Faculty & Staff
Hongyan Liu

Hongyan Liu
Research Direction:Vegetation science, Quaternary ecology
Department:Department of Ecology
Self Introduction
My research covers:
1. Responses of vulnerable ecosystems in dryland, karst and southern edge of permafrost to climate change;
2. Estimation of vulnerable ecosystem service dynamics driven by natural and anthropogenic factors;
3. Tree growth and forest health under drought limitation;
4. Ecological restoration in dryland, karst, and southern edge of permafrost.
Education and experience
Ph. D, 1999, Peking University (Physical Geography)
M.S., 1992, Peking University, China (Environmental Geosciences)
B.S., 1989, Peking University, China (Physical Geography)
Work Experience
1992-1994, Teaching Assistant of Ecology, Peking University
1994-1999, Lecturer of Ecology, Peking University
1999-2004, Associate Professor of Ecology, Peking University
2004-present, Professor of Ecology, Peking University
2000-2001, Visiting Scholar, The University of Calgary, Canada
2005-2006 & 2007-2008, Humboldt Fellow, Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK), German
2007-2020, Vice Dean, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
Fund Project
1. Linking ecohydrology and carbon sequestration in semiarid forests subjected to contrasting climate seasonality (NSFC-ISF International Cooperation Project, #42161144008, 2022-2024, Chinese PI, 2,000,000 CNY)
2. Vegetation restoration, carbon sequestration and water consumption (Leading talents support, Mininstry of Science and Technology of China, 2020-2024, PI, 900,000 CNY)
3. Response of forests in the semi-arid and arid regions in northern China to climate change(Project of NSFC Major Program, #41790422, 2018-2022, PI, 3,800,000 CNY)
4. Large-scale pattern of woody plants in the northern Hemisphere and its relations to global change (Project of a Key Program, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, #2017FYA0605101, Participant, 1,440,000 CNY)
Research Direction
Physical Geography (Plant Geography, Ecological responses to global change)
Peer-reviewed papers in English
1. Wu, L, Liu, H.-Y.*, Liang, B.-Y., Zhu, X.-R., Cao, J., Wang, Q.-M., Jiang, L.-B., Cressey, E.L., Quime, T.A., 2021. A process-based model reveals the restoration gap of degraded grasslands in Inner Mongolian steppe. Science of the Total Environment, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151324
2. Shi, L., Liu, H.-Y.*, Xu, C.-Y., Liang, B.-Y., Cao, J., Cressey, E.L., Quine, T.A., Zhou, M., Zhao, P.-W., 2021. Decoupled heatwave-tree growth in large forest patches of Larix sibirica in northern Mongolian Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 311: 108667
3. Xu, C.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, 2021. Hydraulic adaptability promotes tree life spans under climate dryness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/geb.13410
4. Peng, Z.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Jiang, L.-B., Liu, X., Dai, J.-Y., Xu, C.-Y., Chen, Z.-T., Wu. L., Liu, F., Liang, B.-Y., 2021. Effect paths of environmental factors and community attributes on aboveground net primary productivity of a temperate grassland. Land Degradation and Development, 32: 3823-3832.
5. Jiang, L.-B., Liu, H.-Y. *, Peng, Z.-Y., Dai, J.-Y., Zhao, F.,-J., Chen, Z.-T., 2021. Root system plays an important role in responses of plant to drought in the steppe of China. Land Degradation and Development, 32: 3498-3506
6. Liu, X., Feng, S.-W., Liu, H.-Y*, Jue, J., 2021. Patterns and determinants of woody encroachment in the eastern Eurasian steppe. Land Degradation and Development, 32: 3536-3549
7. Cheng, Y., Liu, H.-Y. *, Wang, H.-Y., Chen, D.-L., Ciais, P., Luo, Y., Wu, X-C., Yin, Y.. 2021. Indication of paleoecological evidence on the evolution of alpine vegetation productivity and soil erosion in central China since the mid-Holocene. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, doi: 10.1007/s11430-020-9757-1
8. Wang, L., Liu, H.-Y. *, Leavitt, S., Cressey, E.L., Quine, T.A., Shi, J.-F., Shi, S.-Y., 2021. Tree-ring δ18O identifies similarity in timing but differences in depth of soil water uptake by trees in mesic and arid climates. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309: 108569
9. Cao, J., Liu, H.-Y. *, Zhao, B., Li, Z.-S., Liang, B.-Y., Shi, L., Wu, L., Cressey, E.L., Quine, T.A., 2021. High forest stand density exacerbates growth decline of conifers driven by warming but not broad-leaved trees in temperate mixed forest in northeast Asia. Science of the Total Environment, 795: 148875
10. Hao, Q., Yang, S.-L., Song, Z.-L.*, Ran, X.-B., Yu, C.-X., Chen, C.-M., van Zwieten, L., Quine, T.A., Liu, H.-Y., Wang, Z.-G., Wang, H.-L., 2021. Holocene carbon accumulation in lakes of the current east Asian monsoonal margin: Implications under a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment, 737: 138723
11. Liu, F., Liu, H.-Y. *, Xu, C.-Y., Shi, L., Zhu, X.-R., Qi, Y., He, W.-Q., 2021. Old-growth forests show low canopy resilience to droughts at the southern edge of the taiga. Global Change Biology, 27: 2392-2402
12. Liu, H.-Y. *, 2021. Carbon–Water Relationships of the Forest Ecosystem under a Changing Climate. Forests, 12: 563.
13. Chen, Z.-T., Liu, H.-Y. *, Xu, C.-Y., Wu, X.-C., Liang, B.-Y., Cao, J., Chen, D.-L., 2021. Modeling vegetation greenness and its climate sensitivity with deep-learning technology. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.7564
14. Liang, B.-Y., Quine, T.A., Liu, H.-Y. *, Cressey, E.L., Bateman, I., 2021. How can we realize sustainable development goals in rocky desertified regions by enhancing crop yield with reduction of environmental risks? Remote Sensing, 13: 1614
15. Zhu, C.-Y., Wang, H.-Y.*, Li, S., Luo, Y., Xue, T.Y., Song, Y.Q., Qiu, A.A., Liu, H.-Y., 2021. Mineral magnetism variables as potential indicators of permafrost aggradation and degradation at the southern edge of the permafrost zone, Northeast China. Boreas, doi:10.1111/bor.12496
16. Cheng, Y., Liu, H.-Y. *, Wang, H.-Y., Hao, Q., 2021. Differentiated climate-driven Holocene biome migration in western and eastern China as mediated by topography. Earth-Science Reviews, 182: 174-185
17. Liu, F., Liu, H.-Y. *, Xu, C.-Y., Zhu, X.-R., He, W.-Q., Qi, Y., 2021. Remotely sensed birch forest resilience against climate change in the northern China forest-steppe ecotone. Ecological Indicators, 125: 107526
18. Peng, J.,* Jiang, H., Liu, Q.-H., Green, S.M., Quine, T.A., Liu, H.-Y., Qiu, S.-J., Liu, Y.-X., Meersmans, J., 2021. Human activity vs. climate change: Distinguishing dominant drivers on LAI dynamics in karst region of southwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 769: 146297
19. Zhu, X.-R., Liu, H.-Y. *, Li, Y.-Y., Liang, B.-Y., 2021. Quantifying the role of soil in local precipitation redistribution to vegetation growth. Ecological Indicators, 124: 107355
20. Li, Y.-Y., Liu, H.-Y. *, Zhu, X.-R., Yue, Y.-Y., Xue, J.-X., Shi, L., 2021. How permafrost degradation threatens boreal forest growth on its southern margin? Science of the Total Environment, 762: 143-154
1. Jiang, Z.-H., Liu, H.-Y., Wang, H.-Y., Peng, J., Meersmans, H., Green, S.M., Quine, T.A., Wu, X.-C., Song, Z.-L., 2021. Bedrock geochemistry influences vegetation growth by regulating the regolith water holding capacity. Nature Communications, 11: 2392
2. Zhu, C.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, H.-Y., Feng, S.-W., Han, Y. 2020. Vegetation change at the southern boreal forest margin in Northeast China over the last millennium: The role of permafrost dynamics. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 558: 109959.
4. Li, Y.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhu, X.-R., Yue, Y.-Y., Xue, J.-X., Shi, L., 2020. How permafrost degradation threatens boreal forest growth on its southern margin? Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143154 00
5. Cheng, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, H.-Y., Hao, Q., Han, Y., Duan, K.-Q., Dong, Z.-B. 2020. Climate-Driven Holocene Migration of Forest-Steppe Ecotone in the Tien Mountains. Forests, 2020, 11: 1139.
5. Dai, J.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, Y.-C., Guo, Q.-H., Hu, T.-Y., Quine, T.A., Green, S.M., Hartmann, H., Xu, C.-Y., Liu, X., Jiang, Z.-H., 2020. Drought-modulated allometric patterns of trees in semi-arid forests. Communication Biology, 3: 405.
6. Han, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhou, L.-Y., Hao, Q., Cheng, Y. 2020. Postglacial evolution of forest and grassland in southeastern Gobi (Northern China). Quaternary Science Reviews, 248: 106611.
7. Cheng, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Dong, Z.-B., Duan, K.-Q., Wang, H.-Y., Han, Y. 2020. East Asian summer monsoon and topography co-determine the Holocene migration of forest-steppe ecotone in northern China. Global and Planetary Change, 187: 103135.
8. Dai, J., Liu, H.-Y.*, Xu, C.-Y., Qi, Y., Zhu, X.-R., Zhou, M., Liu, B.-B., Wu, Y.-H., 2020. Divergent hydraulic strategies explain the interspecific associations of co-occurring trees in forest–steppe ecotone. Forests, 11: 942.
9. He, W.-Q., Liu, H.-Y.*, Qi, Y., Liu, F., Zhu, X.-R., 2020. Patterns in nonstructural carbohydrate contents at the tree organ level in response to drought duration. Global Change Biology, 26: 3627-3638.
10. Liu, H.-Y.*, Peng, J., 2020. Determinants of ecosystem processes and services in the karst critical zone in south-west China. Progress in Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1177/0309133320977783
11. Zhu, X.-R., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wu, L., Liang, B.-Y., Liu, F., He, W.-Q., 2020. Impact of bedrock geochemistry on vegetation productivity depends on climate dryness in the Guizhou karst of China. Progress in Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1177/0309133320936085
12. Liang, B.-Y., Liu, H.-Y., Quine, T.A., Chen, X.-Q., Hallett, P.D., Cressey, E.L., Zhu, X.-R., Cao, J., Yang, S.-H., Wu, L., Hartley, I.P., 2020. Analysing and simulating spatial patterns of crop yield in Guizhou Province based on artificial neural networks. Progress in Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1177/0309133320956631
13. Feng, S.-W., Wu, L., Liang, B.-Y., Wang, H.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhu, C.-Y., Li, S., 2020. Forestation does not necessarily reduce soil erosion in a karst watershed in southwestern China. Progress in Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1177/0309133320958613
14. Liu, H.-Y.*, Dai, J.-Y., Xu, C.-Y., Peng, J., Wu, X.-C., 2020. Bedrock-associated belowground and aboveground interactions and their implications for vegetation restoration in the karst critical zone of subtropical Southwest China. Progress in Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1177/0309133320949865
15. Qiu, S.-J., Peng, J.*, Dong, J.-Q., Wang, X.-Y., Ding, Z.-H., Zhang, H.-B., Mao, Q., Liu, H.-Y., Quine, T.A., 2020. Understanding the relationships between ecosystem services and associated social-ecological drivers in a karst region: A case study of Guizhou Province, China. Progress in Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1177/0309133320933525
16. Shi, L., Li, G.-X., Liu, H.-Y.,*, Dech, J.P., Zhou, M., Zhao, P.-W., Ren, Z., 2020. Dendrochronological Reconstruction of June Drought (PDSI) from 1731–2016 for the Western Mongolian Plateau. Atmosphere, 11: 839
17. Hao, Q., Yang, S.-L., Song, Z.-L.*, Ran, X.-B., Yu, C.-X., Chen, C.-M., Van Zwieten, L., Quine, T.A., Liu, H.-Y., Wang, Z.-G., Wang, H.-L., 2020. Holocene carbon accumulation in lakes of the current east Asian monsoonal margin: Implications under a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment, 737: 139-423
18. Anenkhonov, O.A.*, Sandanov, D.V., Liu, H.-Y., Korolyuk, A. Yu., Xu, C.-Y., Guo, W.-C., Zverev, A.A., Naidanov, B.B., Chimitov, D.G., 2020. Using Data on the Thermal Conditions of Soils for the Differentiation of Vegetation in the Exposure-Related Forest Steppe of Transbaikalia. Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 13(5): 522–532
19. Peng, J.*, Tian, L., Zhang, Z.-M., Zhao, Y., Green, S.M., Quine, T.A., Liu, H.-Y., Meersmans, J., 2020. Distinguishing the impacts of land use and climate change on ecosystem services in a karst landscape in China. Ecosystem Services, 46: 101199
20. Liang, B.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Chen, X.-Q., Zhu, X.-R., Cressey, E.L., Quine, T.A., 2020. Periodic Relations between Terrestrial Vegetation and Climate Factors across the Globe. Remote Sensing, 12:1805
21. Yue, Y.Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Xue, J.X., Li, Y.Y., Guo, W.-C., 2020. Ecological indicators of near-surface permafrost habitat at the southern margin of the boreal forest in China. Ecological Indicator, 108: 105714
22. Xu, K.-X., Su, Y.-J., Liu J., Hu, T.-Y., Jin, S.-C., Ma, Q., Zhai, Q.-P., Wang, R., Zhang, J., Li, Y.-M., Liu, H.-Y., Guo, Q.-H.*, 2020. Estimation of degraded grassland aboveground biomass using machine learning methods from terrestrial laser scanning data. Ecological Indicators, 108: 105747
1. Wu, X.-C., Guo, W.-C., Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y.*, Peng, C.-H., Allen, C.D., Zhang, C.-C., Wang, P., Pei, T.-T., Ma, Y.-J., Tian, Y.-H., Song, Z.-L., Zhu, W.-Q., Wang, Y., Li, Z.-S., Chen, D.-L., 2019. Exposures to temperature beyond threshold disproportionately reduce vegetation growth in the northern hemisphere. National Science Review, DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwy158
2. Hao, Q., Liu, H.-Y.*, Yang, S.-L., Yang, W.-H., Song, Z.-L.*., 2020. Differentiated roles of mean climate and climate stability on post-glacial birch distributions in northern China. Holocene, 29(11): 1758-1766
3. Roger, P.-C.*, Brandley, P.D., Sebesta, J., Albrechtsen, B.R., Li, Q.-Q., Ivanova, N., Kusbach, A., Kuuluvainen, T., Landhaeuser, S.M., Liu, H.-Y., Myking, T., Pulkkinen, P., Wen, Z., Kulkowski, D., 2020. A global view of aspen: Conservation science for widespread keystone systems. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21, e00828
4. Jiang, P., Liu, H.-Y.*, Piao, S.-L., Ciais, P., Wu X.-C., Yin, Y., Wang, H., 2019. Enhanced growth after extreme wetness compensates for post-drought carbon loss in dry forests. Nature Communications, 10:195
5. Guo, Y.-P., Schöb, C., Ma, W.-H., Mohammat, A., Liu, H.-Y., Yu, S.-L., Jiang, Y.-X., Schmid, B., Tang, Z.-Y.*, 2019. Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity–biomass relationships in shrublands. Ecology, e02624
6. Liu, H.-Y.*, Jiang, Z.-H., Dai, J.-Y., Wu, X.-C., Peng, J., Wang, H.-Y., Meersmans, J., Green, S.M., Quine, T.A., 2019. Rock crevices determine woody and herbaceous plant cover in the karst critical zone. Science China Earth Sciences, 62: doi: 10.1007/s11430-018-9328-3
7. Liu, H.-Y.*, Shangguan, H.-L., Zhou, M., Airebule, P., Zhao, P.-W., He, W.-Q., Xiang, C.-L., Wu, X.-C., 2019. Differentiated responses of nonstructural carbohydrate allocation to climatic dryness and drought events in the Inner Asian arid timberline. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271: 355-361
8. Liu, H.-Y., Leng, S.-Y.*, He, C.-F., Peng, J., Wang, X.-J., 2019. China’s road towards sustainable development: Geography bridges science and solution. Progress in Physical Geography, doi: 10.1177/0309133319851026
9. Cao, J., Liu, H.-Y., Zhao, B., Li, Z.-S., Drew, D.M., Zhao, X.-H.*, 2019. Species-specific and elevation-differentiated responses of tree growth to rapid warming in a mixed forest lead to a continuous growth enhancement in semi-humid Northeast Asia. Forest Ecology and Management, 448: 76-84
10. Liu H.-Y., 2019. It is difficult for China’s greening through large-scale afforestation to cross the Hu Line. Science China Earth Sciences, 62: doi: 10.1007/s11430-019-9381-3
11. Shi, L., Dech, J.P., Liu, H.-Y., Zhao, P.-W., Bayin, D., Zhou, M.*, 2019. Post-fire vegetation recovery at forest sites is affected by permafrost degradation in the Da Xing'an Mountains of northern China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30: 940-949
12. Wang, H.-Y.*, Cheng, Y., Luo, Y., Zhang, C.-N., Deng, L., Yang, X.-Y., Liu, H.-Y., 2019. Variations in erosion intensity and soil maturity as revealed by mineral magnetism of sediments from an alpine lake in monsoon-dominated central east China and their implications for environmental changes over the past 5500 years. The Holocene, doi: 10.1177/095968361986558
13. Green, S.M., Dungaita, J.A.J., Tu, C.-L., Buss, H.L., Sanderson, N., Kawkese, S.J., Xing, K.-X., Yue, F.-J., Hussey, V.L., Peng, J., Johnes, P., Barrowsa, T., Hartley, I.P., Song, X.-W., Jiang, Z.-H., Meersmans, J., Zhang, X.-Y., Tian, J., Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y., Song, Z.-L., Evershed, R., Gao, Y., Quine, T.A.*, 2019. Soil functions and ecosystem services research in the Chinese karst Critical Zone. Chemical Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.03.018
14. Ji, Z.M., Yang, X., Song, Z.-L.*, Liu, H.-Y., Liu, X., Qiu, S., Li, J., Guo, F., Wu, Y., Zhang, X., 2018. Silicon distribution in meadow steppe and typical steppe of northern China and its implications for phytolith carbon sequestration. Grass and Forage Science, 73:482–492
15. Wu, X.-C., Li, X.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Ciais, P., Li, Y.-Q., Xu, C.-Y., Babst, F., Guo, W., Hao, B., Wang, P., Huang, Y.-M., Liu, S.-M., Tian, Y.-H., He, B., Zhang, C.-C., 2019. Uneven winter snow influence on tree growth across temperate China. Global Change Biology, 25: 144-154
1. Guo, W.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wu, X.-C., 2018. Vegetation greening despite weakening coupling between vegetation growth and temperature over the boreal region. Geophysical Research Letters, 123(8), 2376-2387
2. Zeng, W.-J., Chen, J.-B., Liu, H.-Y., Wang, W.*, 2018. Soil respiration and its autotrophic and heterotrophic components in response to nitrogen addition among different degraded temperate grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 124: 255-265
3. Shi, F.-Z., Wu, X-C.*, Li, X.-Y.*, Chen, D.-L., Liu, H.-Y., Liu, S.-M., Hu, X., He, B., Shi, C.-M., Wang P., Mao, R., Ma, Y.-J., Huang, Y.-M., 2018. Weakening relationship between vegetation growth over the Tibetan Plateau and large-scale climate variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 004134
4. Jiang, Z.-H., Ma, K.-M., Liu, H.-Y., Tang, Z.-Y., 2018. A trait-based approach reveals the importance of biotic filter for elevational herb richness pattern. Journal of Biogeography, 45: 2288-2298
5. Cheng, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, H.-Y., Hao, Q., 2018. Differentiated climate-driven Holocene biome migration in western and eastern China as mediated by topography. Earth Science Reviews, 182: 174-185
6. Hu, G.-Z., Liu, H.-Y.*, Shangguang, H.-L., Wu, X.-C., Xu, X.-T., Williams, M., 2018. The role of heartwood water storage for semi-arid trees under drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 256-257: 534-541
7. Erdős, L., Ambarlı, D., Anenkhonov, O.A., Bátori, Z., Cserhalmi, D., Kröel-Dulay, G., Liu, H.-Y., Magnes, M., Molnár, Z., Naqinezhad, A., Semenishchenkov, Y.A., Tölgyesi, C., Török, P. 2018. The edge of two worlds: A new review and synthesis on Eurasian forest-steppes. Applied Vegetation Science, 21: 345-362
8. Xu, X.-T., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, W., Song, Z.-L., 2018. Patterns and determinants of the response of plant biomass to addition of nitrogen in semi-arid and alpine grasslands of China. Journal of Arid Environments, 153: 11-17
9. Guo, W.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, Anenkhonov, O.A., Shangguan , H.-L., Sandanov, D.V., Korolyuk, A., Yu, Hu, G.-Z., Wu, X.-C. Vegetation can strongly regulate permafrost degradation at its southern edge through changing surface freeze-thaw processes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 23: 10-17
10. Ru, N., Yang, X.-M., Song, Z.-L.*, Liu, H.-Y., Hao, Q., Liu, X., Wu, X.-C., 2018. Phytoliths and phytolith carbon occlusion in aboveground vegetation of sandy grasslands in eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Science of the Total Environment, 625, 1283-1289
11. Wu, X.-C.*, Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y., Liang, E.-Y., Beck, P.S.A., Huang, Y.-M., Seasonal divergence in the interannual responses of Northern Hemisphere vegetation activity to variations in diurnal climate. Scientific Reports, 6:19000
12. Xu, C.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhou, M., Xue, J.-X., Zhao, P.-W., Shi, L., Shangguan, H.-L., 2018. Enhanced sprout-regeneration offsets warming-induced forest mortality through shortening the generation time in semiarid birch forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 409: 298-306
13. Hao, Q., de Lafontaine, G., Guo, D.-S., Gu, H.-Y., Hu, F.-S., Han, Y., Song, Z.-L., Liu, H.-Y.*, 2018. The critical role of local refugia in postglacial colonization of Chinese pine: joint inferences from DNA analyses, pollen records, and species distribution modeling. Ecography, 41: 592-606
14. Cheng, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, H.-Y.*, Piao, S.-L., Yin, Y., Ciais, P., Wu, X.-C., Luo, Y., Zhang, C.-N., Song, Y.-Q., Gao, Y.-S., Qiu, A.-A., 2017. Contrasting effects of winter and summer climate on alpine timberline evolution in monsoon-dominated East Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169, 278-287
1. Han, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Hao, Q., Liu, X., Guo, W.-C., Shangguan H.-L., 2017. More reliable pollen productivity estimates and relative source area of pollen in a forest-steppe ecotone with improved vegetation survey. The Holocene, 27(10): 1567-1577
2. Liu, X., Liu, H.-Y.*, Qiu, S., Wu, X.-C., Tian, Y.-H., Hao, Q., 2017. An improved estimation of regional fractional woody/herbaceous cover using combined satellite data and high-quality training samples. Remote Sensing, 9, 32
3. Pan, W.-J., Song, Z.-L.*, Liu, H.-Y.*, van Zwieten, L., Li, Y.-T., Yang, X.-M., Han, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, X.-D., Xu, Z.-J., Wang, H.-L., 2017. The accumulation of phytolith-occluded carbon in soils of different grasslands. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17: 2420-2427
4. Wu, X.-C.*, Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y.*, Ciais, P., Babst, F., Guo, W.-C., Zhang, C.-C., Magliulo, V., Pavelka, M., Liu, S.-M., Huang, Y.-M., Wang, P., Shi, C.-M., Ma, Y.-J., 2018. Differentiating drought legacy effects on vegetation growth over the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology,24(1): 504-516
5. Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y.*, Piao, S.-L., Ciais, P., Guo, W.-C., Yin, Y., Poulter, B., Peng, C.-H., Viovy, N., Vuichard, N., Wang, P., Huang, Y.-M., 2017. Higher temperature variability reduces temperature sensitivity of vegetation growth in Northern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 44: 6174-6181
6. Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y.*, Tian, Y.-H., Mahecha, M.D., 2017. Responses of winter wheat yields to warming-mediated vernalization variations across temperate Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5:126
7. Lashchinskiy, N.*, Korolyuk, A., Makunina, N., Anenkhonov, O., Liu, H.-Y., 2017. Longitudinal changes in species composition of forests and grasslands across the North Asian forest steppe zone. Folia Geobotanica, 52:175–197
8. Xu, C.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Anenkhonov, O.A., Korolyuk, A.Y, Sandanov, D.V., Balsanova, L.D., Naidanov, B.B., Wu, X.-C., 2017. Long-term forest resilience to climate change indicated by mortality, regeneration and growth in semi-arid southern Siberia. Global Change Biology, 23(6):2370-2382
1. Wang, H.-Y.*, Song, Y.-Q., Cheng Y., Luo, Y., Zhang, C.-N., Gao, Y.-S., Qiu, A.-A., Deng, L., Liu, H.-Y., 2016. Mineral magnetism and other characteristics of sediments from a sub-alpine lake (3080m a.s.l.) in central east China and their implications on environmental changes for the last 5770 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 452: 44-59
2. Jiang, P., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wu, X.-C., Wang, H.-Y., 2016. Tree-ring-based SPEI reconstruction in central Tianshan Mountains of China since AD 1820 and links to westerly circulation. Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc4884
3. Xu, C.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Williams, A.P., Yin, Y., Wu, X.-C., 2016. Trends toward an earlier peak of the growing season in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. Global Change Biology, 22: 2852-2860
4. Xu, Y., Shen, Z.-H.*, Ying, L.-X., Ciais, P., Liu, H.-Y., Piao, S.-L., Wen, C., Kiang, Y.-X., 2016. The exposure, sensitivity and vulnerability of natural vegetation in China to climate thermal variability (1901-2013): An indicator-based approach. Ecological Indicators, 63: 258-272
5. Yang, X., Chi, X.-L., Ji, C.-J., Liu, H.-Y., Ma, W.-H., Mohhammat, A., Shi,, Z., 2016. Variations of leaf N and P concentrations in shrubland biomes across northern China: phylogeny, climate, and soil. Biogeoscience, 13: 1-10
6. Li, B.-G. Gasser, T., Ciais, P., Piao, S.-L., Tao, S., Balkanski, Y., Hauglustaine, D., Boisier, J.-P., Chen, Z., Huang, M.-T., Li, L.-Z., Li, Y., Liu, H.-Y., Liu, J.,-F., Peng, S.-S., Shen, Z.-H., Sun, Z.-Z., Wang, R., Wang, T., Yin, G.-D., Yin, Y., Zeng, H., Zeng, Z.-Z., Zhou, F., 2016. The contribution of China’s emissions to global climate forcing. Nature, 531: 357-362
7. Qiu, S., Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhao, F.-J., Liu, X., 2016. Inconsistent changes of biomass and species richness along a precipitation gradient in temperate steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 132: 42-48
8. Feng, M.-M., Wang, Q.-Y., Hao, Q., Yin, Y., Song, Z.-L., Wang, H.-Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, 2016. Determinants of soil erosion during the last 1600 years in the forest–steppe ecotone in Northern China reconstructed from lacustrine sediments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 449: 79-84
9. Hao, Q., Liu, H.-Y.*, Liu, X., 2016. Pollen-detected altitudinal migration of forests during the Holocene in the mountainous forest–steppe ecotone in northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 446: 70–77
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11. Wu, X.-C.*, Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y., Liang, E.-Y., Beck, P.S.A., Huang,Y.-M., 2016. Seasonal divergence in the interannual responses of Northern Hemisphere vegetation activity to variations in diurnal climate. Scientific Reports, 6:19000
1. Xu, X.-T., Liu, H.-Y.*, Song, Z.-L., Wang, W., Hu, G.-Z., Qi, Z.-H., 2015. Response of aboveground biomass and diversity to nitrogen addition along a degradation gradient in the Inner Mongolian steppe, China. Scientific Reports, 5:10284
2. Yang, X.-M., Song, Z.-L., Liu, H.-Y., Bolan, N.S., Wang, H.-L., Li, Z.-M., 2015. Plant silicon content in forests of north China and its implications for phytolith carbon sequestration. Ecological Research, 30: 347-355
3. Hu, G.-Z., Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Song, Z.-L., 2015. The role of legumes in plant community succession of degraded grasslands in northern China. Land Degradation & Development, 27: 366-372
4. Anenkhonova, O.A., Korolyukb, A. Yu, Sandanov, D.V., Liu, H.-Y., Zverev, A.A., Guo, D.-L., 2015. Soil-moisture conditions indicated by field-layer plants help identifyvulnerable forests in the forest-steppe of semi-arid Southern Siberia. Ecological Indicators, 57: 196-207
5. Liu, H.-Y.*, Brueheide, H., Elward, J., Chytrý, M., 2015. Temperate forests in continental East Asia. Applied Vegetation Science, 18: 3–4
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7. Qi, Z.-H., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wu, X.-C., Hao, Q., 2015. Climate-driven speedup of alpine treeline forest growth in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China. Global Change Biology, 21: 816-826
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3. Yang, X., Tang, Z.-Y.*, Ji, C.-J., Liu, H.-Y., Ma, W.-H., Mohhamot, A., Shi, Z.-Y., Sun, W., Wang, T., Wang, X.-P., Wu, X., Yu, S.-L., Yue, M., Zheng, C.-Y., 2014. Scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus across plant organs in shrubland biomes across Northern China. Scientific Reports, 4: 5448, DOI: 10.1038/srep05448
4. Song, Z.-L.*, Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhao, F.-J., Xu, C.-Y., 2014. Ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in China’s grasslands. Plant and Soil, 380: 165-179
5. Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, He, L.-B., Qi, Z.-H., Anenkhonov, O. A., Korolyuk, A. Yu., Yu, Y., Guo, D.-L., 2014. Stand-total tree-ring measurements and forest inventory documented climate-induced forest dynamics in the semi-arid Altai Mountains. Ecological Indicators, 34: 231-241
6. Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y.*, Piao, S.-L., Zhao, F.-J., Engels, M., Ciais, P., 2013. Disappearing lakes in semiarid northern
1. Liu, G., Yin, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Hao, Q., 2013. Quantifying regional vegetation cover variability in North China during the Holocene: implications for climate feedback. PLoS ONE, 8: e71681,
2. Song, Z.-L.*, Liu, H.-Y.*, Li, B.-B., Yang, X.-M., 2013. The production of phytolith-occluded carbon in China’s forests: implications to biogeochemical carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology, 19: 2907-2915
3. Liu, H.-Y.*, Williams, A.P., Allen, C.D.*, Guo, D.-L., Wu, X.-C., Anenkhonov, O.A., Liang, E.-Y., Sandanov, D.V., Yin, Y., Qi, Z.-H., Badmaeva, N.K., 2013. Rapid warming accelerates tree growth decline in semi-arid forests of Inner Asia. Global Change Biology, 19: 2500-2510
4. Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., 2013. Response of forest distribution to past climate change: An insight into future predictions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58: 4426-4436
5. Liu, H.-Y.*, Liu, K., Wei, F.-L., 2013. Aretemisia pollen-indicated steppe distribution in southern China during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Palaeogeography, 2: 297-305
6. Liu, H.-Y.*, Piao, S.-L., 2013. Drought threatened semi-arid ecosystems in the Inner Asia. Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology, 178-179: 1-2
7. Liu, G, Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., 2013. Global patterns of NDVI-indicated vegetation extremes and their sensitivity to climate extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 8: 025009
8. Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, Y.-F., Deng, M.-H., 2013. Prolonged limitation of tree growth due to warmer spring in semi-arid mountain forests of Tianshan, northwest China. Environmental Research Letters, 8: 024016
9. Hu, G.-Z., Liu, H.-Y.*, Anenkhonov, O., Korolyuk, A., Sandanov, D., Guo, D.-L.,2013. Forest buffers soil temperature and postpones soil thaw as indicated by a three-year large-scale soil temperature monitoring in the forest-steppe ecotone in Inner Asia. Global and Planetary Change, 104: 1-6
10. Poulter, B*, Pedersen, N, Liu, H.-Y., Zhu, Z.-C., D’Arrigo R., Ciais, P., Davi, N., Frank, D., Myneni, R., Piao, S.-L., Wang, T. 2013. Recent trends in Inner Asian forest dynamics to temperature and precipitation indicate high sensitivity to climate change. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 178-179: 31-45
11. Yin, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, Liu, G., Hao, Q., Wang, H.-Y., 2013. Vegetation responses to mid-Holocene extreme drought events and subsequent long-term drought on the southeastern Inner Mongolian Plateau, China. Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology, 178-179: 3-9
12. Wu X.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, 2013. Consistent shifts in spring vegetation green-up date across temperate biomes in
1. Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, Guo, D.-L., Anenkhonov, O., Badmaeva, N., Sandanov, D., 2012. Growth Decline Linked to Warming-Induced Water Limitation in Hemi-Boreal Forests. PLoS ONE, 7(8): e42619. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.004261
2. Song, Z.-L.*, Liu, H.-Y., Si, Y., Yin, Y., 2012. The Production of Phytoliths in China's Grasslands: Implications to the Biogeochemical Sequestration of Atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology, 18: 3647-3653
3. Liu, H.-Y.*, He, S.-Y., Anenkhonov, O, Hu, G.-Z., Sandanov, D., Badmaeva, N., 2012. Topography-controlled soil water content and the coexistence of forest and steppe in northern china. Physical Geography, 33: 561-573
4. Zhao, Y.*, Liu, H.-Y., Li, F.-R., Huang, X.-Z., Sun, J.-H., Zhao, W.-W., Herzschuh, U., Tang, Y., 2012. Application and limitations of the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae pollen ratio in arid and semi-arid China. The Holocene, 22: 1385-1392
5. Wang, H.-Y.*, Liu, H.-Y., Zhao, F.-J., Yin, Y., Zhu, J.-L., Snowball, I., 2012. Early- and mid-Holocene palaeoenvironments as revealed by mineral magnetic, geochemical and palynological data of sediments from Bai Nuur and Ulan Nuur, southeastern inner Mongolia Plateau, China. Quaternary International, 250: 100-118
6. Yin, Y., Liu, H.-Y.*, He, S.-Y., Zhao, F.-J., Zhu, J.-L., Wang, H.-Y., Liu, G., Wu, X.-C., 2011. Patterns of local and regional grain size distribution and their application to Holocene climate reconstruction in semi-arid Inner Mongolia,
2011 and before
1. Zhao F.-J., Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Hu, G.Z., Wu, X.C., 2011. Vegetation succession prevents dry lake beds from becoming dust sources in the semiarid steppe region of China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36: 864-871
2. Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Zhu, J.-L., Zhao, F.-J., Wang, H.-Y., 2010. How did forest respond to Holocene climate drying at the forest-steppe ecotone in northern
3. Zhang, Y.-K., Liu, H.-Y.*, 2010. How did climate drying reduce ecosystem carbon storage in the forest–steppe ecotone? A case study in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Plant Research, 123: 543-549
4. Wang, H.-Y.*, Liu, H.-Y., Zhu, J.-L., Yin, Y., 2010. Holocene environmental changes as recorded by mineral magnetism of sediments from Anguli-nuur Lake, southeastern Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 285(1-2): 30-49
5. Wang, H.-Y.*, Liu, H.-Y., Liu, Y.-H., Cui, H.-T., Abrahamsen, N., 2010. Mineral magnetism and other characteristics of sediments from an alpine lake (3,410 m a.s.l.) in central China and implications for late Holocene climate and environment. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43(2): 345-367
6. Herzschuh, U.*, Birks, H.J.B., Ni, J., Zhao, Y., Liu, H.-Y., Liu, X.-Q., Gross, G., 2010. Holocene land-cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau. Holocene, 20 (1): 91-104
7. Li, A., Guo, D.-L.*, Wang, Z.-Q., Liu, H.-Y., 2010. Nitrogen and phosphorus allocation in leaves, twigs, and fine roots across 49 temperate, subtropical and tropical tree species: a hierarchical pattern. Functional Ecology, 24(1): 224-232
8. Piao, S.-L.*, Ciais, P., Lomas, M., Beer, C., Liu, H.-Y., Fang, J.-Y., Friedlingstein, F., Huang, Y., Muraoka, H., Son, Y., Woodward, I., 2010. Contribution of climate change and rising CO2 to terrestrial carbon balance in East Asia: A multimodel analysis. Global and Planetary Change, 75(3-4): 133-142.
9. Piao, S.-L.*, Cias, P., Huang, Y., Shen, Z.-H., Peng, S.-S., Li, J.-S., Zhou, L.-P., Liu, H.-Y., Ma, Y.-C., Ding, Y.-H., Friedlingstein, P., Liu, C.-Z., Tan, K., Yu, Y.-Q., Zhang, T.-Y., Fang, J.-Y., 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in
10. Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., 2009. Patterns of plant biodiversity in the woodland-steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia. Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2(4): 322-329
11. Liang, E.-Y.*, Eckstein, D., Liu, H.-Y., 2009. Assessing the recent grassland greening trend in a long-term context based on tree-ring analysis: A case study in North China Ecological Indicators, 9:1280–1283
12. Wu, X.-C., Liu, H.-Y.*, Ren, J., He, S.-Y., Zhang, Y.-K., 2009.Water-dominated vegetation activity across biomes in mid-latitudinal eastern
13. Liu, H.-Y.*, Ji, Z.-K., Tian, J., 2008. Reconstruction of former halophilous desert vegetation at the present cropland sites using soil conditions analogy. Folia Geobotanica, 43(1): 35-47
14. Liu, H.-Y.*, Wei, F.-L., Liu, K. and Zhu, J.-L., 2008. Determinants of pollen dispersal in the East Asian steppe at different spatial scales. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 149(3-4): 219-228
15. Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Ren, J., Tian, Y.-H., Wang, H.-Y., 2008. Climatic and anthropogenic controls of topsoil features in the semi-arid East Asian steppe. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(4): L04401, doi:10.1029/2007GL032980
16. Liang, E.-Y.*, Eckstein, D., Liu, H.-Y., 2008. Climate-growth relationships of relict Pinus tabulaeformis at the northern limit of its natural distribution in northern
17. Liang, E.-Y.*, Shao, X.-M., Liu, H.-Y., Eckstein, D., 2007, Tree-ring based PDSI reconstruction since AD 1842 in the Ortindag sand land, east Inner Mongolia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52 (19): 2715-2721
18. Ren, J., Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., He, S.-Y., 2007. Drivers of greening trend across vertically distributed biomes in temperate arid Asia. Geophysical Research Letters, 34: L07707, doi:10.1029/2007GL029435
19. Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, Y., Tian, Y.-H., 2006. Climatic and anthropogenic controls of surface pollen in East Asian steppes. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 138(3-4): 281-289
20. Xu, L.-H., Liu, H.-Y.*, Chu, X.-Z., Su, K., 2006, Desert vegetation patterns at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountains: The role of soil conditions. Flora, 206(1): 44-50
21. Piao, S.-L.*, Fang, J.-Y., Liu, H.-Y., Zhu, B., 2005. Dynamics of desertification in China over the past two decades from satellite data. Geophysical Research Letter, 32, L06402, doi:10.1029/2004 GL021764
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27. Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Tang, Z.-Y., Dai, J.-H., Tang, Y.-X., 2002, Larch timberline and its development in temperate
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33. Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Pott, R., Speier, M., 2000, Vegetation of the woodland-steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia,
34. Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Pott, R., Speier, M., 1999, Surface pollen of the woodland-steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia,
35. Cui, H.-T.*, Liu, H.-Y., Yao, X.-S., 1997, The finding of the paleo-spruce timber in the Hunshandak sandy land and its paleoecological significance. Science in