical Research, 33(4): 643-653
43. Yang XF, Chen XQ*, Luo XZ (2015) Ground photography validation of remote sensing-derived vegetation phenology in the Xilinguole grassland. Pratacultural Science, 32(5): 667-674
44. Chen XQ*, Pang C, Xu L, Li J, Zhang QH, Yu YP (2015) Spatiotemporal response of Salix matsudana’s phenophases to climate change in China’s temperate zone. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 35(11):3625-3635
45. Xue TT, Zhao Y, Chen XQ*, Jiang MD, Liang BY (2020). Effects of Air Temperature and Soil Moisture on Common Brown-Down Date of Taraxacum mongolicum in Eastern China’s Temperate Zone. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 56(1): 173-183