
CURRENT POSITION Professor of Economic Geography and Dean,
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,
Deputy director, Peking University-Lincoln Institute
Center for Urban Development and Land Policy
, Peking University, Beijing, China 100871
Dr. Canfei He is an economic geography professor and the Dean of the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University (PKU) and the deputy director of the Peking University–Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy. He earned his Ph.D. degree in geography from Arizona State University in 2001 and joined in the University of Memphis as visiting assistant professor for two years. He joined in Peking University in 2003.
He is now a vice president of Chinese Geographical Society, Regional Economics of China, Regional Science Association of China, National Society of Economic Geography in China and the Chair, RSA China Division. He joined the organizing committee of the fourth global conference of economic geography, the consulting committee of the fifth global economic geography and the scientific committee of the six global conference of economic geography. He is a member of steering committee of IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces and Research Committee Member of Regional Studies Association.
He is the associate editors of four Chinese journals , the international corresponding editor of Urban Studies and Co-editor of Growth and Change. He is also the section editor of industrial geography of Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography. He sits on the editorial board of several international journals, including Economic Geography, Progress in Economic Geography, Geography and Sustainability, Applied Geography, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Growth and Change, Post Communist Economies, Area Development and Policy, Transactions in Planning and Urban Research and Asian Geographers.
Dr. He’s research interests include industrial geography, urban and regional development, environmental economic geography and evolutionary economic geography in China. His research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Development and Reform Commission of China, Ministry of Natural Resources, World Bank, Energy Foundation and many cities. Dr. He has authored or co-authored 20 books in Chinese and 4 books in English and published more than 370 papers and around 110 papers in international journals, including Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Geography, Annals of Association of American Geographers, Urban Geography, Urban Studies, Regional Studies, Landscape and Urban Planning, Environment and Planning C, European Planning Studies, Cambridge Journal of City, Region and Society, Papers in Regional Science, International Review of Regional Sciences, and Geoforum, Spatial Economic Analysis. He is also the lead guest editor of several special issues for Growth and Change (2016), Geojournal(2016), and Small Business Economics (2019).
He was granted the Outstanding Young Scientist Award by National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2014 and was entitled the Cheung Kong professorship in 2016 by the Ministry of Education in China. He earned a number of awards from Ministry of Education of China, Chinese Society of Geography, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ministry of Natural Resources, and Beijing. He was listed by Elsevier as one of the most cited researchers in mainland China (social sciences) for 10 consecutive years (2014-2024) and recognized in World’s top 2% Scientists (Single 2022 and whole career).
2001 |
Ph.D. in Geography, Arizona State University, United States |
1997 |
M.S. in Geography, Beijing Normal University, China (Graduate with distinction) |
1994 |
B.S. in Geography, Beijing Normal University, China (Graduate with distinction) |
2009-Present |
Professor, Peking University |
2003-2009 |
Associate Professor, Peking University |
2001-2003 |
Assistant Professor, University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA |
1998-2001 |
Teaching Assistant, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA |
1997-1998 |
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China |
July-Aug 2015 |
Visiting Scholar, Oxford University, UK |
Jan-Feb 2015 |
Visiting Scholar, Griffith University, Australia |
Nov 2013 - Feb 2014 |
Visiting Research Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy |
Sep 2012 - Aug 2015 |
Honorary Research Fellows, Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Oct 2007-May 2008 |
Consultant at the World Bank |
2007-Present |
Research Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy |
May 2007 - Mar 2008 |
Consultant at the World Bank |
2023-2026 PI Spatial Planning and High Quality Development in Dianzhong Urban
Clusters, Bureau of Science and Technology of Yunnan Province
2023-2024 PI Industrial Development and CO2 Emission in Guandong Province,
Energy Foundation
2022-2025 PI Technological Relatedness, Economic Complexity and Regional Path
Creation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
2021-2024 Co-PI, Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on Regional Resilience and
Disparities in Germany and China, Duetsche Forschungsgemenischaft (DFG)
(With Professor Robert Hassink and Annekatrin Niebuhr, Huiwen Gong)
2015-2019 |
PI Global Local Interaction and Regional Industrial Restructuring, National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41731278. PI. Economic Geography: Industrial Dynamics, the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young, No 41425001. |
2014-2016 |
Co-PI. China's urbanization in question: mega events, overdrawn capital, and uneven urban transformation in the Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou city-regions, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (With George Lin, Debin Du) |
2013-2015 |
PI. The "Twelfth Five-Year" National Science and Technology Support Program: Town Construction Land Redevelopment key technology research and demonstration, Topic 3 "Industrial Upgrading and Structural Adjustment of Land Allocation and Control Technology" (2013BAJ13B03). |
2013-2016 |
PI. The Environmental Effect of the Changes of China's Industrial Geography, the National Natural Science Foundation of China Project, No 41271130. |
2011-2013 |
PI. The impact of geographic concentration of manufacturing industry on productivity and export performance of enterprises, the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41071075. |
2010-2012 |
Co-PI. China’s new dynamics of urbanization: land development and municipal finance in the Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou city regions, Hong Kong Research grants Council (With George Lin, Wei Xu) |
Zhang, Peng, He, Canfei*, Li, Jing and Wang, Wenyu(2023) Economic Sactions and Regional Resilience: evidence from the US-China Trade War, Journal of World Business(Accepted).
Mu, Enyi and He, Canfei*(2023) What Attracts Green: Value Differentiation of Environmental Industry and Co-agglomeration with Pollution-intensive Industry, Evidence from China, Professional Geographer (Accepted)
He, Shuqi, Dai, Xiaomian and He, Canfei* (2024) Symphony of Sustainability: Decoding the Harmonies of Technology and Trade in Environmental Goods, Submitted to Environmental Science and Pollution Research(Online).
Sheng, Hantian and He, Canfei* (2024) Governance Capacity, Related Variety and Regional Economic Resilience under the COVID-19 Epidemic: Evidence from China, Annals of Regional Science (Online)
Zhang, Peifeng, He, Canfei*(2024) Market relatedness and local export product dynamics: evidence from China, Applied Geography(Online)
Zhang, Wei and He, Canfei*(2024) Perilous Evolutionary Paths of Industrial Policy in a Developmental Context: Evidence from the Chinese Medical industry, Tijschrift voor Economische En Sociale Geografie (Online)
Zhang, Yuzhen; Chen, Jie; Zheng, Miao and He ,Canfei*(2023) The mechanism of revoking counties or county-level cities to municipal districts and its effect on urban expansion in Chinese cities, Applied Geography (Online)
Zhang, Haoran, Tan, Xiujie, Liu, Yu and He, Canfei(2023) Exploring the effect of emission trading system on marginal abatement cost based on the frontier synthetic DID model, Journal of Environmental Mangement, 347(2023).
Sheng, Hantian, Dai, Xiaomian and He, Canfei*(2023) Gone with the epdemic, Applied Geography, 156,102978.
Zhu, xiangdong, Gu, Zhutong, He, Canfei* and Chen, Wei(2023) The impact of the Belt and Road initiative on Chinese PV firms’ export expansion, Environment, Development and Sustainability (Online)
He, Canfei, Jiang, Sheng and Hu, Xuqian(2023) Trade companies in local export clusters: the effect of imtermediaries on export market diversification of firms in China, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 32(6), 973-989.
Li, Wentao and He, Canfei(2023) Extensive dynamics of global collaboration network for breakthrough innovation, Professional Geographer,75(4),548-561.
He, Canfei, Ren, Zhuoran, Zhu, Shengjun, Hu, Xuqian (2023)Temporary Clusters and Evolution of Export Product in China, Regional Studies, 57(8), 1578-1591.
Zhu,Shengjun and He, Canfei*(2022) What can evolutionary economic geography learn from global value chain and global production network research on developing and emerging economies, Area Development and Policy, 7(2), 162-176.
He, Canfei, He, Shuqi, Mu Enyi and Peng Jian (2022) Environmental Economic Geography: Recent advances and innovative development , Geography and Sustainability,3(2),152-163.
Guo, Jiahong, He, Canfei* and Ren, Zhuoran (2022) Evolution of regional export growth in China, Professional Geographer,74(2),314-326.
He, Canfei, Chen, Tao and Zhu, Shengjun*(2021) Do not put eggs in one basket: related variety and regional economic resilience in post crisis era, Industrial and Corporate Change,30(6), 1655-1676.
He, Canfei and Zhang, Wei (2021) Breaking model of path transplantation—an empirial study on the development path of the solar photovoltaic industry in China, Geographical Journal,187,301-314.
Zhu,Xiangdong, He, Canfei* and Gu, Zhutong(2021) Benefit from local or destination? The export expansion of Chinese PV firms under the impact of trade protection, Energy Economics(online)
Zhu,Shengjun, Guo, Qi and He,Canfei (2021) Strong links and weak links: how do unrelated industries survive in an “unfriendly” environment? Economic Geography,97(1),66-88.
Hu, Xuqian and He, Canfei*(2020) Market relatedness and geographical diversification of exporting from China, ERDKUNDE, 74(3),179-190
Zhu, Xiangdong and He, Canfei* (2020) How Does Policy Incentive and Trade Barrier Reshape the Development of Chinese Photovoltaic Industry? Journal of Clean Production(Online)
Hu, Xuqian and He, Canfei*(2020) Nontariff measures, Trade deflection and market expansion of exporters in China, Growth and Change, 51(3), 932-953.
Gustavo de L.T. Oliveira, Canfei He* and Jiahui Ma(2020) Global-local interactions in agrochemical industry: relating trade regulations in Brazil to environmental and spatial restructuring in China, Applied Geography,115(10) .
Zhu, Shengjun, Yu, Changda and He,Canfei* (2020) Export structures, income inequality and urban rural divide in China, Applied Geography,115(2).
Meng Jiang,…., Canfei He, Arnold Tukker and Bing Zhu(2019) Provincial and sector-level material footprints in China, PNAS(Online)
He, Canfei, Yu,Changda and Zhu, Shengjun*(2020) Sectoral and spatial patterns of Chinese cities’s export structure, Post Communist Economies, 32(1),125-146.
Zhu, Shengjun, He, Canfei* and Hu, Xuqian(2020) Change your identity and fit in: an empirical examination of ownership change, firm performance and local knowledge spillovers in China, Spatial Economic Analysis,15(1),24-42.
Zhu,Shengjun, Jin, Wenwan and He, Canfei(2019) Rejoinder to Professor Ho’s team on the article entitled “on evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis”, European Planning Studies (online)
Li, Wei and He, Canfei* (2019) Spatial and Sectoral Pattern of Firm Entry in China Professional Geographer,71(4), 703-714.
Zhu, Shengjung, Wang Chong and He Canfei*(2019) High speed rail network and changing industrial dynamics in Chinese regions, International Review of Regional Sciences,42(5-6),495-518.
Mao,Xiyan and He, Canfei(2019) Export expansion and regional diversification: learning from the changing geography of China’s exports, Professional Geographer,71(4), 692-702.
Zhou, Yi, Zhu, Shengjun and He, Canfei(2019) Learning from yourself or leanring from neighbors: knowledge spillovers, institutional context and firms upgrading, Regional Studies, 53(10), 1397-1409.
Mao, Xiyan and He, Canfei(2019) Product relatedness and export specialization in China’s regions: a perspective of global local interactions, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society,12,105-126.
He, Canfei, Lu, Jiangyong and Qian, Haifeng(2019) Entrepreneurship in China, Small Business Economics,52(3), 563-572.
Zhu, Shengjung, He, Canfei* and Luo,Qian (2019) Good neighbors, bad neighbors: local knowledge spillovers, regional institutions and firm performance in China, Small Business Economics,52(3), 617-632.
Zhu, Shengjun, Jin, Wenwan and He, Canfei*(2019) On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis, European Planning Studies, 27(4), 639-660.
Zhu, Shengjun, He, Canfei* and Xia, Xinming(2019) Geography of productivity in China, Annals of Regional Science,62(1), 141-168.
Huang, Zhiji and He, Canfei*(2019) Local Government Intervention, Corporate Political Association, and Industrial Land Expansion in China, Journal of Urban Affairs, 41(2), 206-222.
Zhu, Shengjun, Li, Zhenfa and He, Canfei* (2019) Who leads regional industrial dynamics? “New path creators” in Chinese regions,Growth and Change, 50(1),69-89.
He, Canfei, Zhu, Shengjun, HU, Xuqian and Li Yunxiong (2019) Proximity matters: interregional knowledge spillovers and regional industrial diversification in China, Tijschrift voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 110(2), 173-190.
He, Canfei and Zhu, Shengjun(2018) China’s foreign direct investment into Africa, in UN Habitat, The State of African Cities 2018: The Geography of African Investment, Pp.106-127.
Mao Xiyan and He Canfei(2018) A trade-related pollution trap for economies in transition? Journal of Cleaner Production, 781-790.
Zhu, Shengjun and He, Canfei(2018) Moving beyond Anglo-American economic geography: the significance of non-Anglo-American model, International Journal of Urban Sciences (online).
Guo,Qi, Zhu, Shengjun and He, Canfei* (2018) Industry relatedness and new firm survival in China: do regional institutions and firm heterogeneity matter? Post Communist Economies,30(6),735-754.
He, Canfei, Mao, Xiyan and Zhu, Xiaodong(2018) Urban industrial dynamics and environmental pollution in China, Journal of Cleaner Production,195, 1512-1522.
He, Canfei, Dong, Yao and Zhu, Shengjun (2018) Evolution of product space in China, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,109(4), 575-593.
Howell, Anthony, He, Canfei, Yang, Rudai and Fan, Cindy(2018) Agglomeration, Related Variety and New Firm Survival in China: Do Local Subsidies Matter? Papers in Regional Science,97(3), 485-500.
Yang, Chun, He, Canfei (2018) Production relocation and market rebalancing of China's "world factory", Tijschrift voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 108, 571-591.
He, Canfei, Yan, Yan and Rigby, David(2018) Regional industrial evolution in China: path dependence or path creation, Papers in Regional Sciences, 97(2), 173-198.
Lin, G.C.S, He, Canfei, Li, Xun and Wu, Yifei(2018) Empowering regional economy with a spectacular space: mega-events, over drafted capital and momentary growth in China’s metropolises, Area Development Policy, 3(1), 24-41 .
Zhu, Shengjun and He, Canfei*(2018) Upgrading in China’s apprarel industry: international trade, local clusters and institutional contexts, Post Communist Economies,30(2), 193-215.
Mao Xiyan and He, Canfei* (2017) Export upgrading and environmental performance: evidence from China,Geoforum, 86, 150-159.
Zhu, Shengjun, Tu, Lan and He,Canfei(2017) New generation, new path: Industrial restructuring led by China’s “notorious” Fuerdai Generation. The China Review. 17(3): 1-30.
Yeung, Godfrey, He, Canfei and Zhang, Peng(2017) Rural banking in China: a case of centralization? Area Development and Policy,2(2), 173-193.
Zhu, Shengjun, He, Canfei* and Zhou, Yi(2017) How to Jump Further? Path dependent and path breaking in an uneven industry space, Journal of Economic Geography,521-545.
Zhou, Yi, He, Canfei* and Zhu, Shengjun(2017) Does creative destruction work for Chinese regions? Growth and Change, 48(3),274-296.
He, Canfei, Zhou, Yi and Zhu, Shengjun(2017) Firm dynamics, institutional context and regional inequality of productivity in China, Geographical Review,107(2),296-316.
Huang, Zhiji, He, Canfei* and Zhu, Shengjun(2017) Do China’s economic development zones improve land use efficiency? The effects of selection, factor accumulation and agglomeration, Landscape and Urban Planning,162, 145-156.
He Canfei, Zhu Shengjun and Yang Xin(2017) What matters in regional industrial dynamics? Technological relatedness, regional institurions and industry characteristics, Area Development and Policy,2(1), 71-90.
Guo, Qi and He, Canfei*(2017) The evolution of production space and regional industrial structures in China, GeoJournal, 82(2), 379-396.
He, Canfei, Guo, Qi and David Ridgy(2017) What sustain large firms? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing industries, Annals of Regional Science,58:275-300.
Yeung, Godfrey, He, Canfei and Zhang, Peng (2017) Rural banking in China: accessed geographically but still excluded conditionally? Regional Studies, 51(2), 297-312.
Zhou Yi, Zhu, Shengjun and He Canfei*(2017) How do environmental regulations affect industrial dynamics in China? Evidence from China’s pollution intensive industries , Habitat International, 60, 10-18.
Yang, Jiawen,Quan, Jige, Yan, Bin and He, Canfei(2016) Urban rail investment and transit oriented development: can it reach a higher potential? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 89, 140-150.
Howell Anthony, He Canfei, Yang Rudai and Fan Cindy(2016) Technological Relatedness and Asymmetrical Firm Productivity Gains Under Market Reforms in China, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society,9, 499-515.
He Canfei and Mao Xiyan(2016) Population dynamics and economic development in China, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9, 535-549.
Huang, Zhiji, He, Canfei* and Wei, Yehua(2016) A comparative study of land efficiency of electronics firms located in and outside development zones in Shanghai , Habitat International, 63-73.
He, Canfei, Pan, Fenghua and Chen, Tianming (2016) Research Progress of Industrial Geography in China, Journal of Geographical Science, 26(8), 1057-1066.
Shi, Jin, He,Canfei* and Guo,Qi(2016) How did geese fly domestically? Firm
demography and spatial restructuring in China’s apparel industry, Area, 48(3), 346-356.
Zhu, Shengjun and He, Canfei*(2016) Global and local governance, industrial and geographical dynamics: a tale of two regions, Environment and Planning C, 34, 1453-1473.
Guo, Qi, He, Canfei* and Li, Deyu(2016) Entrepreneurship in Urban China:the Role of Localization and Urbanization Economies, Urban Studies, 53, 2567-2583.
Ye, Xinyue and He, Canfei(2016) The new data landscape for regional and urban analysis, GeoJournal,81, 811-816.
He, Canfei, Guo, Qi and Ye, Xinyue(2016) Geographical agglomeration and
coagglomeration of exporters and nonexporters in China, GeoJournal, 81:947-964.
He, Canfei, Zhou, Yi and Huang, Zhiji (2016) Fiscal Decentralization, Political Centralization and Land Urbanization in China, Urban Geography, 37(3), 436-457.
He, Canfei and Yang, Rudai (2016) Determinants of Firm Failure: Evidence from China, Growth and Change, 47(1), 72-92.
He, Canfei (2016) Economic Transition, Urban and Regional Development in China: An Introduction to Special Issue, Growth and Change, 47(1), 4-8.
He, Canfei, Chen, Tianming, Mao, Xiyan and Zhou, Yi(2016) Economic Transition, Urbanization and Population dynamics, Habit International,51,39-47.