Faculty & Staff
Wang, Shaopeng

Wang, Shaopeng
Title:Assistant professor
Research Direction:Theoretical Ecology
Department:Department of Ecology
Self Introduction
Education and experience
2009.9 - 2013.1 Peking University, PhD in Ecology
2010.9 - 2011.9 Princeton University, Visiting student
2007.9 - 2009.7 Peking University, Master studies in Statistics
2003.9 - 2007.7 Peking University, BA in Statistics
Work Experience
2017.10 – now; Peking University, Assistant professor
2015.10 – 2017.9; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Postdoc
2013.4 – 2015.9; Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station, CNRS, Postdoc
Fund Project
My research interest is to develop new theory and conduct theory-driven data analysis to understand the causes and consequences of biodiversity loss. My recent studies attemp to extend the Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning (BEF) research to a multi-scale and multi-trophic framework.
We always welcome motivated students and postdocs to join the group! Please send an email to: shaopeng.wang@pku.edu.cn
Theoretical Ecology (Fall 2018)
Research Direction
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning, Stability, Food webs, Metacommunities, Spatiotemporal data analysis
Publication list
Selected publications (* Corresponding author)
Wang S, Altermatt F*. (2019) Metapopulations revisited: the area-dependence of dispersal matters. Ecology. 100, e02792
Wang S*, Brose U, Gravel D. (2019) Intraguild predation enhances biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in complex food webs. Ecology. 100, e02616
Wang S*, Lamy T, Hallett L, Loreau M. (2019) Partitioning ecological stability across hierarchical levels in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/ecog.04290
Wang S*. (2018) Simplicity from complex interactions. Nature Ecology & Evolution (News & Views - Invited). 2, 1201-1202
Wang S*, Brose U. (2018) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs: the vertical diversity hypothesis. Ecology Letters. 21: 9-20.
Wang S*, Loreau M, Arnoldi JF, Fang J, Rahman K, Tao S, de Mazancourt C. (2017) An Invariability-Area Relationship sheds new light on the spatial scaling of ecological stability. Nature Communications. 8, 15211 doi: 10.1038/ncomms15211. Research Highlight by TULIP Labex
Wang S*, Loreau M. (2016) Biodiversity and ecosystem stability across scales in metacommunities. Ecology Letters. 19: 510-518.Faculty of 1000 Recommended
Wang S*, Chen A, Pacala S, Fang J. (2015). Abundance dependent speciation rate alters the behaviors of neutral communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 372: 128-134.
de Roissart A, Wang S, Bonte D*. (2015) Spatial and spatiotemporal variation in metapopulation structure affects population dynamics in a passively dispersing arthropod. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84: 1565-1574.
Wang S*, Loreau M. (2014). Ecosystem stability in space: α, β and γ variability. Ecology Letters. 17: 891-901. Faculty of 1000 Recommended (Exceptional)
Wang S, Chen A, Fang J, Pacala SW*. (2013). Why abundant tropical tree species are phylogenetically old? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110: 16039-16043.
Wang S*, Chen A, Fang J, Pacala SW. (2013). Speciation rates decline through time in individual-based models of speciation and extinction. The American Naturalist. 182(3): E83-E93.
Chen A*, Wang S, Pacala SW. (2012). Comments on "Global correlations in tropical tree species richness and abundance reject neutrality". Science. 336: 1639d
Wang S, Tang Z*, Qiao X, Shen Z, Wang X, Zheng C, Fang J. (2012). The influence of species pools and local processes on the community structure: a test case with woody plant communities in China`s mountains. Ecography. 35(12): 1168–1175.