Faculty & Staff
Chengyang Zheng

Chengyang Zheng
Title:Associate professor
Research Direction:Plant ecology,Global climate change, Long term ecological observation
Department:Department of Ecology
Self Introduction
Plant ecology, Global climate change, Long term ecological observation
Education and experience
2000-2003 Ph.D in PlantEcology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University,Beijing, China. Thesis: Topographic complexity as an indicator of plant speciesdiversity in Wuyishan Nature Reserve, Fujian Province, China
1993-1995 M.S inRural and Ecology Survey, Department of Nature Resource, International InstituteFor Aerospace Survey And Earth Science, Enschede, the Netherlands. Thesis:Conflict of agriculture and elephant migration in Taita-Taveta district, Kenya
1984-1988 B.S inWildlife Management, College of Wildlife Resource, Northeast Forestry University,Heilongjiang Province, China
Work Experience
2010 (Jan.-Oct.) VisitingScholar, Department of Geography and Planning, University at Albany, StateUniversity of New York
2008- Present AssociateProfessor, Department of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University
2006-2008 Lecturer, Departmentof Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University,Beijing, Chain
2004-2006 PostdoctoralAssociate, Department of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University, Beijing, China
1995- 2000 Executive Directorof Goble Environmental Facility (GEF) Project , Wuyishan National NatureReserve (WNR), Fujian Province, China
1988- 1992 A MemberStaffs, Wuyishan National Nature Reserve (WNR), Fujian Province, China
Fund Project
Ecosystem response of nitrogen adding to subtropicalevergreen forest in Mt. Wuyi, Fujian province, China
Ecosystem response of Throughfall DisplacementExperiment toPinus Sylvestrisvar.mongolicaforest in Saihanba, Hebei province,China
Shrub community investigation in North China
Grassland degradation and landuse trend inagro-pasturage transition area in North China
Chung-HowChi, Ryan W. McEwan, Chung-Te Chang, ChengyangZheng, Zhijie Yang, Jyh-Min Chiang, and Teng-Chiu Lin, 2015. TyphoonDisturbance Mediates Elevational Patterns of Forest Structure, but not SpeciesDiversity, in Humid Monsoon Asia. Ecosystems ,18: 1410-1423.
YangX, Tang ZY*, Ji CJ, Liu HY, Ma WH, Mohhamot A, Shi ZY, Sun W, Wang T, Wang XP,Wu X, Yu SL, Yue M & Zheng CY.2014. Scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus across plant organs in shrublandbiomes across Northern China. ScientificReports , 4: 5448.
Lapenis,A.G., G.B. Lawrence, A. Heim, C. Zheng, and W. Shortle, 2013. Climate WarmingShifts Carbon Allocation from Stemwood to Roots in Calcium-Depleted SpruceForests. Global Biogeochemical Cycles ,27: 101–107.
Wang,S., Z. Tang, X. Qiao, Z. Shen, X. Wang, C.Zheng, and J. Fang, 2012. The influence of species pools and localprocesses on the community structure: a test case with woody plant communitiesin China`s mountains. Ecography , 35:1168–1175.
Tang,Z., J. Fang, X. Chi, J. Feng, Y. Liu, Z. Shen, X. Wang, Z. Wang, X. Wu, C. Zheng, and K.J. Gaston, 2012.Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevational and latitudinal gradients inmountain forests of China. Ecography ,5: 1083–1091.
Yang,Y., J. Fang, Y. Tang, C. Ji, C. Zheng,J. He, and B. Zhu, 2008. Storage, patterns and controls of soil organic carbonin the Tibetan grasslands. Global ChangeBiology , 14: 1592-1599.
Fang,J., Z. Wang, S. Zhao, Y. Li, Z. Tang, D. Yu, L. Ni, H. Liu, P. Xie, L. Da, Z.Li, and C. Zheng, 2006. Biodiversitychanges in the lakes of the Central Yangtze. Frontiers in ecology and the Environment , 7: 369-377.
Tang,Z., Z. Wang, C. Zheng, and J. Fang,2006. Biodiversity in China`s mountains. Frontiersin Ecology and the Environment , 4: 347-352.
He, J.-S., Z. Wang, X. Wang,B. Schmid, W. Zuo, M. Zhou, C. Zheng,M. Wang, and J. Fang, 2006. A test of the generality of leaf traitrelationships on the Tibetan Plateau. NewPhytologist , 170: 835-848.