Shengjun Zhu

Title:Associate Professor

Research Direction: economic geography

Department: Department of Urban and Economic Geography


Education and experience

PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Geography, 2014

Dissertation: Go Up, Go West, and Go Out: Changing Industrial Policy and Firm Strategies in China’s Apparel Industry

Committee: John Pickles (Advisor/Chair), Gary Gereffi (Sociology), Meenu Tewari (Planning), Scott Kirsch, Elizabeth Havice

MS Peking University (Graduate with distinction)

Human Geography, 2009

Thesis: Regional Disparity of Geographical Agglomeration of China’s Manufacturing Industries

Advisor: Canfei He

BS Peking University (Graduate with distinction)

Human Geography, 2006

BA Peking University

Economics, 2006

Work Experience

Peking University, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor, 2022 to present

Peking University, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

Assistant Professor, 2016 to 2022

Swansea University, Department of Geography

Head of Year One (undergraduate teaching and studying), 2015-2016

Swansea University, Department of Geography

Lecturer/Assistant Professor, 2014-2016

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Geography

Research Assistant, 2012–2014

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Geography

Teaching Assistant, 2009–2012

Research Direction

Economic geography


Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

  • 86-10-62751172
  • 86-10-62751174