Feng Zhou

Title:Boya Distinguished Professor

Research Direction: Global biogeochemical cycles

Department: Department of Physical Geography and Natural Resources

Tel: 010-62756511




Self Introduction

My career goals as a scientist are to improve our understanding on how human activities impact the Earth’s water and nitrogen cycles and consequently to inform decision-makers in achieving environmental and food co-benefits. My research has focused on agricultural soils, which are the largest consumer of global water and nitrogen resources and have imposed negative effects on environment and human health. The overarching question for my research is How agricultural soils can be sustainably managed to meet the increasing crop demand in the context of global environmental change and human pressure. The specific research questions I have addressed include: 1) How strongly do environmental and anthropogenic drivers influence the change in water cycle? 2) What are the major biogeochemical and socioeconomic processes that contribute to soil nitrogen losses across different interfaces? 3) How much mitigation of soil N losses could be achieved without compromising crop production, and where are the best opportunities? To address these questions, I have closely collaborated with numbers of first-class field experimentalists, modelers, and data scientists worldwide and led multiple interdisciplinary and international research teams to develop experiments, models, and analyses.

I have maintained a vibrant research program with total grants of >4.0 million US dollars. I have published >100 articles in peer-reviewed journals (e.g., PNAS and Nature Food as first or corresponding author) with total citations of >2900 and h-index of 33 (Google Scholar). As of now I have designed and taught three courses, and mentored 21 students (5 Ph.D., 8 master, 12 undergraduate), 6 postdoctoral researchers, and 7 visiting scholars. In addition, I have provided considerable services in PKU and for the broader science community (e.g., Associate Editor for Global Biogeochemical Cycles and Biogeochemistry, Committee Member for 3 global research projects). I have awarded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and as the Young Cheung Kong Scholar issued to China's domestic top scholars by the Ministry of Education (300 scientists per year for all disciplines). 

Education and experience

2004~2009,  Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Peking University

2000~2004,  B.A. in Environmental Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

2006-2007,  Visiting student, University of Regina, Canada 

Work Experience

2023 - Present    Professor, Peking University

2022 - 2023        Tenured Associate Professor, Peking University

2013 - 2022        Associate Professor, Peking University

2011 - 2013        Assistant Professor, Peking University

2009 - 2011        Postdoc, Peking University, University of Tsukuba

2018 - Present   Deputy Director, MOE Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes, Peking University

2015 - 2019        Assistant Dean, CUES, Peking University

2014 - 2015        Visiting Fellow, Yale University, USA

2012                   Visiting Scholar, RWTH Aachen University, Germany



Fund Project

2023       Peking University Boya Distinguished Professor

               Recognition from the President of Peking University

2021       Peking University Boya Young Fellow

               Recognition from the President of Peking University

2020       Outstanding Young Scientist

               Honor from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China

2019       Young Cheung Kong Scholar

               Faculty early career award in recognition of China's domestic top scholars by the Ministry of Education (MOE)

2018       Sino-French Outstanding Young Scientist

               Honor from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

2017       Outstanding Young Scientist

               Honor from the Geographical Society of China

2017       Ng Teng Fong-Sino Outstanding Teacher Award

               Teaching honor based on student course evaluation

2016       First-prize winner of Science and Technology Progress 

               Recognition from the Governor of Yunnan Province

2014       Outstanding Young Scientist

               Honor from the Chinese Society of Environmental Science

2012       BIARI Fellowship

               Fellowship from the Brown University for early-career scholars worldwide to address pressing global issues

2011       Nominating Award of National Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation

               Honor from the Ministry of Education

2010       First-prize winner of Science and Technology Progress 

               Recognition from the Administrator of the Ministry of Education

Fund Project

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (42225102): Nitrogen biogeochemistry, 2023-2027, PI: Feng Zhou (¥ 4,000,000)

  • National Major Research and Development Program funded by the MOST (2021YFD700801): Biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and phosphorous in agroecosystems and associated biological mechanisms, 2022-2025, PI: Feng Zhou (¥ 10,000,000), CoPI: Ju Min (CAS), Ning Wang (JAAS) and Chengli Tong (CAS)

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (U21A2025): Lag effect of agricultural non-point source pollution load into the middle reach of the Changjiang River, 2022-2025, PI: Feng Zhou (¥ 1,000,000)

  • National High-Level Talents Special Support Program funded by the MOST: Nitrogen cycling and extreme climate change, 2020-2023 (¥ 1,800,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (41977082): Impacts of extreme precipitation events on yield-scale emissions of China’s rice paddy fields, 2020-2023 (¥ 800,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (7181101181): Urban nitrogen cycles: new economy thinking to master the challenges of climate change, 2019-2022 (¥ 2,060,000), PI: Lin Zhang (PKU), CoI: Feng Zhou

  • National Major Research and Development Program funded by the MOST (2018YFC0213304): Bottom-up and top-down estimates of agricultural ammonia emissions and mitigation potentials, 2018-2021 (¥ 1,080,000), PI: Baojing Gu (ZJU), CoI: Feng Zhou

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (41671464): Spatial-temporal patterns and their drivers of global N2O emissions from agricultural soils over the last 25 years, 2017-2020 (¥ 812,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • National Major Research and Development Program funded by the MOST (2016YFD0800501): Nitrogen and phosphorous losses from paddy rice and thier ecological consequences, 2016-2020 (¥ 3,270,000), PI: Feng Zhou, CoI: Hongbin Liu (CAAS)

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (41561134016): The giant rivers of China, trends in water resources due to climate change and human pressure, 2016-2018 (¥ 1,497,900), PI: Shilong Piao (PKU), CoPI: Feng Zhou

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (41530528): Impacts of climate extremes on China’s terrestrial carbon balance, PI: Shilong Piao (PKU), CoPI: Feng Zhou, 2016-2020 (¥ 3,120,000)

  • International Joint Cooperation Laboratory Research Program funded by the MOE (2015JCL005): Mitigation options of nitrogen losses from agricultural soils, 2015-2017 (¥ 1,500,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • National Water Science and Technology Research Program funded by MOST (2013ZX07102-006): Water resource allocation for mitigating lake eutrophication, 2013-2017 (¥ 3,050,000), PI: Feng Zhou, CoPI: Huaicheng Guo (PKU) and Lijuan Li (CAS)

  • National Water Science and Technology Research Program funded by the MOST (2012ZX07503-002): Methodology development of national water resource assessment, 2013-2016 (¥ 900,000), PI: Feng Zhou, CoPI: Huaicheng Guo and Yong Liu (PKU)

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (41201077): Impacts of atmospheric deposition on eutrophic lake ecosystem, 2013-2015 (¥ 290,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Shenzhen Techand Ecology & Environment Co., LTD: Development of high-resolution hydrodynamic and water quality model for urban water systems, 2018 (¥ 900,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Yibin Environmental Protection Bureau: Delineation of urban source water protection area for Yibin City, 2016-2017 (¥ 1,040,000 RMB), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Shandong Environmental Protection Bureau: Ecological restoration design for Lake Nansihu watershed, 2016-2016 (¥ 800,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Yibin Environmental Protection Bureau: Water pollution control plan for Yangtze River of Yibin City,2015-2016 (¥ 690,000), PI: Feng Zhou

  • Ministry of Ecology and Environment (2013A005; 2014A027; 2015A018; 2016A143): Large-scale hydrological and water quality modeling of China, 2013-2016 (¥ 1,380,000), PI: Feng Zhou


A. Peking University Courses   Taught


Type of   Student



Team   Taught?

Principle   of Biogeochemistry (No. 12633060)

Fall   2013

Undergraduate   / graduate


10 / 10


Fall   2015

Undergraduate   / graduate


10 / 13


Fall   2016

Undergraduate   / graduate


7 / 6


Fall   2017

Undergraduate   / graduate


7 / 9


Fall   2018





Fall   2019

Undergraduate   / graduate


25 / 7


Fall   2020





Methods   in Biogeochemistry (No. 12633050)

Fall 2018




Yes,   co-teach with Dr. Shushi Peng

Spring   2020





Seminar   in Global Biogeochemical Cycles (No. 12610140)

Spring   2021





B. Graduate Student Supervised as   Major Advisor




Dissertation   Title

Xikang   Hou


Graduated   in Spring 2019. Two manuscript was published

Spatio-temporal   patterns of nitrogen runoff and their controlling factors in China’s   croplands

Weichen   Huang


Enrolled   in Fall 2019, passed comprehensive exam in June 2021, passed dissertation   defense, expect to graduate in 2014. Two manuscripts were published

Pathway   to nitrogen neutrality of rice fields in China

Yan Bo


Enrolled   in Fall 2020, passed comprehensive exam in June 2021. One manuscript was   published and one in review

Managing   water for sustainable global cropping system

Yiwei   Jian


Enrolled   in Spring 2021

Extreme   climate and rice yield variability: Biophysical and physiological mechanisms

Ziyin   Shang


Graduated   in Spring 2017. Three manuscripts were published

Spatio-temporal   pattern of cropland N2O emissions in China and its driving   mechanism    

Shuoshuo   Gao


Graduated   in Spring 2018. One manuscript was published

Effects   of natural and anthropogenic factors to nitrogen leaching from Chinese   uplands

Yan Bo


Graduated   in Spring 2019. Two manuscripts were published

Water   use change in China: driving mechanism and mitigation pathway

Qihui   Wang


Graduated   in Spring 2020. Two manuscripts were published

Nitrogen   source and sink of rice fields in China: 3-year observation evidences

Yiwei   Jian


Graduated   in Spring 2021. One manuscript was published

Impact   of extreme precipitation on rice yield in China

Changxian   Wu


Enrolled   in Fall 2019. One manuscript was published

Ecological   flow requirement deficit in China and its key drivers

Wulahati   Adalibieke


Enrolled   in Fall 2020. One manuscript was published and one in review

Cropland   ammonia volatilization: interface process and global estimation

C. Graduate Student Supervised as   Graduate Committee Member




Dissertation   Title

Yuqin   Sun


Graduated in Spring 2021

Mechanism   of arsenic mobilization and immobilization in reducing groundwater of   Quaternary aquifer, Yinchuan Plain

Shuqi   Cong


Graduated in Spring 2021

Characterizations   of syntrophic microbial aggregation of anoxic environment origin and the   effect of carbon nanomaterials

Meng Ma


Graduated in Spring 2020

The   Fate of Sulfamethoxazole during Managed Aquifer Recharge

Zhen   Tan


Graduated in Spring 2020

Groundwater   Arsenic Spatial Variability by Using Machine Learning Models

Tianbo   Huang


Graduated   in Spring 2019

Global   Ambient Ozone Pollution and Evaluation of Health Impacts

Weiguang   Lang


Graduated   in Spring 2019

Process-based   modelling and prediction of autumn phenology in temperate deciduous broadleaf   forest of the Northern Hemisphere 

Zan Sun


Graduated   in Spring 2019

Water-Ecosystem-Agriculture   nexus in the Middle and Lower Heihe River Basin

Hui   Yang


Graduated   in Spring 2018

Global   assessment of changes in runoff using the Budyko framework and land surface   model

Lihong   Yang


Graduated   in Spring 2018

Protection   Strategies for the Typical Groundwater Drinking Source in Agriculture   Dominated Area

Jie   Zhang


Graduated   in Spring 2018

Microbial   community assembly in chinese wetland soils and its methanogenic response to   temperature    

Shidong   Ge


Graduated   in Spring 2018

Carbon   storage and its change in China’s urban areas

Chuang   Zhao


Graduated   in Spring 2017

The   impacts of global warming on yields of major crops

Yan Sun


Graduated   in Spring 2017

Multi-scale   study on urban expansion and its impact on climate and vegetation

Shilong   Ren


Graduated   in Spring 2017

Simulating   the response of vegetation phenology to climate change in mid-latitude   grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere

Yuzhao   Li


Graduated   in Spring 2016

Evaluating   System Stability and Driving Process of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Plateau   Lakes

Feifei   Dong


Graduated   in Spring 2016

Multi-scale   Simulation-optimization Modelling Framework for Watershed Nonpoint Source   Pollution Control 

Youhua   Tian


Graduated   in Spring 2015

Simulation   and Prediction of First Leaf Unfolidng Response of Herbaceous Plants to   Climate Change in Northern China

Xuhui   Wang


Graduated   in Spring 2015

Impacts   of environmental change on rice ecosystems in China: development,   optimization and application of ORCHIDEE-crop model

D. Postdoctoral Fellow Supervised




Xiaoying   Zhan


Three   manuscripts were published. She is currently Associate Research Professor in   Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Yali Wu


Two   manuscripts were published. She is currently Associate Research Professor in Chinese Research Academy of   Environmental Sciences

Jin Fu


In   process; four manuscripts were published.

Xiaoqing   Cui


In   process; two manuscripts were published.

Yueyue   Du


In   process and co-supervised with the IIASA, Austria

E. Visiting Students or Scholars Advised




Peng Xu


Graduated   from Anhui Normal University as M.A.

Xikang   Hou


Graduated   from Anhui Normal University as M.A.

Chuan   Chen


Graduated   from Anhui Normal University as M.A.

Xiaoying   Lu


Graduated   from China Geoscience University as M.A.

Yumin   An


Graduated   from Lanzhou University as M.A.

Sheng   Wang


Graduated   from Yunnan University as M.A.

Changliang   Yang


Visiting   Scholar from Yunnan University

F. Undergraduate students advised   through the program funded by the Ministry of Education




Qi Mao



Yifu   Liu



Yiwei   Jian


Graduated   and she is currently Ph.D. student

Yiming   Li



Guoshuai   Yu



Wulahati   Adalibieke


Graduated   and he is currently master student

Wenjun   Jiang


Graduated;   one manuscript was published

Hongwei   Cai


In   process

Meishuai   Yuan


In   process

Lei   Wang


In   process

Research Direction

Global biogeochemical cycles, land surface model


Link: https://publons.com/researcher/2798676/feng-zhou/

Total publication in peer-reviewed journals: 84

Total citation (ISI / Google Scholar): 2,084 / 2,935

H index: 25 / 29

* Corresponding author; † These authors contributed equally to this work; # Students supervised by F. Zhou


1.      Cui, X. #; Zhou, F.*; Ciais, P.; Davidson, E. A.; Tubiello, F. N.; Niu, X.; Ju, X.; Canadell, J. G.; Bouwman, A. F.; Jackson, R. B.; Mueller, N. D.; Zheng, X.; Kanter, D.; Tian, H.; Adalibieke, W.; Bo, Y. #; Wang, Q. #; Zhan, X. #; Zhu, D., Global mapping of crop-specific emission factors highlights hotspots of nitrous oxide mitigation. Nature Food. 2021, 2, 886-893.

2.      Adalibieke, W. #; Zhan, X. #; Cui, X. #; Reis, S.; Winiwater, W.; Zhou, F.*, Decoupling between ammonia emission and crop production in China due to policy interventions. Global Change Biology. 2021, 27(22): 5877-5888.

3.      Zhan, X. #; Adalibieke, W. #; Cui, X. #; Winiwarter, W.; Reis, S.; Zhang, L.; Bai, Z.; Wang, Q. #; Huang, W. #; Zhou, F.*, Improved estimates of ammonia emissions from global croplands. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55(2): 1329-1338.

4.      Fu, J. #; Jian, Y. #; Wu, Y. #; Chen, D.; Zhao, X.; Ma, Y.; Niu, S.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, F.; Xu, C.; Wang, S.; Zhai, L.; Zhou, F.*, Nationwide estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus losses via runoff from rice paddies using data-constrained model simulations. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 279: 123642.

5.      Jiang, W. #; Huang, W. #; Liang, H.; Wu, Y. #; Shi, X.; Fu, J. #; Wang, Q. #; Hu, K.; Chen, L.; Liu, H.; Zhou, F.*, Is rice field a nitrogen source or sink for the environment? Environmental Pollution. 2021, 283: 117122.

6.      Liu, Y.; Jiang, Q.S.; Sun, Y.X.; Jian, Y.W. #; Zhou, F.*, Decline in nitrogen concentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventions during 2002-2018. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 288: 117826

7.      Liu, Y.; Wang, H.; Jiang, Z.; Wang, W.; Xu, R.; Wang, Q. #; Zhang, Z.; Li, A.; Liang, Y.; Ou, S.; Liu, X.; Cao, S.; Tong, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, F.; Liao, H.; Hu, B.*; Chu, C.*, Genomic basis of rice geographic adaptation to soil nitrogen. Nature. 2021, 590: 600-605.

8.      Wang, X.*; Müller, C.; Elliot, J.; Mueller, N. D.; Ciais, P.; Jägermeyr, J.; Gerber, J.; Dumas, P.; Wang, C.; Yang, H.; Li, L.; Deryng, D.; Folberth, C.; Liu, W.; Makowski, D.; Olin, S.; Pugh, T. A. M.; Reddy, A.; Schmid, E.; Jeong, S.; Zhou, F.; Piao, S., Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield. Nature Communications. 2021, 12: 1235.

9.      Lu, X.; Ye, X.; Zhou, M.; Zhao, Y.; Weng, H.; Kong, H.; Li, K.; Gao, M.; Zheng, B.; Lin, J.; Zhou, F.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, D.; Zhang, L.*; Zhang, Y.*, The underappreciated role of agricultural soil nitrogen oxide emissions in ozone pollution regulation in North China. Nature Communications. 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25147-9

10.   Guenet, B.*; Gabrielle, B.; Chenu, C.; Arrouays, D.; Balesdent, J.; Bernoux, M.; Bruni, E.; Caliman, J.-P.; Cardinael, R.; Chen, S.; Ciais, P.; Desbois, D.; Fouche, J.; Frank, S.; Henault, C.; Lugato, E.; Naipal, V.; Nesme, T.; Obersteiner, M.; Pellerin, S.; Powlson, D. S.; Rasse, D. P.; Rees, F.; Soussana, J.-F.; Su, Y.; Tian, H.; Valin, H.; Zhou, F., Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage? Global Change Biology. 2021, 27: 237-256.

11.   Shang, Z.Y.* #; Abdalla, M.; Xia, L.L.; Zhou, F.; Sun, W.J., Smith, P., Can cropland management practices lower net greenhouse emissions without compromising yield? Global Change Biology. 2021, 27: 4657-4670.

12.   Gao, Y.*; Jia, J.; Lu, Y.; Yang, T.; Lyu, S.; Shi, K.; Zhou, F.; Yu, G.*, Determining dominating control mechanisms of inland water carbon cycling processes and associated gross primary productivity on regional and global scales. Earth-Science Reviews. 2021, 213: 103497.

13.   Yin, Z.*; Ottlé, C.; Ciais, P.; Zhou, F.; Wang, X.; Jan, P.; Dumas, P.; Peng, S.; Li, L.; Zhou, X.; Piao, S., Irrigation, damming, and streamflow fluctuations of the Yellow River. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2021, 25: 1133–1150.

14.   Wang, C.; Qin, Y.; Li, Y.; Wu, R.; Zhu, D.; Zhou, F.; Xu, F.*, Variations of root-associated bacterial cooccurrence relationships in paddy soils under chlorantraniliprole (CAP) stress. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 779: 146247.

15.   Zhu, X.; Shen, J.*; Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Xu, W.; Zhou, F.; Wang, J.; Reis, S.; Wu, J., Nitrogen emission and deposition budget in an agricultural catchment in subtropical central China. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 289: 117870.

16.   Sun, Y.; Gu, B.*; van Grinsven, H. J. M.; Reis, S.; Lam, S. K.; Zhang, X.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, F.; Zhang, L.; Wang, R.; Chen, D.; Xu, J.*, The Warming Climate Aggravates Atmospheric Nitrogen Pollution in Australia. Research. 2021, 2021: 9804583.

17.   Nishina, K.*; Ito, A.; Zhou, F.; Yan, X.; Hayashi, S.; Winiwarter, W., Historical trends of riverine nitrogen loading from land to the East China Sea: a model-based evaluation. Environmental Research Communications. 2021, doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/ac1ce8


18.   Zhou, F.*; Bo, Y. #; Ciais, P.; Dumas, P.; Tang, Q.; Wang, X.; Liu, J.; Zheng, C.; Polcher, J.; Yin, Z.; Guimberteau, M.; Peng, S.; Ottle, C.; Zhao, X.; Zhao, J.; Tan, Q.; Chen, L.; Shen, H.; Yang, H.; Piao, S.; Wang, H.; Wada, Y., Deceleration of China’s human water use and its key drivers. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020, 117: 7702-7711.

19.   Wang, Q. #; Zhou, F.*; Shang, Z. #; Ciais, P.; Winiwarter, W.; Jackson, R. B.; Tubiello, F. N.; Janssens-Maenhout, G.; Tian, H.; Cui, X. #; Josep G, C.; Piao, S.; Tao, S., Data-driven estimates of global nitrous oxide emissions from croplands. National Science Review. 2020, 7(2): 441-452.

20.   Wu, Y. #; Huang, W. #; Zhou, F.*; Fu, J. #; Wang, S.; Cui, X. #; Wang, Q. #; Bo, Y. #; Yang, S.; Wang, N.; Gu, X.; Chen, J.; Zhu, J., Raindrop-induced ejection at soil-water interface contributes substantially to nutrient runoff losses from rice paddies. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2020, 304: 107135.

21.   Shi, X.; Hu, K.*; Batchelor, W. D.; Liang, H.; Wu, Y. #; Wang, Q. #; Fu, J. #; Cui, X. #; Zhou, F.*, Exploring optimal nitrogen management strategies to mitigate nitrogen losses from paddy soil in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Agricultural Water Management. 2020, 228: 105877.

22.   Jian, Y. #; Fu, J. #; Li, B.; Zhou, F.*, Increased extreme hourly precipitation over China’s rice paddies from 1961 to 2012. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10(1): 10609.

23.   Tian, H.*; Xu, R.; Canadell, J. G.; Thompson, R. L.; Winiwarter, W.; Suntharalingam, P.; Davidson, E. A.; Ciais, P.; Jackson, R. B.; Janssens-Maenhout, G.; Prather, M. J.; Regnier, P.; Pan, N.; Pan, S.; Peters, G. P.; Shi, H.; Tubiello, F. N.; Zaehle, S.; Zhou, F.; Arneth, A.; Battaglia, G.; Berthet, S.; Bopp, L.; Bouwman, A. F.; Buitenhuis, E. T.; Chang, J.; Chipperfield, M. P.; Dangal, S. R. S.; Dlugokencky, E.; Elkins, J. W.; Eyre, B. D.; Fu, B.; Hall, B.; Ito, A.; Joos, F.; Krummel, P. B.; Landolfi, A.; Laruelle, G. G.; Lauerwald, R.; Li, W.; Lienert, S.; Maavara, T.; MacLeod, M.; Millet, D. B.; Olin, S.; Patra, P. K.; Prinn, R. G.; Raymond, P. A.; Ruiz, D. J.; van der Werf, G. R.; Vuichard, N.; Wang, J.; Weiss, R. F.; Wells, K. C.; Wilson, C.; Yang, J.; Yao, Y., A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks. Nature. 2020, 586: 248-256.

24.   Gao, Y.*; Zhou, F.; Ciais, P.*; Miao, C.; Yang, T.; Jia, Y.; Zhou, X.; Klaus, B.-B.; Yang, T.; Yu, G.*, Human activities aggravate nitrogen-deposition pollution to inland water over China. National Science Review. 2020, 7(2): 430-440.

25.   Yin, Z.*; Wang, X. H.; Ottlé, C.; Zhou, F.; Guimberteau, M.; Polcher, J.; Peng, S. S.; Piao, S. L.; Li, L.; Bo, Y. #; Chen, X. L.; Zhou, X. D.; Kim, H.; Ciais, P., Improvement of the Irrigation Scheme in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model and Impacts of Irrigation on Regional Water Budgets Over China. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 2020, 12: e2019MS001770.

26.   Gao, Y.*; Jia, J.; Lu, Y.; Zhou, F.; Hao, Z.; Johnes, P. J.; Dungait, J. A. J.; Shi, K., Cascading multiscale watershed effects on differential carbon isotopic characteristics and associated hydrological processes. Journal of Hydrology. 2020, 588, 125139.

27.   Shen, H.*; Chen, Y.; Hu, Y.; Ran, L.; Lam, S. K.; Pavur, G. K.; Zhou, F.; Pleim, J. E.; Russell, A. G., Intense Warming Will Significantly Increase Cropland Ammonia Volatilization Threatening Food Security and Ecosystem Health. One Earth. 2020, 3: 126-134.

28.   Liu, X. J.*; Xu, W.; Du, E. Z.; Tang, A. H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Wen, Z.; Hao, T. X.; Pan, Y. P.; Zhang, L.; Gu, B. J.; Zhao, Y.; Shen, J. L.; Zhou, F.; Gao, Z. L.; Feng, Z. Z.; Chang, Y. H.; Goulding, K.; Collett, J. L.; Vitousek, P. M.; Zhang, F. S., Environmental impacts of nitrogen emissions in China and the role of policies in emission reduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2020, 378: 20190324.

29.   Winiwarter, W.*; Amon, B.; Bai, Z.; Greinert, A.; Kaltenegger, K.; Ma, L.; Myszograj, S.; Schneidergruber, M.; Suchowski-Kisielewicz, M.; Wolf, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhou, F., Urban nitrogen budgets: flows and stock changes of potentially polluting nitrogen compounds in cities and their surroundings – a review. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences. 2020, 17: 57-71.

30.   Shang, Z.* #; Abdalla, M.; Kuhnert, M.; Albanito, F.; Zhou, F.; Xia, L.; Smith, P., Measurement of N2O emissions over the whole year is necessary for estimating reliable emission factors. Environmental Pollution. 2020, 259: 113864.

31.   Jia, J.; Gao, Y.*; Zhou, F.; Shi, K.; Johnes, P. J.; Dungait, J. A. J.; Ma, M.; Lu, Y., Identifying the main drivers of change of phytoplankton community structure and gross primary productivity in a river-lake system. Journal of Hydrology. 2020, 583: 124633.


32.   Shang, Z. #; Zhou, F.*; Smith, P.; Saikawa, E.; Ciais, P.; Chang, J.; Tian, H.; Grosso, S. J. D.; Ito, A.; Chen, M.; Wang, Q. #; Bo, Y. #; Cui, X. #; Castaldi, S.; Juszczak, R.; Kasimir, Å.; Magliulo, V.; Medinets, S.; Medinets, V.; Rees, R. M.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Sabbatini, S., Weakened growth of cropland N2O emissions in China associated with nationwide policy interventions. Global Change Biology. 2019, 25(25): 3706-3719.

33.   Fu, J. #; Wu, Y. #; Wang, Q. #; Hu, K.; Wang, S.; Zhou, M.; Hayashi, K.; Wang, H.; Zhan, X. #; Jian, Y. #; Cai, C.; Song, M.; Liu, K.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, F.*; Zhu, J., Importance of subsurface fluxes of water, nitrogen and phosphorus from rice paddy fields relative to surface runoff. Agricultural Water Management. 2019, 213: 627-635.

34.   Zhan, X. #; Chen, C.; Wang, Q. #; Zhou, F.*; Hayashi, K.; Ju, X.; Lam, S. K.; Wang, Y.; Wu, Y. #; Fu, J. #; Zhang, L.; Gao, S. #; Hou, X. #; Bo, Y. #; Zhang, D.; Liu, K.; Wu, Q.; Su, R.; Zhu, J.; Yang, C.; Dai, C.; Liu, H., Improved Jayaweera-Mikkelsen model to quantify ammonia volatilization from rice paddy fields in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019, 26: 8136-8147.

35.   Gu, B. J.*; Lam, S. K.; Reis, S.; van Grinsven, H.; Ju, X. T.; Yan, X. Y.; Zhou, F.; Liu, H. B.; Cai, Z. C.; Galloway, J. N.; Howard, C.; Sutton, M. A.; Chen, D. L., Toward a Generic Analytical Framework for Sustainable Nitrogen Management: Application for China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53(3): 1109-1118.

36.   Zhuang, Y.; Zhang, L.*; Li, S.; Liu, H.; Zhai, L.; Zhou, F.; Ye, Y.; Ruan, S.; Wen, W., Effects and potential of water-saving irrigation for rice production in China. Agricultural Water Management. 2019, 217: 374-382.

37.   Wang, S.*; Wei, S.; Liang, H.; Zheng, W.; Li, X.; Hu, C.; Currell, M. J.; Zhou, F.; Min, L., Nitrogen stock and leaching rates in a thick vadose zone below areas of long-term nitrogen fertilizer application in the North China Plain: A future groundwater quality threat. Journal of Hydrology. 2019, 576: 28-40.


38.   Hou, X. K. #; Zhan, X. #; Zhou, F.*; Yan, X.; Gu, B.; Reis, S.; Wu, Y. L. #; Liu, H.; Piao, S.; Tang, Y., Detection and attribution of nitrogen runoff trend in China's croplands. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 234: 270-278.

39.   Wu, Y.; Bo, Y.; Zhou, F.*; Tang, Q.; Guimberteau, M.; Ciais, P.; Yang, T.; Peng, S.; Piao, S.; Zheng, J.; Dong, Y.; Dai, C., Quantifying the unauthorized lake water withdrawals and their impacts on the water budget of eutrophic lake Dianchi, China. Journal of Hydrology. 2018, 565: 39-48.

40.   Yin, Z.; Ottlé, C.; Ciais, P.; Guimberteau, M.; Wang, X.; Zhu, D.; Maignan, F.; Peng, S.; Piao, S.; Polcher, J.; Zhou, F.; Kim, H.; other China-Trend-Stream project, m., Evaluation of ORCHIDEE-MICT-simulated soil moisture over China and impacts of different atmospheric forcing data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2018, 22(10): 5463-5484.

41.   Xi, Y.; Peng, S.*; Ciais, P.; Guimberteau, M.; Li, Y.; Piao, S.; Wang, X.; Polcher, J.; Yu, J.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, F.; Bo, Y.; Ottle, C.; Yin, Z., Contributions of climate change, CO2, land-use change and human activities to changes in river flow across ten Chinese basins. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2018, 19(11): 1899–1914.

42.   Wang, H. Y.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, Y. T.; Zhai, L. M.; Yin, B.; Zhou, F.; Geng, Y. C.; Pan, J. T.; Luo, J. F.; Gu, B. J.; Liu, H. B.*, Ammonia emissions from paddy fields are underestimated in China. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 235: 482-488.

43.   Ouyang, W.*; Lian, Z.; Hao, X.; Gu, X.; Hao, F.; Lin, C.; Zhou, F., Increased ammonia emissions from synthetic fertilizers and land degradation associated with reduction in arable land area in China. Land Degradation & Development. 2018, 29(11): 3928-3939.

44.   Li, X.; Balkanski, Y.; Wu, Z.; Gasser, T.; Ciais, P.; Zhou, F.; Li, L.; Tao, S.; Peng, S.; Piao, S.; Wang, R.; Wang, T.; Li, B.*, Analysis of slight precipitation in China during the past decades and its relationship with advanced very high radiometric resolution normalized difference vegetation index. International Journal of Climatology. 2018, 38(15): 5563-5575.


45.   Zhan, X. #; Zhou, F.*; Liu, X.; Paerl, H. W.; Shen, J.; Wang, R.; Tao, S.; Li, F.; Bo, Y. #; Dong, Y.; Tang, X., Evidence for the importance of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to hypereutrophic Lake Dianchi, China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51(12): 6699-6708.

46.   Yang, H.; Zhou, F.; Piao, S. L.*; Huang, M. T.; Chen, A. P.; Ciais, P.; Li, Y.; Lian, X.; Peng, S. S.; Zeng, Z. Z., Regional patterns of future runoff changes from Earth system models constrained by observation. Geophysical Research Letters. 2017, 44(11): 5540-5549.

47.   Wang, R.*; Goll, D.; Balkanski, Y.; Hauglustaine, D.; Boucher, O.; Ciais, P.; Janssens, I.; Penuelas, J.; Guenet, B.; Sardans, J.; Bopp, L.; Vuichard, N.; Zhou, F.; Li, B. G.; Piao, S. L.; Peng, S. S.; Huang, Y.; Tao, S., Global forest carbon uptake due to nitrogen and phosphorus deposition from 1850 to 2100. Global Change Biology. 2017, 23(11): 4854-4872.

48.   Meng, W. J.; Zhong, Q. R.; Yun, X.; Zhu, X.; Huang, T. B.; Shen, H. Z.; Chen, Y. L.; Chen, H.; Zhou, F.; Liu, J. F.; Wang, X. M.; Zeng, E. Y.; Tao, S.*, Improvement of a Global High-Resolution Ammonia Emission Inventory for Combustion and Industrial Sources with New Data from the Residential and Transportation Sectors. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51(5): 2821-2829.

49.   Wang, X. H.*; Ciais, P.; Li, L.; Ruget, F.; Vuichard, N.; Viovy, N.; Zhou, F.; Chang, J. F.; Wu, X. C.; Zhao, H. F.; Piao, S. L., Management outweighs climate change on affecting length of rice growing period for early rice and single rice in China during 1991-2012. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017, 233: 1-11.

50.   Tong, Y. D.*; Bu, X. G.; Chen, J. Y.; Zhou, F.; Chen, L.; Liu, M. D.; Tan, X.; Yu, T.; Zhang, W.; Mi, Z. R.; Ma, L. K.; Wang, X. J.; Ni, J., Estimation of nutrient discharge from the Yangtze River to the East China Sea and the identification of nutrient sources. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2017, 321: 728-736.

51.   Tong, Y.*; Bu, X.; Chen, C.; Yang, X.; Lu, Y.; Liang, H.; Liu, M.; Lin, H.; Zhang, H.; Lin, Y.; Zhou, F.; Zhao, S.; Wu, T.; Mao, G.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X., Impacts of sanitation improvement on reduction of nitrogen discharges entering the environment from human excreta in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 593–594: 439-448.

52.   Qu, B.; Sillanpää, M.; Li, C.*; Kang, S.; Stubbins, A.; Yan, F.; Aho, K. S.; Zhou, F.; Raymond, P., Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Tibetan Plateau. PloS One. 2017, 12(5): e0178166.


53.   Zhou, F.*; Ciais, P.; Hayashi, K.; Galloway, J.; Kim, D. G.; Yang, C. L.; Li, S. Y.; Liu, B.; Shang, Z. Y. #; Gao, S. S. #, Re-estimating NH3 Emissions from Chinese Cropland by a New Nonlinear Model. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50(2): 564-572.

54.   Gao, S. S. #; Xu, P.; Zhou, F.*; Yang, H.; Zheng, C. M.; Cao, W.; Tao, S.; Piao, S. L.; Zhao, Y.; Ji, X. Y.; Shang, Z. Y. #; Chen, M. P., Quantifying nitrogen leaching response to fertilizer additions in China's cropland. Environmental Pollution. 2016, 211: 241-251.

55.   Hou, X. K. #; Zhou, F.*; Leip, A.; Fu, B. J.; Yang, H.; Chen, Y.; Gao, S. S. #; Shang, Z. Y. #; Ma, L. K., Spatial patterns of nitrogen runoff from Chinese paddy fields. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 2016, 231: 246-254.

56.   Chen, Y.; Zhao, K. P.; Wu, Y. Y.; Gao, S. S. #; Cao, W.; Bo, Y. #; Shang, Z. Y. #; Wu, J.; Zhou, F.*, Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Source Identification of Water Pollution in Lake Taihu (China). Water. 2016, 8(3): 86.

57.   Li, B. G.*; Gasser, T.; Ciais, P.; Piao, S. L.; Tao, S.; Balkanski, Y.; Hauglustaine, D.; Boisier, J. P.; Chen, Z.; Huang, M. T.; Li, L. Z.; Li, Y.; Liu, H. Y.; Liu, J. F.; Peng, S. S.; Shen, Z. H.; Sun, Z. Z.; Wang, R.; Wang, T.; Yin, G. D.; Yin, Y.; Zeng, H.; Zeng, Z. Z.; Zhou, F., The contribution of China's emissions to global climate forcing. Nature. 2016, 531(7594): 357-361.

58.   Tong, Y. D.*; Yao, R. H.; He, W.; Zhou, F.; Chen, C.; Liu, X. H.; Lu, Y. R.; Zhang, W.; Wang, X. J.; Lin, Y.; Zhou, M., Impacts of sanitation upgrading to the decrease of fecal coliforms entering into the environment in China. Environmental Research. 2016, 149: 57-65.

59.   Peng, S. S.*; Piao, S. L.; Bousquet, P.; Ciais, P.; Li, B. G.; Lin, X.; Tao, S.; Wang, Z. P.; Zhang, Y. A.; Zhou, F., Inventory of anthropogenic methane emissions in mainland China from 1980 to 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2016, 16(22): 14545-14562.


60.   Zhou, F.*; Shang, Z. Y. #; Zeng, Z. Z.; Piao, S. L.; Ciais, P.; Raymond, P. A.; Wang, X. H.; Wang, R.; Chen, M. P.; Yang, C. L.; Tao, S.; Zhao, Y.; Meng, Q.; Gao, S. S. #; Mao, Q. #, New model for capturing the variations of fertilizer-induced emission factors of N2O. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2015, 29(6): 885-897.

61.   Zhou, F.*; Dong, Y. J.; Wu, J.; Zheng, J. L.; Zhao, Y., An Indirect Simulation-Optimization Model for Determining Optimal TMDL Allocation under Uncertainty. Water. 2015, 7(11): 6634-6650.

62.   Wang, R.*; Balkanski, Y.; Bopp, L.; Aumont, O.; Boucher, O.; Ciais, P.; Gehlen, M.; Penuelas, J.; Ethe, C.; Hauglustaine, D.; Li, B. G.; Liu, J. F.; Zhou, F.; Tao, S., Influence of anthropogenic aerosol deposition on the relationship between oceanic productivity and warming. Geophysical Research Letters. 2015, 42(24): 10745-10754.


63.   Zhou, F.*; Shang, Z. Y. #; Ciais, P.; Tao, S.; Piao, S. L.; Raymond, P.; He, C. F.; Li, B. G.; Wang, R.; Wang, X. H.; Peng, S. S.; Zeng, Z. Z.; Chen, H.; Ying, N.; Hou, X. K. #; Xu, P., A new high-resolution N2O emission inventory for China in 2008. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(15): 8538-8547.

64.   Guo, H. C.; Gao, W.; Zhou, F.*, Three-level trade-off analysis for decision making in environmental engineering under interval uncertainty. Engineering Optimization. 2014, 46(3): 377-392.

65.   Zeng, Z. Z.; Wang, T.; Zhou, F.; Ciais, P.; Mao, J. F.; Shi, X. Y.; Piao, S. L.*, A worldwide analysis of spatiotemporal changes in water balance-based evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2014, 119(3): 1186-1202.


66.   Zhou, F.; Chen, G. X.*; Huang, Y. F.; Yang, J. Z.; Feng, H., An adaptive moving finite volume scheme for modeling flood inundation over dry and complex topography. Water Resources Research. 2013, 49(4): 1914-1928.

67.   Zhou, F.; Chen, G. X.*; Noelle, S.; Guo, H. C., A well-balanced stable generalized Riemann problem scheme for shallow water equations using adaptive moving unstructured triangular meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 2013, 73(3): 266-283.

Before 2013

68.   Wang, Z.; Gao, W.; Cai, Y. L.; Guo, H. C.; Zhou, F.*, Joint optimization of population pattern and end-of-pipe control under uncertainty for Lake Dianchi water-quality management. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2012, 21(12): 3693-3704.

69.   Yang, Y. H.; Wang, C. Y.; Guo, H. C.*; Sheng, H.; Zhou, F., An integrated SOM-based multivariate approach for spatio-temporal patterns identification and source apportionment of pollution in complex river network. Environmental Pollution. 2012, 168: 71-79.

70.   Yang, Y. H.; Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Sheng, H.; Liu, H.; Dao, X.; He, C. J., Analysis of spatial and temporal water pollution patterns in Lake Dianchi using multivariate statistical methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2010, 170(1-4): 407-416.

71.   Zhou, F.; Huang, G. H.; Chen, G. X.; Guo, H. C.*, Enhanced-interval linear programming. European Journal of Operational Research. 2009, 199(2): 323-333.

72.   Liu, Y.; Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Yu, Y. J.; Zou, Y. F., Biotic condition assessment and the implication for lake fish conservation: a case study of Lake Qionghai, China. Water And Environment Journal. 2009, 23(3): 189-199.

73.   Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Chen, G. X.; Huang, G. H., The Interval Linear Programming: A Revisit. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 2008, 11(1): 1-10.

74.   Liu, Y.; Guo, H. C.*; Zhou, F.; Qin, X. S.; Huang, K.; Yu, Y. J., Inexact chance-constrained linear programming model for optimal water pollution management at the watershed scale. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-ASCE. 2008, 134(4): 347-356.

75.   Liu, Y.; Guo, H. C.*; Yu, Y. J.; Dai, Y. L.; Zhou, F., Ecological-economic modeling as a tool for watershed management: A case study of Lake Qionghai watershed, China. Limnologica. 2008, 38(2): 89-104.

76.   Zhou, F.; Huang, G. H.; Guo, H. C.*; Zhang, W.; Hao, Z. J., Spatio-temporal patterns and source apportionment of coastal water pollution in eastern Hong Kong. Water Research. 2007, 41(15): 3429-3439.

77.   Zhou, F.; Liu, Y.; Guo, H. C.*, Application of multivariate statistical methods to water quality assessment of the watercourses in northwestern new territories, hong kong. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2007, 132(1-3): 1-13.

78.   Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Liu, Y.; Jiang, Y. M., Chemometrics data analysis of marine water quality and source identification in Southern Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2007, 54(6): 745-756.

79.   Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Hao, Z. J., Spatial distribution of heavy metals in Hong Kong's marine sediments and their human impacts: A GIS-based chemometric approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2007, 54(9): 1372-1384.

80.   Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Liu, Y.; Hao, Z. J., Identification and spatial patterns of coastal water pollution sources based on GIS and chemometric approach. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2007, 19(7): 805-810.

81.   Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Liu, L., Quantitative identification and source apportionment of anthropogenic heavy metals in marine sediment of Hong Kong. Environmental Geology. 2007, 53(2): 295-305.

82.   Zhou, F.; Guo, H. C.*; Ho, Y. S.; Wu, C. Z., Scientometric analysis of geostatistics using multivariate methods. Scientometrics. 2007, 73(3): 265-279.

83.   Liu, Y.; Qin, X. S.; Guo, H. C.*; Zhou, F.; Wang, J. F.; Lv, X. J.; Mao, G. Z., ICCLP: An inexact chance-constrained linear programming model for land-use management of lake areas in urban fringes. Environmental Management. 2007, 40(6): 966-980.


Peking University

College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

  • 86-10-62751172
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