Yanguang Chen


Research Direction: Urban Science and Theoretical Geography

Department: Department of Urban and Economic Geography


Self Introduction


Education, employment and selected honors

Chen Yanguang [English name: Yanguang Chen] is a professor at College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China. He received his BA degree from Central China Normal University in 1987, his Master’s degree in Northeast Normal University in 1995 and his PhD degree from Peking University in 2004. He is currently the teacher of “Mathematical Methods in Geography” for graduate students, and the teacher of “Quantitative Geography” as well as “Systems Engineering of Urban Planning for undergraduate students of PKU. He once won Baogang Education Prize of Graduate Students in 1994 and the title of Exemplary Backbone of Young Teachers of Henan Province in 1998. He won Wu-Chuanjun Prize for excellent papers in 2008 and the ICBC Prize as an excellent teacher of PKU in 2011. He and his co-workers won the second prize of Land and Resources Science and Technology Award of China in 2015 (No. 3), and won the first prize of Construction Science and Technology Award of China in 2018 (No. 2). He was elected member of Academic Council of the Geographical Society of China (GSC) (2005-2009), and member of Committee on Geographic Model and Geographic Information Analysis in Chinese Geographic Society (2018-2022). He was also accepted as a member of Commission on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling, International Cartographic Association (ICA). He published over 8 books in Chinese and more than 240 articles in peer-reviewed China’s and international journals (including more than 180 papers in Chinese and 60 papers in English). He is now studying the integrated theory of geographical fractals, urban allometric scaling, self-similar hierarchy, self-organized network of cities, symmetry/asymmetry of geographical systems, and scale-free spatial computation and geo-information analysis.

Research interests

Chen Yanguang’s current research interests center on four aspects as follows.


(1) Scaling, fractals, and spatial complexity of cities (I. Fractals and scaling in cities; II. Complex systems of cities).

(2) The integrated theory of urban evolution and dynamics (I. Fractal geometry, allometric growth, and self-organized networks of cities; II. Fractal structure, 1-over-f noise, and the rank-size distribution; III. Scaling analysis, spectral analysis, and spatial correlation analysis).

(3) Urbanization and spatial optimization of cities (I. Urban chaos; II. replacement dynamics; III. spatial optimization of urban structure).

(4) Theory and methods of geo-spatial analysis (I. Central place models; II. Spatial autocorrelation and cross-correlation analyses; III. Spatial interaction modeling).

(5) Methods of spatial computation and geo-information analysis (I. Scaling analysis for geographical systems; II. Scale-free modeling and analysis in GeoComputation and geographical information science).

(6) Symmetry and symmetry breaking of geographical systems and laws (Theory, methods, and models).

Current projects

He is now in charge of three research projects.

Modeling geographical systems of cities using spatial correlation functions (National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant number: 41671167).


Education and experience


2001—2004: Peking University, PhD degree.

1998—1999: Peking University, Senior Visiting Scholar

1992—1995: Northeast Normal University, Master’s degree

1983—1987: Central China Normal University, BA degree


Work Experience


2004—today: Peking University, Associate professor, Professor

1995—2001: Xinyang Normal University, Lecturer, Associate professor

1987—1992: Xinyang Normal University, Teaching Assistant



Fund Project

In 2021, the First Prize of “First prize of the first-time science and technology award of China Real Estate Association” (Wang Fang, Xue Feng, Xiao Xiang, Chen Yanguang, etc.)

In 2018, the First Prize of "China Construction Science and Technology Award" in 2017 (Wang Fang, Chen Yanguang, Jiang Chunyan, etc.)

In 2017, the Academic Works Award of the 2nd National Excellent Geographic Book Award of the National Geographic Society (Cai Yunlong, Ye Chao, Chen Yanguang, Que Weimin)

In 2015, the Second Prize of Land and Resources Science and Technology Award (Wang Fang, Ding Xuejun, Chen Yanguang, etc.).

In 2015, the National Award for Teaching and Research Papers on Urban and Rural Planning in Colleges and Universities (Wang Fang, Chen Yanguang).

In 2012, the First Prize of Teaching Achievement of Peking University (Wang Fang, Lu Bin, Chen Yanguang) .

In 2011, the Excellent Teachers Award of ICBC for Peking University in 2011.

In 2011, the Second Prize of Excellent Head Teacher in Peking University, 2010-2011.

In 2010, the Second Prize for Excellent Natural Science Papers of Henan Province (Yu Guozhong, Huang Kun, Zhou Hongsheng, Chen Yanguang).

In 2008, the Second Prize for Excellent Articles of Human Geography in Honor of Wu Chuanjun.

In 1999, the Second and Third Prizes of the Sixth Excellent Natural Science Papers in Henan Province.

In 1998, Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teachers in Henan Province.

In 1998, the Third Prize for Excellent Papers of Henan Education Commission.

In 1998, the Second and Third Prizes of the Third Youth Natural Science Excellent Papers of Henan Province.

In 1995, the Second Prize for Excellent Papers in Honor of Li Siguang.

In 1994, the Second Prize for Excellent Papers at the 94-Year Conference of Jilin Provincial Society of Remote Sensing.


Fund Project

Studies on the scaling in urban geospatial analysis (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant number: 42171192; 2022-2025).

The pathological diagnosis and risk prediction of mutual coercing interaction between urbanization and ecological environment in mega-city region (Major Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 41590843; 2016-2019, Professor Li Shuangcheng is responsible for the project)

Modeling geographical systems of cities using spatial correlation functions (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant number: 41671167; 2017-2020).

Allometric scaling analysis of urbanization process in China (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant number: 41171129; 2012-2015).

Studies on symmetry of human geographical systems (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant number: 41171129; 2008-2010).

Methodological studies on fractal city planning (Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality, Grant number: 8093033; 2009-2010).

Urban changes and spatial dynamics of self-organized cities in China (Key projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant number: 40335051; 2004-2007).

Changes of Spatial Structure in Cities of China under the Condition of Exo-Urbanization (Urban China Research Network Small Grant Program, 2003-2004)

Fractal structure and dynamics of self-organized network of cities (National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant number: 40071035; 2001-2003).

Studies on fractal structure and dynamics of urban systems in Henan (Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, Grant number: 974071200; 1997-1998).




Quantitative Geography for undergraduate students

Systems Engineering of Urban Planning for undergraduate students

Social Comprehensive Practice and Investigation for undergraduate students

Mathematical Methods in Geography for graduate students

A lecture titled “Scientific Development and Urban Planning” in the course of An Introduction to Urban Planning for undergraduate students

A lecture titled “Research Methodology in Western Theoretical Geography” in the course of Theoretical Geography for graduate students

A lecture titled “Characteristic Scale, Scaling, and Geospatial Spatial Analysis” in the course of Human Geography for Ph.D graduate students


Research Direction


(1) Nonlinear Dynamics of Urbanization

(2) Scaling in Geographical System Analysis

(3) Spatial Computation and Geographical Information Analysis





Papers in English

Chen Yanguang. Exploring the level of urbanization based on Zipf's scaling exponent. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, 556: 125620
Chen Yanguang. Normalizing and classifying shape indexes of cities by ideas from fractals. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021, 154: 111653
Chen Yanguang, Long Yuqing. Spatial signal analysis based on wave-spectral fractal scaling: A case of urban street networks. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(1): 87
Feng Jian, Chen Yanguang. Modeling urban growth and socio-spatial dynamics of Hangzhou: 1964-2010. Sustainability, 2021, 13(2): 463
Long Yuqing, Chen Yanguang. Multifractal scaling analyses of urban street network structure: the cases of twelve megacities in China. PLoS ONE, 2021, 16(2): e0246925
Wang Jiejing, Chen Yanguang. Economic transition and the evolution of city–size distribution of China’s urban system. Sustainability, 2021, 13(6): 3287
Chen Yanguang. An analytical process of spatial autocorrelation functions based on Moran’s index. PLoS ONE, 2021, 16(4): e0249589
Chen Yanguang. Characteristic scales, scaling, and geospatial analysis. Cartographica, 2021, 56(2): 91-105
Chen Yanguang, Li Yajing, Feng Shuo, Man Xiaoming, Long Yuqing. Gravitational scaling analysis on spatial diffusion of COVID-19 in Hubei province, China. PLoS ONE, 2021, 16(6): e 0252889
Chen Yanguang. Fractal texture and structure of central place systems. Fractals, 2020, 28(1): 2050008
Chen Yanguang. Fractal modeling and fractal dimension description of urban morphology. Entropy, 2020, 22, 961
Chen Yanguang. Two sets of simple formulae to estimating fractal dimension of irregular boundaries. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2020, Article ID 7528703, 15 pages
Chen Yanguang. New framework of Getis-Ord’s indexes associating spatial autocorrelation with interaction. PLoS ONE, 2020, 15(7): e0236765
Chen Yanguang. Equivalent relation between normalized spatial entropy and fractal dimension. Physica A, 2020, 553: 124627
Man Xiaoming, Chen Yanguang. Fractal-based modeling and spatial analysis of urban form and growth: a case study of Shenzhen in China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9(11): 672
Chen Yanguang. Modeling urban growth and form with spatial entropy. Complexity, 2020, Volume 2020, ID8812882

Chen Yanguang, Huang Linshan. Modeling growth curve of fractal dimension of urban form of Beijing. Physica A, 2019, 523: 1038-1056

Chen Yanguang, Wang Yihan, Li Xijing. Fractal dimensions derived from spatial allometric scaling of urban form. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019,126: 122-134

Chen Yanguang. The solutions to uncertainty problem of urban fractal dimension calculation. Entropy, 2019, 21, 453

Chen Yanguang. Logistic models of fractal dimension growth of urban morphology. Fractals, 2018, 26(3): 1850033

Huang Linshan, Chen Yanguang. A comparison between two OLS-based approaches to estimating urban multifractal parameters. Fractals, 2018, 26(1): 1850019

Chen Yanguang, Huang Linshan. A scaling approach to evaluating the distance exponent of urban gravity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2018, 109: 303-313

Tong X, Wang T, Chen YG, Wang YT. Towards an inclusive circular economy: Quantifying the spatial flows of e-waste through the informal sector in China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2018, 135: 163-171

Chen Yanguang, Jiang Bin. Hierarchical scaling in systems of natural cities. Entropy, 2018, 20, 432

Chen Yanguang, Huang Linshan. Spatial measures of urban systems: from entropy to fractal dimension. Entropy, 2018, 20, 991

Chen Yanguang. Multi-scaling allometric analysis for urban and regional development. Physica A, 2017, 465: 673–689

Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian. A hierarchical allometric scaling analysis of Chinese cities: 1991-2014. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2017, Article ID 5243287, 15 pages

Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing, Feng Jian. Understanding the fractal dimensions of urban forms through spatial entropy. Entropy, 2017, 19, 600

Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian. Spatial analysis of cities using Renyi entropy and fractal parameters. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2017, 105: 279–287

Chen Yanguang. Defining urban and rural regions by multifractal spectrums of urbanization. Fractals, 2016, 24(1): 1650004

Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing. Describing urban evolution with the fractal parameters based on area-perimeter allometry. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2016, Article ID 4863907, 14 pages

Chen Yanguang. Spatial autocorrelation approaches to testing residuals from least squares regression. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(1): e0146865

Chen Yanguang. The evolution of Zipf’s law indicative of city development. Physica A, 2016, 443: 555-567

Chen Yanguang. Fractals and fractal dimension of systems of blood vessels: An analogy between artery trees, river networks, and urban hierarchies. Fractal Geometry and Nonlinear Analysis in Medicine and Biology, 2015, 1(2): 26-32

Chen Yanguang. The distance-decay function of geographical gravity model: power law or exponential law? Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2015, 77: 174-189

Chen Yanguang. Power-law distributions based on exponential distributions: Latent scaling, spurious Zipf’s law, and fractal rabbits. Fractals, 2015, 23(2) : 1550009

Chen Yanguang. A new methodology of spatial cross-correlation analysis. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(5): e0126158

Luo Hongyu, Chen Yanguang. An allometric algorithm for fractal-based Cobb-Douglas function of geographical systems. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2014, Article ID 910457, 10 pages

Chen Yanguang. Urban chaos and replacement dynamics in nature and society. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 413: 373-384

Chen Yanguang. An allometric scaling relation based on logistic growth of cities. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2014, 65: 65-77

Chen Yanguang. The spatial meaning of Pareto’s scaling exponent of city-size distributions Fractals, 2014, 22(1-2): 1450001

Chen Yanguang. Multifractals of central place systems: models, dimension spectrums, and empirical analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 402: 266-282

Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing. Recursive subdivision of urban space and Zipf's law. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 395: 392-404

Chen Yanguang, Wang Jiejing. Multifractal characterization of urban form and growth: the case of Beijing. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2013, 40(5):884-904

Chen Yanguang. A set of formulae on fractal dimension relations and its application to urban form. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2013, 54(1): 150-158

Chen Yanguang. New approaches for calculating Moran’s index of spatial autocorrelation. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(7): e68336

Chen Yanguang. Fractal analytical approach of urban form based on spatial correlation function. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2013,49(1):47-60

Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian. Fractal-based exponential distribution of urban density and self-affine fractal forms of cities. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45(11):1404-1416

Chen Yanguang. The rank-size scaling law and entropy-maximizing principle. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391(3): 767-778

Chen Yanguang. Zipf's law, 1/f noise, and fractal hierarchy. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45 (1): 63-73

Chen Yanguang. Fractal dimension evolution and spatial replacement dynamics of urban growth. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2012, 45 (2): 115–124

Chen Yanguang. The mathematical relationship between Zipf's law and the hierarchical scaling law. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391(11): 3285-3299

Chen Yanguang. On the spaces and dimensions of geographical systems. Journal of Geography and Geology, 2012, 4(1): 118-135

Chen Yanguang. On the four types of weight functions for spatial contiguity matrix. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2012, 5(2): 65-72

Chen Yanguang. Zipf's law, hierarchical structure, and cards-shuffling model for urban development. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2012, Article ID 480196, 21 pages

Chen Yanguang. Fractal systems of central places based on intermittency of space-filling. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2011, 44(8): 619-632

Chen Yanguang. Modeling fractal structure of city-size distributions using correlation functions. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(9):e24791

Chen Yanguang. Derivation of the functional relations between fractal dimension and shape indices of urban form. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2011, 35(6): 442–451

Chen Yanguang. Characterizing growth and form of fractal cities with allometric scaling exponents. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2010, Article ID 194715, 22 pages

Chen Yanguang. Exploring the fractal parameters of urban growth and form with wave-spectrum analysis. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2010, Article ID 974917, 20 pages

Feng Jian, Chen Yanguang. Spatiotemporal evolution of urban form and land-use structure in Hangzhou, China: evidence from fractals. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2010, 37(5): 838-856

Chen Yanguang, Xu Feng. Modeling complex spatial dynamics of two-population interaction in urbanization process. Journal of Geography and Geology, 2010, 2(1): 1-17

Chen Yanguang, Jiang Shiguo. Modeling fractal structure of systems of cities using spatial correlation function. International Journal of Artificial Life Research, 2010, 1(1): 12-34

Chen Yanguang. Urban chaos and perplexing dynamics of urbanization. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2009, 2(2): 85-95

Chen Yanguang. Spatial interaction creates period-doubling bifurcation and chaos of urbanization. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 42(3): 1316-1325

Chen Yanguang, Lin Jingyi. Modeling the self-affine structure and optimization conditions of city systems using the idea from fractals. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 41(2): 615-629

Chen Yanguang. Urban gravity model based on cross-correlation function and Fourier analyses of spatio-temporal process. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 41(2): 603-614

Chen Yanguang. Analogies between urban hierarchies and river networks: Fractals, symmetry, and self-organized criticality. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 40(4): 1766-1778

Chen Yanguang, Jiang Shiguo. An analytical process of the spatio-temporal evolution of urban systems based on allometric and fractal ideas. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 39(1): 49-64

Chen Yanguang, Xu Feng. Redefining the attraction measure, scaling exponent and impedance function of the gravity model. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 2009, 11(3): 251-276 [arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.3822]

Chen Yanguang. A new model of urban population density indicating latent fractal structure. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 2009, 1(1): 89-110

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Scaling laws and indications of self-organized criticality in urban systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2008, 35(1): 85-98

Chen Yanguang. A wave-spectrum analysis of urban population density: entropy, fractal, and spatial localization. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2008, Article ID 728420, 22 pages, 2008

Chen Yanguang, Wang Fahui. Fourier analysis of an expanded gravity model for spatio-temporal interactions. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems, 2008, 10(3): 325-347 [arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.3820]

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Spatial autocorrelation and localization of urban development. Chinese Geographical Science, 2007, 17(1): 34-39

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Reinterpreting central place networks using ideas from fractals and self-organized criticality. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2006, 33(3): 345-364

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Multi-fractal measures of city-size distributions based on the three-parameter Zipf model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2004, 22(4): 793-805

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. The rank-size rule and fractal hierarchies of cities: mathematical models and empirical analyses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2003, 30(6): 799–818

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Derivations of fractal models of city hierarchies using entropy-maximization principle. Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(3): 208-211


Main papers in Chinese


Li Yajing, Chen Yanguang. A scaling analysis of allometry and size distributions of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban system. Urban Development Studies, 2021, 28(6): 84-92
Zhang Feng, Chen Yanguang, Liu Peng. Spatiotemporal relationships between urban system and water system in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Progress in Geography, 2020, 39(3): 377-388
Chen Yanguang. Measurements, dimension, geometric measure relations, and geospatial analysis. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2020, 33(1): 89-96
Chen Qing, Chen Yanguang. Multifractal spectral analysis of urban land use patterns of Zhengzhou city: 1986-2018. Urban Development Studies, 2020, 27(3): 46-55

Chen Yanguang. Monofractal, multifractals, and self-affine fractals in urban studies. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(1): 38-49

Huang Linshan, Chen Yanguang, Li Shuangcheng. 2019. Multifractal spectral analysis of land use structure of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban system. Progress in Geography, 2019, 37(1): 50-64

Zhang Feng, Chen Yanguang, Li Xiaosong. Radial dimension analysis of growth and form of cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(1): 65-76

Zhao Jingtian, Chen Yanguang, Li Shuangcheng. Bi-fractal structure and evolution of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region urban land-use patterns. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(1): 77-87

Long Yuqing, Chen Yanguang. Multi-scaling allometric analysis of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban system based on nighttime light data. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(1): 88-100

Chen Yanguang. A preliminary analysis of geographical location and economic development constraints of Xinyang. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2018, 31(2): 208-215

Tong Xin, Wang Tao, Chen Yanguang, Song Xin, Luo Zhaoxuan, Huang Huiting. Interregional flows of e-waste in China. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(7): 954-962

Chen Yanguang. An approach based on Euler’s formula to estimating Gini coefficient of Pareto distribution. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2018, 54(6): 1283-1289

Hu ZhaoliangChen yanguangLiu Tao. Three laws of the changes in economic geography. Economic Geography, 2018, 38(10): 1-4

Feng Changchun, He Canfei, Deng Hui, Lin Jian, Cao Guangzhong, Chai Yanwei, Wu Bihu, Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian, Zhao Pengjun, Song Feng, Dai Linlin, Zhu Shengjun. Development and innovations in the human geography discipline at Peking University. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018, 72(11): 1952-1973

Chen Yanguang. Approaches to estimating fractal dimension and identifying fractals of urban form. Progress in Geography, 2017, 36(5): 529-539

Chen Yanguang. An analytical method of growth quotients for understanding industrial development. Human Geography, 2017, 32(4): 86-94

Chen Yanguang, Jiang Shiguo. Urban agglomeration, urban system, and chengshiqun: different concepts. Urban Development Studies, 201724(12): 8-15

Feng Changchun, He Canfei, Deng Hui, Lin Jian, Cao Guangzhong, Chai Yanwei, Wu Bihu, Chen Yanguang, Feng Jian, Zhao Pengjun, Song Feng, Dai Linlin, Zhu Shengjun. Development and innovations in the human geography discipline at Peking University. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(11): 1952-1973

Chen Yanguang. A new approach to hierarchical scaling analysis of firm sizes. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2016, 29(1): 62-66

Chen Yanguang. Simplicty, complexity, and mathematical modeling of geographical distributions. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(3): 321-329

Chen Yanguang. On the deep structure of urbanization. Urban Development Studies, 201522(6): 1-5/18

Tan Xingye, Chen Yanguang. Urban boundary identification based on neighborhood dilation. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(10): 1259-1265

Chen Yanguang. On three types of advantages in urban and industrial development. China National Conditions and Strength, 2015, 24(271): 53-55

Chen Yanguang. Environmental change, cultural break, and national iksization. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2014, 27(2): 199-203

Chen Yanguang, Zhang Li. An allometric analysis of the scaling relations between urban area and population of Xinyang. Progress in Geography, 2014, 33(8): 1058-1067

Chen Yanguang. Quantity and quality of urbanization. China National Conditions and Strength, 2014, 23(256): 29-30

Chen Yanguang. The rise, fall, and revival process of allometric scaling analysis in urban studies. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(6): 1033-1045

Chen Yanguang, Liu Minghua. The geographical and historical factors disrupting urban development in the Huaihe River basin of China. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2013, 26(2): 259-264

Chen Yanguang. On the urbanization curves: types, stages, and research methods. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(1): 12-17

Chen Yanguang. How large is the total land area of China?. Geographical Research, 2012, 31(1): 178-186

Chen Yanguang. On the enigma of China’s level of urbanization. Modern Urban Research, 2012, 27(7): 4-8

Chen Yanguang. A cultural analysis on the spatial relationships between royal palace and national Capital in ancient China. Scientific Journal of Architecture, 2012, 2(6): 145-152

Chen Yanguang. Modelling the relationships between urbanization and economic development levels with three functions. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(1): 1-6

Chen Yanguang. The geographical pivot of Chinese history: A historical analysis of China’s geopolitical pattern and its cause of formation. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2011, 24(1): 108-118

Chen Yanguang, Yuwang Hu. Derivation of the 2n rule from the rank-size rule of city-size distribution. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2010, 46(1): 115-120

Chen Yanguang. The corresponding relationships between the demographic transition, urbanization process, and industrial development of China. Geographical Research, 2010, 29 (12): 2109-2120

Chen Yanguang. Spatio-temporal evolution and geographical features of exo-urbanization in China. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2010, 23(4): 530-536

Chen Yanguang. Exploring the general research method of theoretical geography. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2009, 29(3): 316-321

Chen Yanguang. Revising the spatial interaction model with concepts of fractals and symmetry. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2009, 45(2): 333-338

Chen Yanguang. New way of looking at human geographical laws using the idea from symmetry. Progress in Geography, 2009, 28(2): 312-320

Chen Yanguang. Computing population migration with spatial interaction model, Markov chain, and linear programming. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2009, 22(2): 216-221

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. On development and problems of GeoComputation. Progress in Geography, 2009, 28 (4): 481-488

Chen Yanguang. Carrying capacity estimation of logistic model in population and resources prediction by nonlinear autoregression. Journal of Natural Resources, 2009, 24(6): 1105-1113

Chen Yanguang. Reconstructing the mathematical process of spatial autocorrelation based on the Moran statistic. Geographical Research, 2009, 28 (6): 1449-1463

Chen Yanguang. On the building and selection criteria of models in geography: Impacts of non-Euclidean geometry on geographic methodology. Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment, 2008, 3(4): 1-7

Chen Yanguang. An integrated analytical process of traffic assignment problems of Braess’ network. Geographical Research, 2008, 27(6): 1367-1380

Chen Yanguang. Distinguishing three spatial concepts of cities by using the idea from system science. Urban Development Studies, 2008, 15(2):81-84/116

Chen Yanguang. Permutation of Western geographical tradition: quantitative loss and rediscovery. Journal of Central China Normal University Hankou Branch, 2008, 1(1): 98-102

Chen Yanguang. 3C comparison: Core competence of corporations and core capability of cities. Scientific and Technical Information, 2008, 25 (15): 345-347

Chen Yanguang. Phase analysis of urban and regional industrial development using information entropy. Scientific and Technical Information, 2008, 25(27): 385-387

Chen Yanguang. Modeling the urbanization process of China using the methods based on auto-correlation and spectral analysis. Geographical Research, 2007,26(5):1021-1032

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. External and internal complexity of urban systems and its Stommel diagram. Economic Geography, 2007, 27(1): 26-29/21

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. On fractal dimension calculation and analysis of urban form. Human Geography, 2007, 22(3): 98-103

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Modeling the urbanization process of China by using nonlinear dynamic equations. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2007 43(4): 542-548

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. SOC of complex urban geographical systems as CAS. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2007, 27(2): 129-135

Chen Yanguang. Self-organized characteristics and criteria of the development of Chinese cities. City Planning Review, 2006, 30(8):24-30

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Braess's paradox of traffic networks and spatial complication of urban systems. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2006, 26(6): 658-663

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Power spectral analyses of spatial auto-correlations of urban density: An application to the Hangzhou metropolis. Advances in Earth Science, 2006, 21(1):1-9

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Fractal measurement of urban boundaries and compactness or circularity ratios of cities. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, 38(2):126-131

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. A tentative theoretical interpretation of the fractal dimension of urban form. Urban Development Studies, 2006, 13(5): 35-40

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. Derivation of relations between urbanization level and velocity from logistic growth model. Geographical Research, 2006, 25(6):1063-1072

Chen Yanguang, Yu Bin. Three models for predicting population growth: Theoretical foundation, application methods, and revised expressions. Journal Of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 40(3): 452-456

Chen Yanguang, Yu Bin. Bilateral symmetry of spatial distribution of cities in China. Advances in Earth Science, 2006, 21(7): 687-694

Chen Yanguang, Zhang Dali. Multifractal characterization of the distribution pattern of the urban and rural population. Journal of Xinyang Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, 19(1): 42-46

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Nonlinear spatial auto-correlation analysis of urban population. Progress in Natural Science, 2007, 16(7): 828-834

Chen Yanguang. Fractal cities and city planning. City Planning Review, 2005, 29(2): 33-40/51

Chen Yanguang. Mathematical methods of geography: from quantitative analysis to GeoComputation. Journal Of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2005, 39(1): 113-119/125

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Logistic process of urbanization falls into four successive phases: Revising Northam's curve with new spatial interpretation. Economic Geography, 2005, 25(6): 817-822

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Modeling self-organized network of cities based on the urban triangular lattice model. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2005, 41(2): 258-264

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Fractal networks and algorithmic transformation of complex spatial disaggregation. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2005, 2(3): 43-51

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. An allometric analysis of the Shandong urban system using ideas from fractals. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2005, 25(2): 135-141

Yu Guozhong, Huang Kun, Zhou Hongsheng, Chen Yanguang. Spatial changes of the biomass of viable cell in a heterogeneous biofilm. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2005, 25(8): 1046-1051

Chen Yanguang. Spatial structure of central-place systems: Fractal and scaling laws. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2004, 40(4): 626-634

Chen Yanguang. Urbanization as phase transition and self-organized critical process. Geographical Research, 2004, 23(3): 301-311

Chen Yanguang. A mathematical model of linear relationship between level of urbanization and transport network connectivity. Human Geography, 2004, 19(1): 62-65

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Main tasks and methods of geography. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004, 24(3): 257-263

Chen Yanguang, Wang Yimin, Jin Jun. Self-organizing networks of cities: scaling laws, symmetry, complexity and optimization. Journal of Xinyang Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2004, 17(3): 311-316/321

Chen Yanguang, Yu Bin. The law of allometric growth and theoretical foundation of several suburbanization models. Journal Of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2004, 38(3): 370-373/378

Chen Yanguang, Yu Guozhong, Shan Weidong. Several indices applied to characterizing the structure of cities as systems and systems of cities. Journal of Xinyang Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2004, 17(1): 64-67

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Cities, fractals and spatial complexity. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 2004, 1(3): 62-69

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. The spatial complexity of the law of allometric growth and urban population density. Journal of Northeast Normal University, 2004, 36(4): 139-148

Zhou Yixing, Chen Yanguang. On three basic problems of urban geographical studies. Economic Geography, 2004, 24(3): 301-311

Chen Yanguang. Derivations and empirical analysis of the allometric equation and C-D-type function on geographical systems of cities. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2003, 39(2): 229-235

Chen Yanguang. What is the urbanization level of China? City Planning Review, 2003, 27(7): 12-17

Chen Yanguang. Self-organization and self-organizing cities. City Planning Review, 2003, 27(10): 17-22

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. A study of fractional dimension on the relationship between population sizes and economic outputs of cities. Economic Geography, 2003, 23(4): 476-481

Chen Yanguang, Jin Jun. Innovation of the methods of geographical researches and its future. Arid Land Geography, 2003, 18(2): 178-184

Chen Yanguang, Kuang Yi. A Weibull-type model on city-size distributions: the revised result and its empirical analysis of Curry’s entropy-maximizing model. Journal Of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2003, 37(4): 562-566

Chen Yanguang, Li Baolin. Studies of the fractal network composition of rivers in Jilin Province, China. Advance in Earth Sciences, 2003, 18(2): 178-184

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. New methods of analyzing spatial-temporal evolution of urban systems using generalized fractal dimension: underlying rationale, computational process, and a case of application. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003, 23(5): 526-534

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Multifractal measures based on man-land relationships of the spatial structure of the urban system in Henan. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003, 23(6): 713-720

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang, Liu Zhigang. Studies on the fractal structure of point-axis systems with spatial complexity. Geographical Research, 2003, 22(4): 447-454

Luo Jing, Chen Yanguang. Toward man-land relationship and its policy adjustment on the era of economic globalization. Human Geography, 2003, 18(5): 7-10

Chen Yanguang. World cities and the internal cities of China in future. Focus on City, 2003, (2): 5-9

Chen Yanguang. Derivations of Beckmann’s allometric growth equation from Beckmann’s class-size model of city hierarchies. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 2002, 18(5): 360-367

Chen Yanguang. The allometric models on the relationships between area and population of urban systems: Underlying rationale, generalized equation, and empirical analyses. Journal of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, 36(3): 375-380

Chen Yanguang, Huang Kun. The fractal dimension of urban form: theoretical approach and practical significance. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2002, 15(1): 62-67

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Derivation and generalization of the urban gravitational model using fractal idea with an application to the spatial cross-correlation between Beijing and Tianjin. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(6): 742-752

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Multifractal spectra of hierarchies of cities: Mathematical models and empirical analysis. Progress in Natural Science, 2002, 12(12): 1291-1295

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng, Fang Yangang. Utility-maximization, logit transformation, and the basic mathematical models for analytical urban geography. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2002, 22(5): 581-586

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Multifractal measure of city-size distributions based on the three-parameter Zipf law: mathematical frameworks and empirical evidence. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2002, 38(6): 823-830

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. GIS-based cellular automata models and researches on spatial complexity of man-land relationship. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(2): 155-162

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. The location progress of population dynamics and fractal form of cities: A theoretical approach to a mathematical model for urban growth. Human Geography, 2002, 17(1): 24-28

Luo Hongyu, Chen Yanguang. On the methods of characterizing urban land-use form using fractal dimension. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2002, 34(4): 107-113

Chen Yanguang. Mathematical relationships between the three-parameter Zipf law and the Beckmann model of city hierarchies. Journal of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 35(2): 229-233

Chen Yanguang. Zhou’s paradox on the rank-size rule of cities: mathematical essence and solution. Journal of Shanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 29(2): 97-102

Chen Yanguang, Zhang Yongsheng. Theoretical derivations and analyses of the Fisher-Hotelling model on urban growth. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 14(1): 80-84

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Entropy-maximizing principle of fractal hierarchies of cities. Progress in Natural Science, 2001, 11(11): 1170-1174

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Fractals and fractal dimensions of structure of river systems: Models reconstruction and parameters interpretation of Horton’s laws of network composition. Advance in Earth Sciences, 2001, 16(2): 178-183

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. An index of equilibrium of urban land-use structure and information dimension of urban form. Geographical Research, 2001, 20(2): 146-152

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Reconstructing Steindl’s model: from the law of allometric growth to the rank-size rule of urban systems. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2001, 21(5): 412-416

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Studies of analogies of fractal structure between river networks and system s of central places: A theoretical approach to the symmetry between physical and human geographical systems. Progress in Geography, 2001. 20(1): 81-88

Chen, Yanguang, Luo Jing. A dynamic similarity analysis of fractal structure of the city of Zhengzhou: 1985-1998. Economic Geography, 2001, 21(4): 389-393

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. The spatial structural features of south Henan’s economic support system. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 14(2): 204-208

Chen Yanguang, Liu Minghua. The basic laws of the Shannon entropy values of urban land-use composition. Human Geography, 2001, 16(4): 20-24

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. A study of multifractals measures of the spatial structure of the urban system in Central Plains. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2001, 37(6): 810-818

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Researches in models of allometric analysis of urban systems and forecast of urbanization level based on RS data of urban area. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2001, 37(6) 819–826

Kuang Yi, Chen Yanguang. DBM & DLA models and fractal simulation of urban growth: A theoretical studies of methods of simulating fractal form of cities. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 14(3):303-308

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. A proof of generalized Davis’s 2n-law as a mathematical equivalent of Beckmann’s model of city hierarchies: Researching into the micro-macro symmetry of city rank-size rule. Economic Geography, 2001, 21(2): 231-234

Liu Minghua, Chen Yanguang. Methods of characterizing urban land-use form using fractal dimension. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 14(2): 209-213/219

Chen Yanguang, Wan Nianqing. Experimental methods of geographical researches: from modeling material objects to computer simulation. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2001, 14(2): 214-219

Chen Yanguang. Derivation and generalization of Clark’s model on urban population density using entropy-maximising methods and fractal ideas. Journal of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 34(4): 489-492

Chen Yanguang. A theoretical proof of Clark’s model on spatial distribution density of urban population. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 13(2): 185-188

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. An urbanization level formula based on Beckmann’s model and its theoretical inferences. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 32(3): 78-83

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Three-parameter Zipf’s model on city-size distribution: A generalization of Davis’ 2n-law and demonstrations of its fractal nature. Journal of Central China Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 34(1): 98-102

Chen Yanguang, Shan Weidong. The δn–law of city-size distribution: Generalization of Davis’ 2n–law and its fractal nature. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 2000, 16(1): 42–46

Chen Yanguang, Wan Nianqing. A preliminary design of spatial structure for the Xinyang Prefecture using point-axis system theory. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 13(3): 326-329

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. General fractal models on structure and function of dynamic economy systems: Theoretical foundations and generalized form of the Cobb-Douglas production function. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2000, 13(1): 40-43

Chen Yanguang, Zhou Yixing. Cellular automata and simulation of spatial complexity of urban systems: History, Present situation, and Future. Economic Geography, 2000, 20(3): 35-39

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. The gravitational models of fractal cities: Theoretical basis and applied methods. Scientia Geograhica Sinica, 2000, 20(6): 528-533

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Fractal studies of urban geography in the past and future. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2000, 20(2): 166-171

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Researches on the fractional dimensions of the spatial structure of the urban system as fractals in Northeast China. Human Geography, 2000, 15(6): 9-16

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. An allometric analysis of the Changchun system of towns: 1949-1988. Human Geography, 2000, 15(3): 6-12

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. The DBM features of transport network of a district: A study on the Laplacian fractals of networks of communication lines. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1999, 19(2): 114-118

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. A proof of Davis’ 2n-law as a special equivalent of the three-parameter Zipf Model. Progress in Geography, 1999, 18(3): 255-262

Chen Yanguang. Fractals and fractal dimensions of city-size distributions. Human Geography, 1999, 14(2): 43-48

Chen Yanguang, Shan Weidong. Fractal measure of spatial distribution of urban population in a region. Areal Research and Development, 1999, 18(1): 18-21

Chen Yanguang, Wang Yimin. Fractals, 1/f fluctuation, and the aesthetic essence of tourist resort. Exploration of Nature, 1999, 18(3): 51-54

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. A study on fractal dimensions of spatial structure of transport networks and the methods of their determination. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1999, 54(5): 471-478

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Fractal dimensions of spatial structure of an urban system and the methods of their determination. Geographical Research, 1999, 18(2): 171-178

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. A preliminary study of fractal features of size distribution of cities in Northeast China. Human Geography, 1999, 14(3): 1-6

Chen Yanguang. Empirical studies of Koch snowflake model of urban systems: fractals and fractal dimensions of k3 central place system. Economic Geography, 1998, 18(4): 33-37

Chen Yanguang. Fractals and fractal dimensions in central place systems. Human Geography, 1998, 13(3): 19-24/18

Chen Yanguang, Chen Wenhui. GIS and fractal studies of geographical phenomena. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 30(2): 91-96

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Studies on the fractals of town-size distribution of urban system in the North Henan Province. Human Geography, 1998, 13(1): 22-29

Chen Yanguang Liu Minghua. Study on fractal dimension of size distribution of cities. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 1998, 14(6): 395-400

Chen Yanguang, Yu Bin. Self-similarity: New thinking for model-building of geographical systems. Fujian Geography, 1998, 13(1): 55-59

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. Fractal dimensions of hierarchical structure of urban systems and the methods of their determination. Geographical Research, 1998, 17(1): 82-89

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang, Yu Bin. Preliminary studies of fractal models and fundamentals of urban location theory. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1998, 18(4): 328-334

Shan Weidong, Chen Yanguang. The properties of fractal geometry of systems of urban and rural settlements in Xinyang Prefecture. Areal Research and Development, 1998, 17(3): 48-51/64

Chen Yanguang, Wang Yongjie. A fractal study on interaction between towns in urban systems. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 1997, 13(4): 233–237

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. Analysis of information dimension on the spatial structure of urban systems. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1997, 10(1): 64-69

Chen Yanguang, Wang Yimin. On fractals and tourist landscapes. Human Geography, 1997, 12(1): 62-66

Chen Yanguang, Yu Bin. Fractal models of interaction between the cities in the urban system of North Henan Province. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1997, 10(4): 38-43

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. A preliminary study on the nonlinear interaction between man and land. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1997, 17(3): 224-230

Luo Jing, Chen Yanguang. Undeveloped county’s transport network and spatial structure improvement. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1997, 10(3): 47-51

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. The present situation and the future of the fractal studies on geographical phenomena. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1996, 9(3): 311-317

Chen Yanguang, Luo Hongyu. Exploring the behavioral essence of tourists using ideas from information theory. Geography and Territorial Research, 1996, 12(1): 35-39

Chen Yanguang. A study on the systems of towns as aggregation fractals. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 1995, 11(2): 80-101

Chen Yanguang. A mathematical method to dispose spatial resources in a region. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1995, 8(2): 202-207

Liu Jisheng, Chen Yanguang. A fractal study on the spatial structure of systems of towns in Northeast China. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1995, 15(2): 136-143

Chen Yanguang. Geography is a kind of spatial information science. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1994, 7(2): 217-220

Chen Yanguang. The spatial limitation model of the commodity sales in circular cities. Human Geography, 1994, 9(2): 38-43

Chen Yanguang, Li Houqiang. A Koch-type model of spatial structure of urban systems. Economic Geography, 14(3): 10-14

Chen Yanguang, Liu Jisheng. Preliminary studies on the fractal properties of systems of towns. Human Geography, 1994, 9(1): 25-30

Yu Guozhong, Chen Yanguang. The research of the community eco-environment model in China. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1994, 7(2): 212-216

Articles in “Column of Fractal Urban Systems” in Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998-1999

Chen Yanguang. Poverty and way-out of geography (I): Philosophical reflections on the geographical crisis. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(1): 74-77

Hu Yuwang, Chen Yanguang. Methods of mathematic expression and determination of the shared space of eliments in an urban system. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(1): 78-80

Liu Minghua, Chen Yanguang, Wang Yimin. A preliminary analysis of evolution of the urban system in North Henan Province. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(1): 81-85

Chen Yanguang. Poverty and way-out of geography (II): The fractal direction of geographical development. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(2): 163-166/171

Yu Guozhong, Chen Yanguang, Shan Weidong. A preliminary analysis on the dynamics of urbanization of Henan Province: 1980-1990. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(2): 167-171

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. The fractal features of the transport network of Henan Province. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(2): 172-177

Chen Yanguang, Luo Jing. A fractal study on Zipf's law and rank-size rule of cities in an urban system. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(3): 264-268

Chen Yanguang, Liu Minghua. A fractal study of a city system: Mathematic models and the determination of fractal dimension. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(3): 269-272

Yu Bin, Chen Yanguang. A Zipf’s dimension analysis of urbanization and improvement of hierarchical structure of the urban system of Henan. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(3): 273-277

Shan Weidong, Chen Yanguang. The fundamental theory and methods of non-linear dynamic analyses of urban systems. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(4): 378-382

Wang Yiming, Chen Yanguang, Liu Minghua. An analysis of fractal dimensions of hierarchical structure change of the urban system in Henan Province. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1998, 11(4): 383-387

Shan Weidong, Chen Yanguang. Fractal theory and the transformation of geographical theory. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(1): 55-59

Chen Yanguang. The fractal model of urban population density-decay and its related forms: Derivation and synthesis of Clark’s model and Sherratt’s model. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(1): 60-64

Chen Yanguang, Guo Hongjian. A preliminary approach to the nature of the parameter of logistic equation on urbanization level. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(1): 65-69

Chen Yanguang. A fractal city-gravity model based on correlation function: Revision and development of Reilly-Converse’s model. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(2): 194-197

Chen Yanguang, Xu Qiuhong. Studies on the fractal geometric model of allometric growth relationships between area and population of urban systems. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(2): 198-203

Liu Minghua, Chen Yanguang, Shan Weidong. The fractal features of the temporal and spatial relationships between area and population of urban systems of Henan Province. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(2): 204-209

Chen Yanguang. Geography: Failure of the quantitative revolution and starting-up of the fractal studies. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(3): 310-314

Shan Weidong, Chen Yanguang, Liu Minghua. Studies on the fractal features of the course of urbanization in Henan Province. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(3): 315-320

Chen Yanguang, Jin Jun, Yu Guozhong. An allometric analysis of Henan’s urbanization dynamics. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(3): 321-325

Chen Yanguang. A new fractal dimension on transport networks and the method of its determination. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(4): 426-429/434

Guo Hongjian, Chen Yanguang, Wan Nianqing. How to calculate the Gini coefficients based on single-logarithmed Lorenz curve of city-size distribution. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 1999, 12(4): 430-434




Cai Yunlong, Ye Chao, Chen Yanguang, Que Weimin. The Methodology of Geographical Studies. Beijing: Science Press, 2011

Cai Yunlong, Chen Yanguang, Que Weimin, Liu Weidong, Qi Qingwen. Geography: Scientific Status and Social Functions. Beijing: Science Press, 2012

Chen Yanguang. Fractal Urban Systems: Scaling, Symmetry, and Spatial Complexity. Beijing: Science Press, 2008


Book Chapters

Chen Yanguang. Scaling, fractals, and spatial complexity of cities. In: Portugali J (ed). Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021, pp 176-194

Chen Yanguang. Fractal dimension analysis of urban morphology based on spatial correlation functions. In: D'Acci L(ed.). Mathematics of Urban Morphology. Birkhäuser: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, pp21-53

Chen Yanguang. Reinterpreting the origin of bifurcation and chaos by urbanization dynamics. In: Kais A.M. Al Naimee (ed). Chaos Theory. Rijeka: InTech, 2018, pp1-25

Chen Yanguang. Fractal analysis based on hierarchical scaling in complex systems. In: Fernando Brambila (ed). Fractal Analysis- Applications in Health Sciences and Social Sciences. Rijeka: InTech, 2017, pp141-164

Chen Yanguang. Scaling analysis of the cascade structure of the hierarchy of cities. In: B. Jiang and X. Yao (Eds.). Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Urban Structure and Dynamics. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010, pp91 - 117

Chen Yanguang. Systematic analysis of spatial structure of Hangzhou metropolis. In: Towards the Epoch of Qiantang River. Eds. Hangzhou Urban Planning Bureau & Center of Hangzhou City Planning. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2002, pp163-182

Jiang Shiguo, Chen Yanguang. Study on the metropolitan areas of urban systems in Shandong Peninsula. In: Studies of Developing Stratagems of Urban Systems in Shandong Peninsula. Eds. Zhou YX, Yang HC. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2004, pp101-119

Elhadj Z (Ed.). Models and Applications of Chaos Theory in Modern Sciences. London: CRC Press, 2011 (Contribution of 2 chapters)

Cai Yunlong, Bill Wyckoff (Eds.). The Interpretation of the Classical Works of Geography. Beijing: Commercial Press, 2000 (Contribution of 6 chapters)



Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

  • 86-10-62751172
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