Faculty & Staff
Jiafu Zhang

Jiafu Zhang
Research Direction:Optically stimulated luminescence dating and its applications
Department:Department of Physical Geography and Natural Resources
Tel: 010-62754411
Research Direction
(1) Quaternary Chronology ;
(2) Quaternary Environments and Earth Surface Processes;
(3) Environmental archaeology
63. Yang, S.X. *, Zhang, J.F.*, Yue, J.P., Wood, R., Guo, Y.J., Wang, H., Luo, W.G., Zhang, Y., Raguin, E., Zhao, K.L., Zhang, Y.X., Huan, F.X., Hou, Y.M., Huang, W.W., Wang, Y.R., Shi, J.M., Yuan, B.Y., Ollé, A., Queffelec, A., Zhou, L.P., Deng, C.L., d'Errico, F.*, Petraglia, M.*, 2024. Initial Upper Palaeolithic material culture by 45,000 years ago at Shiyu in northern China. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8, 552–563.
62. Zhang, A.M., Gao, Q.H., Rahman, S.M., Alam, M.M., Guo, Y.J., Chen, Y.W., Chen, J., Wang, H.Y., Wang, P., Zhang, J.F., Yi, C.L., Hu, G., 2023. Luminescence fingerprints fluvial sediment transport from the Tibetan Plateau to the Bangladesh Delta. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 622, 118387.
61. Li, Y.Y., Li, H., Sumner, A., Zhang, J.F., 2023. Lithic technological strategies of Late Pleistocene hominins in the Daoshui River valley, Hunan province, central South China. Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1133499.
60. Hu, Y., Zhang, J.F., Lu, H.L., Hou, Y.M., Huang, W.W., Li, B., 2023. New chronology of the deposits from the inner chambers of the Guanyindong cave, southwestern China. Journal of Archaeological Science 159. https://doi.org/ARTN 105872
59. Zhao, Y., Fan, N., Nie, J., Abell, J. T., An, Y., Jin, Z., Wang, C. Zhang, J., Liu, X., Nie, R.. 2023. From Desiccation to Re‐Integration of the Yellow River Since the Last Glaciation. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(15), e2023GL103632.
58 Han, Y.-S., Zhang, J.-F, Liu, G.-N, Cui, Z.-J., 2022. Optical dating of quartz grains from the Minjiang fluvial terraces in the Sonpan area on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:939539.
57. Zhang, J.-F., Hou, Y.-M., Guo, Y.-J., Rui, X., Wang, Z.-H., Yang, Z.-M., Liu, Y., Zhen, Z.-M., Hu, Y., Zhou, L. -P., 2022. Radiocarbon and luminescence dating of the Wulanmulun site in Ordos, and its implication for the chronology of Paleolithic sites in China. Quaternary Geochronology 72, 101371.
56. Lei, H.-R., Zhou, Z.-Y., Guo, Y.-J., Du, J.-H., Zhang, J.-F.*, 2022. Chronology of the Paleolithic site of Xibaimaying in the Nihewan Basin, North China, inferred from optical dating of fine-grained quartz. Quaternary Geochronology 72, 101363.
55. Rui, X., Li, B., Yuan, B.-Y., Zhang, J.-F., 2022. Luminescence dating of the Huliu River terraces in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary Geochronology 71, 101316.
54. Lai, H.-C., Zhang, J.-F.*, Li, Y.-Y., Zhou, L.P., 2021. Origin and provenance of Red Clay in north Hunan Province, China: Inferred from grain-size analysis and end-member modelling. Aeolian Research 51, 100714.
53. Lai, H.-C., Zhang, J.-F.*, Li, Y.-Y., Zhou, L.P., 2021. Chronology of the Huxushan paleolithic site in south China: inferred from multiple luminescence dating techniques. Geochronometria, DOI 10.2478/geochr-2020-0039
52. Wang, H., Tong, K., Hu, G., Wang, P., Li, D., Huang, J., Cao, G., Zhang, J., Chen, J., 2021. Dam and megafloods at the First Bend of the Yangtze River since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geomorphology 373, 107491.
51. Hu, G., Wang, P., Rahman, S.M., Li, D., Alam, M.M., Zhang, J., Jin, Z., Fan, A., Chen, J., Zhang, A., Yang, W., 2020. Vicissitudes experienced by the oldest urban center in Bangladesh in relation to the migration of the Brahmaputra River. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 1089-1099.
50. Yan, Y.-Y., Zhang, J.-F.*, Hu, G., Zhou, L.-P., 2019. Luminescence chronology of the Yellow River terraces in the Heiyukou area, China, and its implication for the uplift rate of the Ordos Plateau. Geochronometria, DOI 10.2478/geochr-2020-0008.
49. Hu, G., Yi, C.L., Liu, J.H., Wang, P., Zhang, J.F., Li, S.H., Li, D.H., Huang, J.W., Wang, H.Y., Zhang, A.M., Shi, L.F., Shui, X.J., 2020. Glacial advances and stability of the moraine dam on Mount Namcha Barwa since the Last Glacial Maximum, eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Geomorphology 365, 107246.
48. Zhang J.F. *, Qiu, W.-L., Hu, G., Zhou, L.-P., 2020. Determining the age of terrace formation using luminescence dating—A case of the Yellow River terraces in the Baode Area, China. Methods and Protocols 3, 17.
47. Hu, G., Wang, P., Li, D.-H., Huang, J.-W., Wang, H.-Y., Yang, X.-Y., Zhang, J.-F., Chen, J., Qiu, M.-H., Zhang, A.-M., Shi, L.-F., 2020. Landscape change and its influence on Lhasa Basin of central Tibetan Plateau since the last deglacial. Quaternary International 536, 1-12.
46. Mischkea, S., Zhang, C.-J., Liu, C.-L., Zhang, J.-F., Jiao, P.-C., Plessen, B., 2019. The Holocene salinity history of Lake Lop Nur (Tarim Basin, NW China) inferred from ostracods, foraminifera, ooids and stable isotope data. Global and Planetary Change 175, 1–12.
45. Xue, R., Guo, Y.-J., Zhang, J.-F., Hu, Y., Mei, H.-J., Wang, Y.-P., Xie, F., LI, B., 2019. Luminescence chronology of the Palaeolithic–Neolithic transition in the Yujiagou site at the Nihewan Basin, northern China. Journal of Quaternary Science 34, 125–13.
44. Hu, Y., Marwick, B., Zhang, J.-F., Rui, X., Hou, Y.M., Chen, W.R., Huang, W.W., Li, B., 2019. Robust technological readings identify integrated structures typical of the Levallois concept in Guanyindong Cave, South China. National Science Review 6, 1096–1099.
43. Hu, Y., Marwick, B., Zhang, J.-F., Rui, X., Hou, Y.M., Yue, J.-P., Chen, W.-R., Huang, W.W., Li, B., 2019. Late Middle Pleistocene Levallois stone-tool technology in southwest China. Nature 565, 82–85.
42. Zhang, J.-F.*, Li, Y.Y., Han, Y.-S., Wang, J. K., 2019. Luminescence dating of weathered sediments from the Paleolithic site of Fengshuzui in northern Hunan province, China. Quaternary Geochronology 49, 211–217.
41. Rui, X., Li, B., Guo, J, Zhang, J.F., Yuan, B.Y., Xie, F., 2019. Variability in the thermal stability of OSL signal of single-grain quartz from the Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary Geochronology 49, 25-30.
40. Zhang, J.F.*, Dennell, R., 2018. The last of Asia conquered by Homo sapiens -- Excavation reveals the earliest human colonization of the Tibetan Plateau. Science 362 (6418), 992–993.
39. Hu, G., H., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Pan, B.L., Liu, L.H., Jiang, T., Yi, S.W., Li,D.H., Huang,J.W., 2018. Chronology of a lacustrine core from Lake Linggo Co using a combination of OSL, 14C and 210Pb dating: implications for the dating of lacustrine sediments from the Tibetan Plateau. Boreas 47, 656-670.
38. Zou, G.-N., Shelach, G., Li, X.-Q., Zhao, C., Rui, X., Zhou, L-P., Zhang, J.-F*., 2018. Geochronology and paleoenvironment of the Taoshan site, northeastern China, and archaeological implications. Quaternary International 463, 6–17.
37. Guo, Y. J., Li, B., Zhang, J.F., Yuan, B. Y., Xie, F., Roberts R.G., 2017. New ages for the Upper Palaeolithic site of Xibaimaying in the Nihewan Basin, northern China: implications for small-tool and microblade industries in northeast Asia during Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3. Journal of Quaternary Science 32, 540–552.
36. Mischke, S., Liu, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Zhang, C.J., Zhang, H., Jiao, P.C., Plessen,P., 2017. The world’s earliest Aral-Sea type disaster: the decline of the Loulan Kingdom in the Tarim Basin. Scientific Reports 7: 43102.
35. Hu, G., Yi, C.-L., Zhang, J.-F., Dong, G-C., Liu, J.-H., Xu, X.K., Jiang, T., 2016. Extensive glacial advances during the Last Glacial Maximum near the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Quaternary International 443, 1–12.
34. Hu, G., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J. F., Liu J.H., Jiang, T., Li, S.H., 2016. Late Quaternary glacial advances in the eastern Qilianshan, north-eastern Tibet, as inferred from luminescence dating of fluvioglacial sediments. Journal of Quaternary Science 31, 587–597.
33. Liu, C.L., Zhang, J.F.*, Jiao, P.C., Mischke, S., 2016. The Holocene history of Lop Nur and its palaeoclimate implications. Quaternary Science Reviews 148, 163–175.
32. Guo, Y. J., Li, B., Zhang J. -F., Yuan, B.Y., Xie F., Roberts, R.G., 2016. Luminescence ages for three ‘Middle Palaeolithic’ sites in the Nihewan Basin, northern China, and their archaeological and palaeoenvironmental implications. Quaternary Research 85, 456–470.
31. Rui, X., Zhang, J.F.*, Hou, Y.M., Yang, Z.M., Liu, Y., Zhen Z.M., Zhou, L.P., 2015. Feldspar multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL dating of the Wulanmulun Paleolithic site and its implication. Quaternary Geochronology 30, 428–444.
30. Meng, Y.M., Zhang, J.F. *, Qiu, W.L., Fu, X., Guo, Y.J., Zhou, L.P, 2015. Optical dating of the Yellow River terraces in the Mengjin area (China): First results. Quaternary Geochronology 30, 479–486.
29. Zhang, J.F., Huang, W.W., Hu, Y., Yang, S.X., Zhou, L.P., 2015. Optical dating of flowstone and silty carbonate-rich sediments from Panxian Dadong Cave, Guizhou, southwestern China. Quaternary Geochronology 30, 479–486.
28. Hu, G., Yi, C.Y., Zhang J.F., Liu J.H., Jiang, T., 2015. Luminescence dating of glacial deposits near the eastern Himalayan syntaxis using different grain-size fractions. Quaternary Science Reviews 124, 124–144.
27. Guo, Y.J., Li, B., Zhang, J.F., Roberts, R.G., 2015. Luminescence-based chronologies for Palaeolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin, northern China: First tests using newly developed optical dating procedures for potassium feldspar grains. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3, 31–40.
26. Qiu, W.L., Zhang, J.F., Wang, X.Y., Guo, Y.J., Zhuang,, M.G., Fu, X., Zhou, L.-P., 2014. The evolution of the Shiwanghe River valley in response to the Yellow River incision in the Hukou area, Shaanxi, China. Geomorphology 215, 34–44.
25. Hu, G., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Liu, J.H., Jiang, T., Qin, X., 2013. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of a moraine and a terrace in Laohugou valley, western Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibet. Quaternary International 321, 37–49.
24. Hou, Y.M., Yang,S.H., Dong,W., Zhang, J.F. Liu Y., 2013. Late Pleistocene representative sites in North China and their indication of evolutionary human behavior. Quaternary International 295, 183–190.
23. Guo, Y.J., Zhang, J.F.*, Qiu, W.L., Hu, G., Zhuang, M.G., Zhou, L.P., 2012. Luminescence dating of the Yellow River terraces in the Hukou area, China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 129–135.
22. Zhang, J.F., Liu, C.L., Wu, X.H., Liu, K.X., Zhou, L.P., 2012. Optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon dating of sediments from Lop Nur (Lop Nor), China. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 150–155.
21. Fu, X., Zhang, J.F.*, Zhou, L.P., 2012. Comparison of the properties of various optically stimulated luminescence signals from potassium feldspar. Radiation Measurements 47, 210–218.
20. Zhang, J.F., Wang, X.Q., Qiu, W.L., Shelach, G., Hua, G., Fu, X., Zhuang, M.G., Zhou L.P., 2011. The paleolithic site of Longwangchan in the middle Yellow River, China: chronology, paleoenvironment and implications. Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 1537–1550.
19. Zhang, J.F., Huang, W.W., Yuan, B.Y., Fu, R.Y., Zhou, L.P., 2010. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of cave deposits at the Xiaogushan prehistoric site, northeastern China. Journal of Human Evolution 59, 514–524.
18. Avni, Y., Zhang, J.F., Shelach. G., Zhou. L.P., 2010. Upper Pleistocene–Holocene geomorphic changes dictating sedimentation rates and historical land use in the valley system of the Chifeng region, Inner Mongolia, northern China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35, 1251–1268.
17. Zhang, J.F., Qiu, W.L., Wang, X.Q., Hu, G., Li, R.Q., Zhou, L.P., 2010. Optical dating of a hyperconcentrated flow deposit on a Yellow River terrace in Hukou, Shaanxi, China. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 194–199.
16. Hu, G, Zhang, J.F.*, Qiu, W.L., Zhou, L.P., 2010. Residual OSL signals in modern fluvial sediments from the Yellow River(HuangHe) and the implications for dating young sediments. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 187–193.
15. Fu, X., Zhang, J.F.*, Mo, D.W., Shi, C.X., Liu, H., Li, Y.Y., Zhou, L.P., 2010. Luminescence dating of baked earth and sediments from the Qujialing archaeological site, China. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 353–359.
14. Zheng, Y.E, Zhou, L.P., Zhang, J.F., 2010. Optical dating of the upper 22 m of cored sediments from Daihai Lake, northern China. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 228–232.
13. Zhou, L.P., Fu D.P., Zhang, J.F., 2010. An analysis of the components of the luminescence signals of selected polymineral and quartz samples from loess in western China and southern Tajikistan, and their suitability for optical dating. Quaternary Geochronology 5, 149–153.
12. Zhang, J.F., Qiu, W.L., Li, R.Q., Zhou, L.P., 2009. The evolution of a terrace sequence along the Yellow River (HuangHe) in Hequ, Shanxi, China, as inferred from optical dating. Geomorphology 109, 54–65.
11. Zhou, Y.L., Lu, H.Y., Zhang, J.F., Mason, J.A., Zhou, L.P., 2009. Luminescence dating of sand–loess sequences and response of Mu Us and Otindag sand fields (north China) to climatic changes. Journal of Quaternary Science 24, 336–344.
10. Zhang, J.F., Yuan, B.Y., Zhou, L.P., 2008. Luminescence chronology of "Old Red Sand" in Jinjiang and its implications for optical dating of sediments in South China. Chinese Science Bulletin 53, 591–601.
9. Zhang, J.F., Fan, C.F., Wang, H., Zhou, L.P., 2007. Chronology of an oyster reef on the coast of Bohai Bay, China: Constraints from optical dating using different luminescence signals from fine quartz and polymineral fine grains of coastal sediments. Quaternary Geochronology 2, 71–76.
8. Zhang, J.F., Zhou, L.P., 2007. Optimization of the 'double SAR' procedure for polymineral fine grains. Radiation Measurements 42, 1475–1482.
7. Pei, S.W., Zhang, J.F.*, Gao, X., Zhou, L.P., Feng, X.W., Chen, F.Y., 2006. Optical dating of the Jingshuiwan Paleolithic site of Three Gorges, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 51, 1334–1342.
6. Zhang, J.F., Yan, C., Zhou, L.P., 2005. Feasibility of optical dating using halite. Journal of Luminescence 114, 234–240.
5. Lu, H.Y., Miao, X.D., Zhou, Y.L., Mason, J., Swinehart, J., Zhang, J.F., Zhou, L.P., Yi, S.W., 2005. Late Quaternary aeolian activity in the Mu Us and Otindag dune fields (north China) and lagged response to insolation forcing. Geophysical Research Letters 32, -L21716, doi:10.1029/2005GL024560.
4. Zhang, J.F., Zhou, L.P., Yue, S.Y., 2003. Dating fluvial sediments by optically stimulated luminescence: selection of equivalent doses for age calculation. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 1123–1129.
3. Chen, Y.G., Chen, Y.W., Chen, W.S., Zhang, J.F., Zhao, H., Zhou, L.P., Li, S.H., 2003. Preliminary results of long-term slip rates of 1999 earthquake fault by luminescence and radiocarbon dating. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 1213–1221.
2. Zhang, J.F., Li, S.H., Tso, M.Y.W., 2001. Assessment of bleaching of K-feldspar grains. Radiation Measurements 33, 103–108.
1. Zhang, J.F., Li, S.H., Tso, M.Y.W., 2001. Improvement of the equivalent dose determination using aliquots of potassium feldspar. Radiation Measurements 33, 65–71.