Fuliu Xu


Research Direction: Environmental biogeochemistry, pollution ecology

Department: Department of Environmental Science

Tel: 010-62751177


Education and experience

       1995.01 – 1998.03:  Ph.D. in System Ecology and EcologicalModelling

                         Department of Environmental Chemistry, CopenhagenUniversity, Denmark

       1985.09 – 1988.07:  M.Sc. in Environmental Geochemistry

                         Dept. of Resources, Xi'an Geological College, China      

       1980.09 –1984.07:  B.Sc. in Geology

                         Dept. of Geology, Hefei University of Technology,China  

Work Experience

2007.08 – present:  Professor

  College of Urban & EnvironmentalSciences, Peking University, China

2000.04-2007.07: Associate Professor

                             Department of Urban & EnvironmentalSciences, Peking University, China

1998.04 – 2000.03:  Postdoctoral Fellow

                                     Dept. of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Peking University, China

1988.08 – 1994.12:   Engineer, Senior Engineer

                  Ecological Dept., Anhui Institute forEnvironmental Sciences, China

Fund Project

Major Project Manager/Coordinator

2016-2019 Mechanisms on hyper-accumulation and high tolerance of a macrophyte (Microsorium Pteropus) to Cadmium.NSFC

2013-2016 Distribution, fate and risks of PFOS in lake ecosystem,NSFC

2011-2014 Modeling ecosystem dynamics of shallow lake. Key project.NSFC

2010-2013 Novel method for system-level eco-risk assessment.NEC

2008-2010 Behaviors and effects of chemical pollutants. National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.NSFC

2007-09A multimedia fugacity model for fate modeling of PAHs in Lake Small Bai-Yang-Dian NSFC

2003-05The Limiting Factors and Dynamic Mechanism for Lake Ecosystem HealthNSFC

2000-02Modeling Ecological Structural Dynamic in Shallow LakesNSFC

2001 Ecosystem Health & Watershed Management of Tolo HarbourRSBHK

1998-2000 Effects of organic chemicals on ecosystem health NEC

1999-2000 Indicators and Methods for Lake Ecosystem HealthNED

1995-97 Lake ecological model, ecological engineering and ecological health.EU

Major Projects participated

2016-2000: Evaluation Method of Environmental Effects of Chemical Fertilizer and Pesticide NSTC

2008-2015: Water pollution control for Lake ChaoNSTC

2007-2011: Ecotoxicity and health risks of complex pollution to water and soil environment (973)NSTC

2004-2007: Regional Processes of PAHs in the region around Behai Bay NSFC

2001-2006: Biogeochemistry of trace chemicalsNSFC

2001-2003:Regional Processes of trace chemicals in Tianjin NSFC

2001-2003: Ecological Risk Assessment of Organic ChemicalsNSFC

2000-2002:Bioavailability of trace chemicals in agricultural soilNSFC

1998-2002: Sustainable Management of Water Resource in Bejing -Tianjin Region CIDA

*NSFC National Natural Scientific Foundation of China

NEC National Education Commission of China

NPD National Personal Department of China

EU     European Union

CIDA Canadian International Development Agency

RSBHKResearch Support Bureau of Hong Kong

NSTC NationalScientificand Technological Commission of China

Research Direction

Environmental behavior, toxic effects as well as ecological and health risks of pollutants; Water and soil environmental sciences.

Works outcomes


Book / chapters
(1)  Sven Erik J?rgensen, Ni-Bin Chang, and Fu-Liu Xu. Advances in the Ecological Modelling and Ecological Engineering applied on Lakes and Wetlands. Elsevier, 2014.
(2)  J?rgensen S.E., Xu F.-L.,Constansan R., “Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health” (Secrion edition). CRC Press, 2010, pp. 485.
(3)  J?rgensen S.E., Constansan R., Xu F.-L. “Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health”. CRC Press, 2005, pp. 439.
(4)  F-L Xu, 2008. Trophic Classification for Lakes. In Sven Erik Jorgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecological Indicators. Vol. [5] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [3594-3601] Oxford: Elsevier.


Peer Review Papers in English

(1)   Xiangzhen Kong, Qishuang He, BinYang, Wei He, Fuliu Xu*, Janssen, A.B.G., Kuiper, J.J., van Gerven, L.P.A., Qin,N., Jiang, Y., Liu, W., Yang, C., Bai, Z., Zhang, M., Kong, F., Janse, J.H., Mooij,W.M.** (2017). Hydrological regulation drives regime shifts: evidence frompaleolimnology and ecosystem modeling of a large shallow Chinese lake. GlobalChange Biology 23: 737-754.

(2)   Xiangzhen Kong, Wei He, NingQin, Wenxiu Liu, Bin Yang, Chen Yang, Fuliu Xu*, Wolf M. Mooij, Albert A.Koelmanset** (2017). Impact of regime shifts on the fate of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs) in shallow lake ecosystems: a modeling approach. WaterResearch: Water Research 119: 73-82.

(3)   Fu-Liu Xu, Chen Yang, Wei He,Qi-Shuang He, Yi-Long Li, Lei Kang, Wen-Xiu Liu, Yong-Qiang Xiong, Baoshan Xing(2017). Bias and association of sediment organic matter source apportionment indicators:A case study in a eutrophic Lake Chaohu, China. Science of the TotalEnvironment 581–582 : 874–884.

(4)   Yang Jiao, Hui-Ling Ouyang,Yu-Jiao Jiang, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wei He,Wen-Xiu Liu,Bin Yang, Fu-Liu Xu*  (2017).Effects of phosphorus stress on the photosynthetic andphysiologicalcharacteristics of Chlorella vulgaris based on chlorophyllfluorescenceand flow cytometric analysis. Ecological Indicators 78: 131–141.

(5)   Wei He, Yanru Chen, Chen Yang,Wenxiu Liu, Xiangzhen Kong, Ning Qin, Qishuang He, and Fuliu Xu* (2017). OptimizedMultiresidue Analysis of Organic Contaminants of Priority Concern in a DailyConsumed Fish (Grass Carp). Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry Volume2017, Article ID 9294024, 13 pages.

(6)   Wei He, Chen Yang, Wenxiu Liu,Qishuang He, Qingmei Wang, Yilong Li, Xiangzhen Kong, Xinyu Lan, F uliu Xu*(2016). The partitioning behavior of persistent toxicant organic contaminants ineutrophic sediments: Coefficients and effects of fluorescent organic matter andparticle size. Environmental Pollution 219: 724-734.

(7)   Lei Kang, Qi-Shuang He, Wei He*, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wen-Xiu Liu, Wen-Jing Wu, Yi-LongLi, Xin-Yu Lan, Fu-Liu Xu** (2016). Current status and historical variations ofDDT-related contaminants in the sediments of Lake Chaohu in China and their influencingfactors. Environmental Pollution 219: 883-896.

(8)   Wen-Xiu Liu, Yan Wang, Wei He,Ning Qin, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Qi-Shuang He,Bin Yang, Chen Yang, Yu-Jiao Jiang,Sven Erik Jorgensen, Fu-Liu Xu(2016). Aquatic biota as potential biological indicators of thecontamination,bioaccumulation and health risks caused by organochlorinepesticidesin a large, shallow Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu).Ecological Indicators 60: 335–345.

(9)   Bin Yang, Yu-Jiao Jiang, Wei He,Wen-Xiu Liu, Xiang-Zhen Kong,Sven Erik Jørgensen, Fu-Liu Xu(2016). The tempo-spatial variations of phytoplankton diversitiesand theircorrelation with trophic state levels in a large eutrophic Chineselake. Ecological Indicators 66: 153–162.

(10)XiangzhenKong, Wei He, Wenxiu Liu, Bin Yang, Fuliu Xu, Sven Erik Jørgensen,Wolf M. Mooij (2016). Changes in food webstructure and ecosystem functioning of a large,shallow Chinese lake during the1950s, 1980s and 2000s. Ecological Modelling 319 : 31–41.

(11)HE Wei,BAI ZeLin, LI YiLong, KONG XiangZhen, LIU WenXiu, YANG Chen, YANG Bin & XU FuLiu* (2016). Advances in environmental behaviors and effects ofdissolved organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. Science China Earth Sciences,59: 1–14.

(12)Lei Kang,Qing-Mei Wang, Qi-Shuang He, Wei He1, Wen-Xiu Liu, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Bin Yang, ChenYang, Yu-Jiao Jiang, Fu-Liu Xu*(2016). Current status and historical variations of phthalate ester (PAE) contaminationin the sediments from a large Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu). Environ Sci PollutRes, 23:10393–10405.

(13)Wei He,Ze-Lin Bai, Wen-Xiu Liu, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Bin Yang, Chen Yang, Sven ErikJørgensen, Fu-Liu Xu* (2016). Occurrence,spatial distribution, sources, and risks of polychlorinated biphenyls and heavymetals in surface sediments from a large eutrophic Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu). EnvironSci Pollut Res, 23: 10335-10348.  

(14)Yi-LongLi, Wei He, Wen-Xiu Liu, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Bin Yang, Chen Yang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2015). Influences of binding to dissolved organic matter onhydrophobic organic compounds in a multi-contaminant system: Coefficients, mechanismsand ecological risks. Environmental Pollution 206: 461-468.

(15)XiangzhenKong, Lin Dong, Wei He, Qingmei Wang, Wolf M. Mooij, Fuliu Xu* (2015). Estimation of the long-term nutrient budget andthresholds of regime shift for a large shallow lake in China. EcologicalIndicators 52: 231244. 

(16)Qi-ShuangHe, Qing-Mei Wang, Yan Wang, Wei He, Ning Qin, Xiang-Zhen Kong,Wen-Xiu Liu, BinYang, Fu-Liu Xu(2015).Temporal and spatial variations of organochlorine pesticides in the suspendedparticulate matter from Lake Chaohu, China. Ecological Engineering 80: 214222.

(17)Fu-Liu Xu, Yi-Long Li, Yin Wang, Wei He, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Ning Qin,Wen-XiuLiu, Wen-Jing Wu, Sven Erik Jorgensenb (2015). Key issues for the developmentand application of the speciessensitivity distribution (SSD) model forecological risk assessment. Ecological Indicators 54: 227237.

(18)Wen-XiuLiu, Wei He, Ning Qin, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Qi-Shuang He, Bin Yang, Chen Yang, SvenErik Jorgensen, Fu-Liu Xu* (2015).Temporal-spatial distributions and ecological risks of perfluoroalkyl acids(PFAAs) in the surface water from the fifth-largest freshwater lake in China(Lake Chaohu). Environmental Pollution 200: 24-34.

(19)YangJiao, Hui-Ling Ouyang, Yu-Jiao Jiang, Xiang-Zhen Kong,Wei He,Wen-Xiu Liu, Bin Yang, and Fu-Liu Xu* (2015). Toxic Effects of Ethyl Cinnamate on the Photosynthesisand Physiological Characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris Based on ChlorophyllFluorescence and Flow Cytometry Analysis. The Scientific World Journal, Volume2015, Article ID 107823, 12 pages.

(20) Ning Qin, Wei He, Xiang-Zhen Kong,Wen-Xiu Liu,Qi-Shuang He, Bin Yang, Qing-Mei Wang, Chen Yang, Yu-Jiao Jiang, Sven ErikJorgensen, Fu-Liu Xu*, Xiao-Li Zhao (2014).Atmospheric partitioning and the air–water exchange of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons in a large shallow Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu). Science of theTotal Environment 496: 414423.

(21)Wei He,Ning Qin, Qi-Shuang He, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wen-Xiu Liu, Qing-Mei Wang, Chen Yang,Yu-Jiao Jiang, Bin Yang, Ze-Lin Bai, Wen-Jing Wu, Fu-Liu Xu* (2014). AtmosphericPBDEs at rural and urban sites in central China from 2010 to 2013: Residuallevels, potential sources and human exposure. Environmental Pollution 192: 232-243.

(22)Wei He, NingQin, Xiang-Zhen Kong,Wen-Xiu Liu, Qi-Shuang He, Qing-Mei Wang, Chen Yang,Yu-Jiao Jiang, Bin Yang,Wen-JingWu, Fu-Liu Xu* (2014). Water qualitybenchmarking (WQB) and priority control screening (PCS) of persistent toxicsubstances (PTSs) in China: Necessity, method and a case study. Science of the Total Environment 472: 1108–1120.

(23)Xiangzhen Kong, Wei He, Ning Qin, Qishuang He, Bin Yang,Huiling Ouyang, Qingmei Wang, Chen Yang, Yujiao Jiang, Fuliu Xu* (2014). Modeling the multimedia fatedynamics of r-hexachlorocyclohexane in a large Chinese lake. EcologicalIndicators 41: 65–74.

(24)Yu-JiaoJiang, Wei He, Wen-Xiu Liu, Ning Qin, Hui-Ling Ouyang, Qing-Mei Wang, Xiang-ZhenKong, Qi-Shuang He, Chen Yang, Bin Yang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2014). The seasonal andspatial variations of phytoplankton community and their correlation withenvironmental factors in a large eutrophic Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu). EcologicalIndicators 40: 58–67.

(25)Hui-Ling Ouyang & Qing-Mei Wang & Wei He & Ning Qin& Xiang-Zhen Kong & Wen-Xiu Liu & Qi-Shuang He & Yu-Jiao Jiang& Chen Yang & Bin Yang & Fu-Liu Xu* (2014). Organochlorinepesticides in the dust fall around Lake Chaohu, the fifth largest lake inChina. Environ Monit Assess 186:383–393.

(26)Xu FL, Qin N, ZhuY, He W, Kong XZ, Barbour MT., He QS,Wang Y, Ouyang HL, Tao S (2013).Multimedia fate modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in LakeSmall Baiyangdian, Northern China. Ecological Modelling, 252: 246-257

(27)Fu-Liu Xu, Xiang-ZhenKong, Yan Wang, Wei He, Ning Qin, Qi-Shuang He, Shu Tao (2013). Distributions, sources and ecological risks of HCHs in sedimentsfrom Haihe Plain, Northern China. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research. 20(4):2009-2019

(28)Ning Qin, Wei He,Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wen-Xiu Liu, Qi-Shuang He, Bin Yang, Hui-Ling Ouyang, QingmeiWang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). Ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the water from a large Chinese lake based on multiple indicators. ECOLOGICALINDICATORS. 24: 599–608.

(29)Ning Qin, Wei He, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wen-XiuLiu, Qi-Shuang He, Bin Yang, Hui-Ling Ouyang, Qing-Mei Wang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). Atmospheric partitioning and the air–water exchange of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons in a large shallow Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu). Chemosphere,93 (5): 1685–1693.

(30)Wei He,Ning Qin, Xiangzhen Kong, Wenxiu Liu, Qishuang He, Huiling Ouyang, Chen Yang,Yujiao Jiang, Qingmei Wang, Bin Yang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). Spatio-temporal distributionsand the ecological and health risks of phthalate esters (PAEs) in the surfacewater of a large, shallow Chinese lake. Science of the Total Environment 461–462 (2013) 672–680.

(31)Wei He, Ning Qin, Xiangzhen Kong, WenxiuLiu, Qishuang He, Huiling Ouyang, Qingmei Wang, Bin Yang,Chen Yang, YujiaoJiang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). Polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the surface sediments and suspended particulatematter (SPM) from Lake Chaohu, a large shallow Chinese lake. Science of the Total Environment , 463–464 (2013) 1163–1173.

(32)Wei He, Yanyan Zhang, Rong Tian, HongxingHu, Bin Chen, Lam Kin Chen, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). Modeling the purificationeffects of the constructed Sphagnum wetland on phosphorus and heavy metals inDajiuhu Wetland Reserve, China. Ecological Modelling, 252: 23-31

(33) Hui-Ling Ouyang, Xiang-ZhenKong, Michel Lavoie, Wei He, Ning Qin, Qi-Shuang He, Bin Yang, Rong Wang and Fu-LiuXu* (2013). PHOTOSYNTHETIC AND CELLULARTOXICITY OF CADMIUM IN CHLORELLA VULGARIS. Environmental Toxicology andChemistry, 32(12): 2762–2770.

(34)Hui-LingOuyang, Wei He, Ning Qin, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wen-Xiu Liu, Qi-Shuang He, ChenYang, Yu-Jiao Jiang, Qing-Mei Wang, Bin Yang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). Water-gas exchange oforganochlorine pesticides at Lake Chaohu, a large Chinese lake. Environmental Sciences andPollution Research. 20(4): 2020-2032.

(35)Wen-Jing Wu & Ning Qin & Ying Zhu& Qi-Shuang He & Hui-Ling Ouyang & Wei He & Wen-Xiu Liu & Fu-LiuXu* (2013). The residual levels andhealth risks of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) anddichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs) in the fish from Lake Baiyangdian,North China. EnvironmentalSciences and Pollution Research. 20: 5950–5962. 

(36)Wen-Xiu Liu, Wei He, Ning Qin, Xiang-ZhenKong, Qi-Shuang He, Hui-Ling Ouyang, Bin Yang, Qing-Mei Wang, Chen Yang,Yu-Jiao Jiang, Wen-Jing Wu, Fu-Liu Xu* (2013). The residues, distribution, and partition of organochlorinepesticides in the water, suspended solids, and sediments from a large Chineselake (Lake Chaohu) during the high water level period. EnvironmentalSciences and Pollution Research. 20(4): 2033-2045.

(37)Xiangzhen Kong, Wei He, NingQin, Qishang He, Bin Yang, Huiling Ouyang, Qingmei Wang, Fuliu Xu* (2013). Comparison of transport pathways and potential sources of PM10in two cities around Lake Chaohu using the modified trajectory analysis. AtmosphericResearch. 122: 284-297    

(38)Kong Xiang-Zhen; Jorgensen Sven Erik; He Wei; Ning Qin; XuFu-Liu* (2013). Predicting the restoration effects by a structuraldynamic approach in Lake Chaohu, China. Ecological Modelling 266 (2013) 73– 85.

(39)Wang Y,Wu WJ, He W, Qin N, He QS, Xu FL*(2013). Residues and ecological risks of organochlorine pesticides in LakeSmall Baiyangdian, North China. Environ Monit Assess. 185(1): 917-929  

(40)Wang Y, He W, Qin N, He QS, Kong XZ, Tao S & XuFL* (2013). Distributions, sources, and ecological risks of DDT-relatedcontaminants in water, suspended particulate matter, and sediments from HaihePlain, Northern China. Environ Monit Assess. 185(2): 1777-1790.

(41)HE W, Qin N, He QS, Wang Y, Kong XZ, Xu FL*(2012). Characterization, ecological and health risks of DDTs and HCHs in waterfrom a large shallow Chinese lake. Ecological Informatics, 12: 77-84.    

(42)Ning Qin, Xiang-Zhen Kong, YingZhu, Wei He, Qi-Shang He, Bin Yang, Hui-Ling Ou-Yang, Wen-Xiu Liu, Qing-MeiWang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2012). Distributions, sources andbackward trajectories of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in LakeSmall Baiyangdian, northern China. The ScientificWorld Journal. Volume 2012, Article ID 416321, 13 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/416321

(43)OUYANG Huiling, KONG Xiangzhen, QIN Ning, HE Wei, HEQishuang, WANG Yan, Wang Rong, XU Fuliu* (2012) . Effects of five heavymetals at sub-lethal concentrations on the growth and photosynthesis ofChlorella vulgaris. Chin Sci Bull,2012, 57(25): 3363-3370

(44)Wen-Xiu Liu, Wei He, Ning Qin,Xiang-Zhen Kong, Qi-Shuang He, Hui-Ling Ouyang, Bin Yang, Qing-Mei Wang, ChenYang, Yu-Jiao Jiang, Wen-Jing Wu, Fu-Liu Xu* (2012). Residues, distributions, sources and ecological risks of OCPs inthe water from Lake Chao, China. The Scientific World Journal,Vol. 2012, Article ID 897697, 16 pages, 2012. doi:10.1100/2012/897697.

(45)Hui-LingOuyang, Wei He, Ning Qin, Xiang-Zhen Kong, Wen-Xiu Liu, Qi-Shuang He, Yu-JiaoJiang, Qing-Mei Wang, Chen Yang, Bin Yang, Fu-Liu Xu* (2012). Levels, temporal-spatialvariations and sources of organochlorine pesticides in ambient air of LakeChaohu, China. The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2012, ArticleID 504576, 12 pages, 2012. doi:10.1100/2012/504576.

(46)Xiangzhen Kong, Wei He, Ning Qin, Qishuang He, Bin Yang,Huiling Ouyang, Qingmei Wang, Chen Yang, Yujiao Jiang, Fuliu Xu*. Simulation of the fate andseasonal variations of α-hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH) in Lake Chaohu using a dynamic fugacity model. The ScientificWorld Journal, Vol. 2012, Article ID 691539, 15 pages, 2012.doi:10.1100/2012/691539.

(47)Wen-Jing Wu, Ning Qin, Wei He, Qi-Shuang He, Hui-LingOuyang, Fu-Liu Xu*. Levels,distribution and health risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fourfreshwater edible fish species from the Beijing market. The ScientificWorld Journal, Vol. 2012, Article ID 156378, 11 pages, 2012.doi:10.1100/2012/156378.

(48)Fu-Liu Xu, Wen-JingWu, Jun-Jun Wang, Ning Qin, Yan Wang, Qi-Shuang He, Wei He, Shu Tao (2011). Residual levels and health risk of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons in freshwater fishes from Lake Small Bai-Yang-Dian, NorthernChina. EcologicalModelling 222, 275–286.

(49)Fu-Liu Xu, Jun-JunWang, Bin Chen, Ning Qin, Wen-Jing Wu, Wei He, Qi-Shuang He, Yin Wang (2011). The variations of exergies and structural exergies alongeutrophication gradients in Chinese and Italian lakes. Ecological Modelling 222, 337–350.

(50)Xu, F. L., J.Y. HAO,S. TAO, R. W. DAWSON, K. C. LAM, Y. D. CHEN (2006). Restorating marine coastal ecosystem healthas a new goal for integrated catchment management in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong,China. Environmental Management 37(4): 540-552.

(51)Xu, F. L., Shan-Shan ZhaoRichard W. Dawson, Jun-Yi Hao, Ying Zhang, ShuTao(2006). A triangle model for evaluating the sustainability status and trendsof economic development. Ecological Modelling, 195: 327-337.

(52)Fu-Liu Xu, Zhen-Yan Zhao, Wei Zhan, Shan-Shan Zhao,R. W. Dawson, Shu Tao (2005). An Ecosystem Health Index Methodology (EHIM) forLake Ecosystem Health Assessment. Ecological Modelling : 188(2-4): 327-339.

(53)Xu, F. L., K. C. Lam, Z. Y. Zhao, W. Zhan, Y. D.Chen & S. Tao (2004). Marine Coastal Ecosystem HealthAssessment: a case study of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong, China.  Eclol. Model. 173(4): 355-370.

(54)Xu, F. L., K. C. Lam, R. W. Dawson, S. Tao &Y. D. Chen (2004). The Long-term Temporal-spatial Dynamics of Marine CoastalWater Quality in the Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong, China. J. Environ. Sci.(China), 169(1): 161-166.

(55)Xu, F. L., S. Tao, R.W. Dawson & Z. R. Xu 2003. The Distributions and Effectsof Nutrients in the sediments of a shallow eutrophic Chinese lake. Hydrobiologia, 492 (1-3): 85-93.

(56)Xu, F. L., Tao S. and R.W. Dawson (2002).System-level responses of lake ecosystems to chemical stresses using exergy andstructural exergy as ecological indicators. Chemosphere, 46 (2):173-185.  

(57)Xu, F. L., Tao S. & R.S. Dawson(2002). Lake ecological model: history and development.  J Env Sci. (China), 14 (2): 255-263.

(58)Xu, F. L. R.W. Dawson and S. Tao (2001).A method for lake ecosystem health assessment: an Ecological Modeling Methodand its application. Hydrobiologica 443 (1-3): 159-175.

(59)Xu, F.L., S.Tao, R.W. Dawson, B.G. Li(2001). A GIS-based method of lake eutrophication assessment. Ecol.Model. 144 (2-3): 231-244.

(60)Xu, F. L. S.Tao, R.W. Dawson, B.G. Li& J. Cao (2001). Lake ecosystem healthassessment: indicators and methods. Water Research35(13): 3157-3167.

(61)Xu, F.-L. & Tao S. (2000). On thestudy of ecosystem health: the state of the art. J. Envir. Sci. (China) 1233-38.

(62) Xu, F.-L. & Tao S. (2000).Conceptual understandings of the ecological engineering issues in China andabroad. J. Envir. Sci. (China) 12203-208.

(63) Xu, F.-L., S.Tao & Z.R. Xu. (1999).The restoration of wetlands and macrophytes in the Lake Chao:possibility and effects. Hydrobiologica 405: 169-178.

(64) Xu, F.-L., Jorgensen, S.E., Tao S. andP.G. Li (1999). Modeling the effects of macrophytes restoration on waterquality and ecosystem of Lake Chao. Ecol. Model. 117: 239-260.

(65)Xu, F.-L., Jorgensen, S.E. and Tao S.(1999).  Ecological indicators forassessing freshwater ecosystem health. Ecol. Model. 116: 77-106.

(66)Xu, F. L. (1997). Exergy & structural exergy asecological indicators for the development state of Lake Chao ecosystems. Ecol.Model., 99(1): 41-49.

(67)Xu, F. L. (1996). Ecosystem health assessment forLake Chao, a shallow eutrophic Chinese lake. Lakes & Reservoirs:Research & Management, 2 (2): 101-109.

(68)Yanjiao Xie, Ying Zhu, Fuliu Xu*,Xianli Liu, Bei Xue, Shu Tao (2007).  Amethod for determining pyrene in mucus using synchronous fluorimetry withmultiple standard additions. Chemosphere 66(10)1878-1883.

(69)Tao S, Xu FL, Liu WX, Cui YH, Coveney RM (2006). A chemical extraction methodfor mimicking bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to wheatgrown in soils containing various amounts of organic matter. ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 40 (7): 2219-2224

(70)Tao S, Xu FL, Wang XJ, Liu WX, Gong ZM, Fang JY, Zhu LZ, Luo YM. (2005). Organochlorine pesticides inagricultural soil and vegetables from Tianjin, China. EnvironmentalScience & Technology 39 (8): 2494-2499.

(71)Hu HY, Xu FL, Li BG, Cao J, Dawson R, Tao S (2005). Prediction of thebioconcentration factor of PCBs in fish. Using the molecular connectivity indexand fragment constant models.WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 77 (1):87-97.

(72)Wu SP, Tao S, Xu FL, Dawson R, Lan T, Li BG, Cao J (2005). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsin dustfall in Tianjin, China. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 345 (1-3): 115-126

(73)Gong ZM, Xu FL, Dawson R, Cao J,Liu WX, Li BG, Shen WR, Zhang WJ, Qin BP, Sun R, Tao S (2004). Residues ofhexachlorocyclohexane isomers and their distribution characteristics in soilsin the Tianjin area, China. ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION ANDTOXICOLOGY 46 (4): 432-437.

(74)Cao HY, Tao S, Xu FL, Coveney RM,Cao J, Li BG, Liu WX, Wang XJ, Hu JY, Shen WR, Qin BP, Sun R(2004). Multimediafate model for hexachlorocyclohexane in Tianjin, China. ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 38 (7): 2126-2132.

(75)Gong ZM, Tao S, Xu FL, Dawson R,Liu WX, Cui YH, Cao J, Wang XJ, Shen WR, Zhang WJ, Qing BP, Sun R (2004). Leveland distribution of DDT in surface soils from Tianjin, China. CHEMOSPHERE 54 (8): 1247-1253.

(76)Tao, S; Cui, YH; Xu, F; Li, BG;Cao, J; Liu, W; Schmitt, G; Wang, XJ; Shen, W; Qing, BP; Sun, R (2004).Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in agricultural soil and vegetablesfrom Tianjin Source: SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 320 (1):11-24

(77)Tao S, Chen YJ, Xu FL, Cao J, Li BG(2003). Changes of copper speciation in maize rhizosphere soil. Environ.Pollut., 122 (3): 447-454.

(78)Zhou ZY, Tao S, XuFL, Dawson R (2003). A physical-mathematical model for the transport of heavy metalsand toxic matter from point sources by geogas microbubbles. Ecol. Model.,161 (1-2): 139-149.

(79)Wang XL, Tao S, Xu FL,Dawson RW, Cao J, Li BG, Fang JY (2002). Modeling the fate of benzo[a]pyrene inthe wastewater-irrigated areas of Tianjin with a fugacity model. JENVIRON QUAL 31 (3): 896-903

(80)Tao S, Xi XH, Xu FL, LiBG, Cao J, Dawson R (2002). A fragment constant QSAR model for evaluating theec50 values of organic chemicals to daphnia magna, Env. Pollu., 116(1):57-64.

(81)TaoS, Hu HY, Xu FL, Dawson R, Li BG, Cao J. (2001). QSAR modeling ofbioconcentration factors in fish based on fragment constants and structuralcorrection factors, J Env Sci Health B, 36(5):631-649.

Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

  • 86-10-62751172
  • 86-10-62751174
  • hjjf@pku.edu.cn