Job Opportunities in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University
The college of urban and environmental sciences at Peking University invites applications for faculty positions at all ranks in human geography, urban and regional planning, physical geography, environmental sciences, geomorphology and quaternary geology, history geography, long-term effective.
Recruitment requirements
The successful candidate will hold a Ph. D in relevant disciplines, with an outstanding record of scholarly international publications demonstrating strong expertise in related areas, a demonstrated excellence in teaching, and strong skills of foreign languages. The successful candidate will be highly recognized internationally and will be able to provide leadership for the related disciplines in the college.
Recruitment Profession Recently Preferred
Historical Geography; Urban and Regional Planning; Cartography and Geographic Information Systems; Geomorphology and Environmental Changes.
Application Materials
Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vita, a statement of research interests, and contact information for 3-5 references that includes names, email addresses and phone numbers. Inquires may be addressed to Ms. Ping Liu at or 86-010-62751171. Reviews of applications will begin immediately and applicants will be reviewed until positions are filled.
We sincerely look forward to your joining! The recruitment is long-term effective!