
2007-11-26 来源:



9次环太平洋地区大学联合会博士生会议将于 2008714 - 18日在俄罗斯的Far Eastern National University (FENU), Vladivostok举行。会议的主题为“Leading Research for a Better Future: Pacific Scope, Global Impact”,旨在通过来自不同学科背景的参会者之间的交流深化和扩展博士研究生的研究兴趣。会议将为博士研究生们创造一个互动、分享、交流和建立友谊的平台。

博士生可以通过提交论文或组织专题小组分会(panel session)等两种形式参会。


10 January 2008

Deadline for the on-line submission of panel proposals (at most 500 words)

20 January 2008

Notification of acceptance of panels

30 January 2008

Deadline for the on-line submission of abstracts (at most 400 words)

1 March 2008

Notification of acceptance of abstracts

30 May 2008

Deadline for the submission of full papers

14 July - 18 July 2008

Doctoral Student Conference at Far Eastern National University

会议联系方式: dsc2008@dvgu.ru


1FENU will provide free accommodation for the DSC participants at the time of conference.

Free pick-up from the airport will also be arranged.

2FENU will not be charging registration fees for the 9th Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference.


有意参会的博士生可查看该会议的详细介绍( 附件 )和相关网站了解情况(http://www.fenu.ru/dsc2008)。若有其它疑问,可致电6275135262755598,联系人:胡晓阳,何峰。


2007 年11月26

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